Instructions for growing decorative pepper “Little Miracle” at home

There are fans of planting tomatoes and cucumbers in their summer cottages, some like to pick berries in the forest, but there are also supporters of growing plants at home, similar to garden plants. They enthusiastically grow low-growing but abundantly ripening tomatoes, cucumbers with small vines, and graceful lemons on window sills and balconies.

The decorative pepper Little Miracle stands apart among domestic crops. It is grown for different, sometimes unexpected purposes.

Description and characteristics of the variety

This unusual variety of pepper was bred in Holland, a country where breeding work for growing fruit and vegetable crops is carried out especially productively.

What does it look like

The fruits are small, up to 3 cm in length, weighing up to 5 g. The stem can grow up to 30 cm.

Important! With good care, up to 50 ripe fruits can be collected from 1 bush.

As they ripen, peppers change color: they start out green, then turn purple, orange and finally red. The color of ripe small peppers is red, like the chili variety. The taste of the Little Miracle is exactly like chili - the fruits are hot and bitter.

Instructions for growing ornamental peppers A small miracle at homeThe culture is used for culinary and decorative purposes: a low green plant with bright red splashes of fruit looks great as a room decoration.

Is it possible to eat it

Peppers grown on such bushes are small in size, but quite edible. They can be used in cooking as a spicy seasoning.

Peppers of this variety are used to decorate dishes when serving a festive banquet table. Only guests need to be warned that the bright and attractive fruits have a burning taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

A unique culture has advantages:

  • even with inattentive care, the bushes show high productivity;
  • the crop is not demanding on long-term lighting and soil composition;
  • economical use of fruits in cooking (one pepper is enough to give the dish a characteristic taste);
  • indoor bushes destroy microbes - peppers have bactericidal properties;
  • alcohol and vodka tinctures are used for medicinal purposes for radiculitis and rheumatism;
  • decorative properties.

The only disadvantages include the strong pungency of ripe fruits. An ignorant person or child may carelessly eat pepper or touch it and rub their eyes. Then urgent measures will be required.

It is recommended to use pepper with caution in case of diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder. Uncontrolled and constant consumption of any spicy seasonings leads to gastritis and stomach ulcers, so it is not recommended to use it as an independent food product.

Reference. Pets do not show interest in this pepper.

Instructions for growing ornamental peppers A small miracle at home

What is needed for growing

Despite the stated unpretentiousness, pepper still requires some care. It is simple, but without it the plant will develop poorly, bear fruit poorly, or even die.

Location requirements

Peppers of this variety love direct sunlight. It is recommended to grow them on a well-lit windowsill, and in the summer take them out onto a balcony or loggia.

Important! In extreme heat, direct sunlight can be detrimental to the plant. On such days, it is recommended to put it in a cool, shaded place.

The little miracle goes well with almost all ornamental crops that are grown in apartments. Unless a large number of geraniums nearby can have a depressing effect on the growth of the plant. But not all flower growers note this.

Materials and tools

To grow ornamental peppers you will need:

  • container (tub, pot) with a volume of about 2 liters;Instructions for growing ornamental peppers A small miracle at home
  • spatula and small rake for loosening;
  • scissors for pinching stems and cutting fruits;
  • medium-sized sprayer for irrigating plants in hot weather.

You should prepare a container for settling warm water - cold watering greatly slows down the growth of the plant, and the leaves dry out because of this.

How to grow decorative peppers A small miracle

To successfully grow peppers, you will need to do some preparatory work.

Seed selection and treatment, soil preparation

Seeds can be purchased at any specialized store; the variety is not rare. Before planting, they should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect and swell.

Traditional soil can be used. A mixture of garden soil, leaf humus and sand is considered optimal.


Peppers of this decorative variety can be grown by seedlings and sowing seeds.. Since we are talking about home cultivation without subsequent planting in open ground, preference should be given to the seed method:

  • the planting container is scalded with boiling water for disinfection;
  • drainage is placed at the bottom: expanded clay, charcoal or crushed stone;
  • the prepared substrate is poured on top;
  • pour boiling water over;
  • after cooling, make holes in the ground up to 2 cm deep;
  • Place 2 seeds in each hole and sprinkle with substrate;
  • The soil is lightly moistened again using a sprayer.

After planting is completed, the container is covered with film or glass and placed in a place where the temperature is maintained at 20-21°C.

Important! To prevent the formation of fungus, the film or glass must be periodically opened for a short time.

After the sprouts appear, the film is removed completely. After 10 days, the plants are placed on a lighted windowsill.


Watering with warm water is carried out as the soil dries and a light crust forms on the soil mixture. The plant must be sprayed periodically in hot weather to prevent the leaves from drying out. During the formation of ovaries, watering is increased and more frequent.

Feed minerals should be given once a month. The first procedure can be performed after the first two non-cotyledonous leaves of the future bush appear.

Loosening is necessary for the plant so that its underground part receives more oxygen.

Important! Lack of loosening can lead to the death of the plant due to poor development of the root system.

Hilling is applied as the plant grows. It is carried out immediately after watering.

The top of the stem is pinched when the bush reaches 20-25 cm. This makes the bush lush, attractive from an aesthetic point of view and prevents the plant from wasting excess juices and energy on excessive growth.

It is recommended to replant annually using the transshipment method, increasing the area of ​​the container. Typically, such actions are carried out up to 4 years.

Instructions for growing ornamental peppers A small miracle at home

Disease and pest control

Basic illnesses and pests affecting pepper in the room:

  1. Gray mold occurs when there is excessive soil moisture and insufficient lighting. It is destroyed by creating optimal conditions and treating the plant with soapy water.
  2. Spider mites are carried into a room by air currents, usually through an open window. Appears where the air is dry. Its presence is noticeable by the withering leaves. The pest is removed by wet treatment of the leaves.
  3. Common aphids are destroyed with a solution of laundry soap.

Tips and tricks

Although the agricultural technology for growing this attractive variety is not very difficult, there are subtleties that will help achieve better plant growth:

  1. Planting is recommended in February. Then by summer it will be possible to harvest a full harvest.Instructions for growing ornamental peppers A small miracle at home
  2. After the first shoots appear, it is recommended to highlight them for some time. This will raise the air temperature above the pot and extend daylight hours.
  3. The fruits are collected until the end of autumn.
  4. The first fruits can be collected when they turn yellow.
  5. The fruit is dark orange or red in color and is finally considered ripe.
  6. On cloudy days and winter-spring, it is advisable to highlight the bushes. The optimal daily light regime for peppers of this type is 18 hours.
  7. During flowering (which occurs in late spring - early summer), it is recommended to periodically shake the bush slightly to improve pollination.
  8. As an ornamental plant, the variety can be successfully used in landscape design. Flowerbeds with densely planted bushes of small red peppers look impressive even when small in size.
  9. To prepare tinctures, it is better to use ripe, aged fruits. They are collected and used together with the stalk.


Lovers of compact plants on the windowsill appreciated the versatile use of Little Miracle peppers.

Yana, St. Petersburg: “The first time, our experience of growing this variety was unsuccessful: the plants quickly grew up and then withered. It turned out that they need to be pinched and cannot be over-watered. But the second attempt was much more effective. The result was excellent compact peppers with characteristic bitterness and beauty.”

Semyon, Rostov: “The first time I saw such a pepper was on my neighbor’s windowsill. He actively used small peppers as spices and even infused vodka with them. My wife and I planted Little Miracle. No regrets. I planted some of the bushes as seedlings at the dacha - it turned out to be a flowerbed no worse than the one in which flowers usually grow.”

Anna, Belgorod: “I love folk healing recipes, I actively use them and treat others. A tincture of this pepper is the first remedy for radiculitis and back pain. No expensive balm is needed. And it’s easy to grow, a very unpretentious plant.”

Read also:

When to pick peppers from the bush: harvest on time.

Is it possible to freeze hot peppers for the winter: preserve the hot vegetable correctly.

The best sweet pepper varieties for greenhouses in the Moscow region.


Not all garden crops ripen and grow on the windowsill in an apartment, including peppers. But Little Miracle is a variety specially developed for indoor conditions; it grows well indoors. The little miracle is successfully used to decorate a space, prepare a variety of dishes and for medicinal purposes.

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