The benefits and harms of bell pepper: what is the vegetable good for the body and how to eat it correctly

Bell pepper got its name thanks to breeders from Bulgaria who developed large-fruited varieties of this plant. The homeland of this fruit is America. In some places in Colombia, Mexico and the central part of the country you can still find wild peppers.

Bell peppers are healthy and tasty fruits. They are used in a variety of cuisines, fresh and cooked. Let's figure out what the benefits of sweet pepper are, how many calories it contains and in what form it is best to consume it.

Composition and properties

Bell pepper is a truly dietary product. 100 g contains only about 27 kcal. Protein - 1.2 g, fat - 0.3 g, carbohydrates - 5 g. At the same time, per 100 g of the total product there are 90 g of water and 3.5 g of fiber.

Sweet pepper contains a large amount of vitamins: A, E, C, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, H, P.


  • potassium - 117 mg;
  • phosphorus - 29 mg;
  • chlorine - 19 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg;
  • calcium - 11 mg;
  • sodium - 3 mg;
  • sulfur - 21 mcg.


  • iron - 0.75 mg;
  • zinc - 0.18 mg;
  • manganese - 0.1 mg;
  • copper - 71 mcg;
  • fluorine - 20 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 5 mcg;
  • iodine - 2.3 mcg.

Reference. Contrary to popular belief, lemon is not the leader in the amount of ascorbic acid in its composition. The real leader is the bell pepper. For comparison, 100 g of lemon contains 50 mg of vitamin C, versus 139 mg in pepper.

The benefits and harms of bell pepper: what is the vegetable good for the body and how to eat it correctly

Bell pepper: benefits and harm

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, this vegetable is considered useful both for dietary nutrition and in regular cuisine.

Effect on various organs and systems of the body

Bell pepper has an effect on individual systems and on the entire body as a whole. The most important property of the fruit is increased immunity. It increases interferon levels in the body, which fights viruses, bacteria and parasites.

Vitamin A is also involved in strengthening the immune system. It normalizes the permeability of the mucous membranes, which creates a natural barrier against disease.

Effect on organs and systems:

  1. Heart and blood vessels – improves the absorption of iron from the intestines, reduces cholesterol levels, controls blood sugar levels, stabilizes blood circulation, reduces the risk of hypertension.
  2. Nervous system – reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, improves mental abilities and strengthens the psyche.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract – promotes weight loss, promotes the absorption of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances.
  4. Reproductive system – improvement of both male and female sexual health, increasing the ability to conceive.
  5. Bronchi – Magnesium, potassium, manganese and vitamin C reduce the risk of asthma, emphysema and respiratory tract infections.
  6. Eyes – protects the retina from damage, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.

Action for diseases

When used correctly, bell pepper has a healing effect. But for some diseases it is not recommended to eat it. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

For diabetes

The vegetable contains a minimal amount of glucose, so it is suitable for diabetics.They can eat pepper without fear for their health if there are no other contraindications. The high content of ascorbic acid improves blood composition and normalizes blood pressure.

Freshly squeezed bell pepper juice prevents possible complications of the disease and stabilizes the condition.

For gout

Sweet pepper helps improve the condition of a patient with gout and is included in the list of special diet products. You can eat the vegetable fresh, stewed or baked. Frying is strictly prohibited, as is pickling.. Such treatment can aggravate the course of the disease.

For gastritis

If you have this disease, hot peppers are categorically not recommended, but sweet peppers are allowed, but in limited quantities. But it is better not to eat the vegetable raw.

During heat treatment, part of the ascorbic acid, which has a negative effect on the irritated gastric mucosa, evaporates.

Benefits for women

Bell pepper is an essential product for women's health. The rich composition of the vegetable helps improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. Helps women cope with mood swings during menstruation and pregnancy. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system and is considered a natural aphrodisiac.

Pepper is doubly recommended for pregnant women. In addition to the anti-stress effect, it reduces toxicosis and swelling. In addition, the baby will receive useful substances while still in the womb.

Bell pepper also has a positive effect on milk. It removes any possible bitterness, increases fat content and quality. The substances contained in pepper will be passed on to the baby in breast milk and will normalize his stool, reducing the risk of colic.

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Benefits for men

Regular consumption of sweet pepper by men improves potency and increases sperm count. Doctors recommend eating it for couples who have problems conceiving a child.

The vegetable also has the ability to increase performance, cope with daily stress and even depression. And the effect of muscle relaxation throughout the body will help men after a hard day at work.

Benefits for children

The high content of vitamin A makes pepper good for children. Carrots they don’t like can easily be replaced with this vegetable. It is important for children to get the proper amount of this vitamin to maintain good vision.. And the natural sugars contained in bell pepper will give the child strength and energy for school and extracurricular activities.

And properties such as strengthening the skeletal system and a positive effect on hair and nails will also not be superfluous for children.

The benefits and harms of bell pepper: what is the vegetable good for the body and how to eat it correctly

Differences in bell peppers of different colors

Green, yellow and red peppers are all different varieties. Green is Atlantic, yellow is Indalo, red is Edino. They differ not only in color, but also in composition, and therefore in usefulness.

Red pepper contains more carotene and lycopene, which gives it its color. Lycopene is also a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer. This variety also contains more vitamin A (125 mcg) and vitamin C (200 mcg). It is recommended for people with poor vision and children.

The yellow variety is low in lycopene but high in carotenoids.. It contains the most potassium - 218 mcg.Potassium is good for the heart, so this particular variety is recommended for people with heart problems and the elderly. Yellow peppers also contain a large amount of phosphorus. Phosphorus has a positive effect on the skeletal system and kidney function.

The green variety is the lowest in calories. 100 g of vegetable contains only 20 kcal. Unlike other varieties, it contains phytosterols. These are special compounds - plant substitutes for cholesterol. Phytosterol reduces its level.

Bell pepper for weight loss

Due to its low calorie content, this vegetable has become a regular guest on the table of people who are losing weight and adhering to proper nutrition. Such an experiment was conducted in the USA. 25 volunteers ate bell peppers, and specialists carried out the necessary measurements and analyzes. It has been proven that this vegetable causes metabolism accelerates.

In addition, sweet peppers can significantly reduce appetite. And replacing your usual snacks with sliced ​​peppers will help you avoid eating too much. A crispy and sweetish snack will fill the body with water, healthy vitamins and elements and reduce the feeling of hunger.

Rules of use

Bell peppers are best consumed raw if you want to get the maximum benefits. During heat treatment, beneficial substances partially disappear. The benefits of boiled peppers are approximately 70% less than those of fresh ones.

Of course, this applies to people without certain diseases. In some cases, eating vegetables raw can cause serious harm to the body, for example, with gastritis.

When frozen, sweet peppers retain all their beneficial properties.

Despite the enormous benefits, this fruit is not recommended to be eaten in large quantities. The daily dose is 150 g. This is 2-3 pieces.For people prone to allergies, this amount should be reduced by three times. Excessive consumption can disrupt intestinal function and cause diarrhea and irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

The benefits and harms of bell pepper: what is the vegetable good for the body and how to eat it correctly


Due to the high content of essential oils in the vegetable, it can be harmful to people prone to allergic reactions. And because of the hypotonic effect, it should be used with caution by people with low blood pressure.


  1. Haemorrhoids.
  2. Colitis.
  3. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  4. Gastritis and increased acidity of gastric juice.
  5. Exacerbation of chronic kidney and liver diseases.
  6. Angina pectoris.
  7. Heart rhythm disturbance.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Increased excitability of the nervous system.
  10. Individual intolerance.

Let's sum it up

Bell pepper is a tasty and healthy vegetable. But you should not eat it in large quantities, so as not to provoke unpleasant consequences. For people on a diet or with diabetes, this product is a real godsend; in some cases, you can even achieve a therapeutic effect. But patients with angina pectoris, colitis, stomach ulcers and gastritis will have to give up sweet peppers.

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