Is it possible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter and how to do it correctly

Potatoes are an integral part of our diet, so we want them to be of ideal quality, and even better, from our home garden. And if in the private sector there are no special problems with storing potatoes, then residents of multi-storey buildings have a more difficult time.

From the article you will learn, how to store potatoes in winter on the balcony so that it retains its natural taste, marketable appearance and beneficial properties.

Suitable conditions for storing potatoes on the balcony

Is it possible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter and how to do it correctly

To store the crop, choose a dry, dark room with good air circulation, protected from moisture, dust and insects.

Optimal for storage Potato temperature is considered to be +2...+6°C and humidity - 70–80%. If the storage location in winter is too warm, the potatoes will “feel” the approach of spring and begin germinate.

At what temperature do potatoes freeze on the balcony? At 0°C, the starch contained in the tubers will turn into sugar, and at sub-zero temperatures the tubers will disappear.

Is there a difference in storage: on a heated and unheated balcony?

The recommended storage temperature of +2...+6°C will be constant on a heated balcony thanks to the installed floor heating system. In this case, the potatoes are placed in a cardboard box or any ventilated container.

But on an unheated balcony there is a high risk of a drop in air temperature. In this case, to ensure optimal conditions, the container for storage equipped with additional heating.

Is there a difference: glazed and unglazed balcony

An open balcony is unsuitable for storing vegetables in winter. Sharp strong winds, high humidity, and regular temperature changes are disastrous conditions for vegetables. Therefore, insulated structures are constructed on such a balcony.

It is prohibited to use electrical appliances, as they will not be able to work properly in an inappropriate place.

How long can it be stored on the balcony?

Is it possible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter and how to do it correctly

If all conditions are met, the potatoes will safely survive the winter and last until spring. The main thing is that the temperature and humidity do not change. An important condition for the preservation of potatoes is systematic ventilation. Lack of air circulation in the room will lead to the spread of vegetable rot.

Preparing potatoes for storage

Before leaving potatoes to winter on the balcony, they are prepared:

  1. Carefully remove adhered soil from the tubers without damaging the peel itself to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  2. Dry the potatoes thoroughly. In sunny weather, spread a blanket, blanket or any other fabric on the floor of the balcony. The remaining moisture will evaporate, reducing the risk of rotting. Dry for 10-14 days.
  3. Examine the potatoes carefully. If the tubers show signs of rotting, discard them. Potatoes with traces of a shovel remain, but are consumed first.
  4. Healthy potatoes are collected in a pre-selected and prepared container.

Eat ways reduce the risk of potatoes rotting. To do this, lay a layer of beetroot or chopped garlic on top (100 kg of potatoes 100 g of garlic), as well as rowan leaves, wormwood, elderberry or onion peels.

Preparing the storage container

Is it possible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter and how to do it correctly

It is important to prepare not only the potatoes themselves, but also the container in which they will be stored all winter. Vegetables are kept in boxes. It is more difficult to ensure proper air exchange in bags, and picking potatoes from boxes is much more convenient and faster.

First of all, the boxes are disinfected. It doesn’t matter whether they are new or have already been used before. Prepare the mixture yourself. It contains water, soap and soda. If you choose wooden boxes for storage, then they are additionally treated with a solution of copper sulfate (10 g of powder per 1 liter of water) and lime until they dry.

In addition to boxes, plastic containers or a heating cabinet are used. Some people repurpose an old refrigerator into storage for vegetables. The harvest is also stored in a cardboard box.

Wooden box without insulation

A wooden box with a lid is made from boards or plywood. The thickness of its walls is at least 5 cm. It is sanded and coated with paint or varnish. The storage box should not come into contact with the concrete floor, so it is placed on a small elevation or special stands that will provide an air cushion effect.


Thermobox is a ready-made storage unit, which is also called a thermal cabinet or “winter cellar”. This design is available in any specialized store. The advantage is completely autonomous operation. The box maintains the set temperature. These boxes have a metal body and a wooden interior, which is equipped with ventilation, so that the vegetables do not “suffocate”.

Manufacturers offer a wide range - you can easily choose a thermal box of the right size and color.

Container for temporary “overexposure”

This storage method is suitable for those who do not purchase potatoes in large quantities.If your balcony is insulated, then ordinary plastic boxes or bags are sufficient for a small volume of vegetables.

Homemade box with insulation

Is it possible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter and how to do it correctly

To supply heat to the box, use a 40-60 W incandescent lamp or a low-power hair dryer.

In the second case, air will flow into the box with potatoes through tubes, and switching on and off will be carried out automatically using a thermal relay. This will allow you to maintain the recommended temperature.

What you will need to assemble the structure:

  • plywood;
  • insulation from 50 mm;
  • timber and plastic tubes 40-50 mm in diameter;
  • hair dryer;
  • electrical contact relay.

It is not recommended to use mineral wool materials as they absorb moisture. Use penoplex.

Heated box assembly technology:

  1. First of all, make a frame from timber, fasten the bars at the corners.
  2. Cover the walls of the box, attach the sheets with self-tapping screws. At the same time, do not forget to make holes for air supply through the tube.
  3. Using a utility knife, cut the board insulation to the required size. Glue it to the walls of the box itself and to the lid from the inside. You can also line the box with foil insulation.
  4. Insert the tube into the hole made in the box and attach it to the hair dryer.
  5. Make small holes in the tube so that the warm air is evenly distributed inside.

Check all fasteners and all connections to ensure safe, reliable use and no short circuits.

There is another, simpler way to insulate a potato storage box. Hang an incandescent lamp inside a tin cylinder. Pre-color the lamp black, as light has an adverse effect on the condition of the potatoes.Such a lamp does not burn a lot of electricity, and the heat generated is enough to maintain a positive temperature in the storage room.

How to protect potatoes from freezing

Freezing of potatoes on the balcony during cold weather is a very common occurrence.

Some tips to help avoid this:

  1. Potatoes that are sent for long-term storage must be dry. Wet freezes and spoils much faster.
  2. The main reason for vegetables freezing is untimely insulation of storage. If the potato has received even minor frostbite, then further actions will no longer have the desired effect.
  3. Potatoes left for storage on the balcony remain uncovered. This provokes frostbite on the top layer. Cover the storage container with a lid, a cotton blanket or a mattress.

Additional heating

Is it possible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter and how to do it correctly

It is much more difficult to preserve potatoes on an unheated balcony. In this case, you cannot get by with an ordinary box in which the entire crop will freeze when cold weather sets in.

Boxes made of plywood and boards are insulated.


  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws

Insulation materials:

  • sawdust;
  • polystyrene foam or wood shavings;
  • pieces of fiberboard or chipboard suitable for the size of the frame.

If the box is lined with plywood on both sides, then place insulation between them. Secure the top with a sheet of plywood to size.

If the container is made of boards, then make the same box smaller in size and place it inside the larger one. Fill the space formed between them with polystyrene foam or shavings, and make a lid on top. Some people cover it with straw.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistakes when storing potatoes:

  1. Loading tubers into boxes that have not been sorted before.
  2. Lack of ventilation in containers where crops are stored.
  3. Using a dirty box or room.
  4. Storing under-dried wet vegetables and tuber trimmings.
  5. Incorrectly selected potato variety (early). This will cause rapid damage to the crop.


Potatoes can be stored during the cold season, even if you live in a city apartment. Use the free space on the balcony and make your own containers for storing vegetables. Do not forget to follow all the rules and temperature conditions.

A good alternative is a thermobox that works autonomously and maintains the set temperature.

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