Features of the salad variety of pepper “Bugai” and the secrets of its proper cultivation
Salad pepper Bugai is a real find for those who are looking for an early-ripening variety with sweet flesh. Beautiful and tasty, it is ideal for both greenhouse conditions and outdoor beds. Most reviews about this variety are positive; summer residents and gardeners are satisfied with the good harvest.
Let's take a closer look at the description of the Bugai sweet pepper and learn the secrets of its cultivation.
What kind of variety is this
An early ripening variety produces the first harvest 90-100 days after planting. Gardeners characterize the vegetable as juicy and very sweet, and actively use it to prepare various dishes.
The bushes are compact and powerful, reaching a height of about 60 cm. The leaves are dark green, slightly ribbed. For best yield, the plant is formed 1-2 times per season. Otherwise, care does not require special knowledge.
Fruit characteristics and yield
The variety got its name for the large size of the fruit - the weight of one pepper varies from 350 to 550 g. The color is bright yellow, in some cases light pink. The shape is cuboid, slightly flattened. The wall thickness reaches 1 cm, so the peppers are perfectly stored and transported.
The pulp is dense and fleshy, crunchy when eaten fresh. The fruiting period of the variety is extended; on average, about 6 kg of pepper is harvested from 1 bush.
Preparation for cultivation
The quality of the future harvest largely depends on the quality of the seed.Calibration will help select the best seeds for planting - for this they are placed in a saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). They are stirred for three minutes.
Those seeds that have sunk to the bottom are dried and used for further disinfection. It is necessary to destroy pathogenic microflora on the surface of seeds.
Gardeners recommend using one of the following drugs for disinfection:
- aloe juice;
- Bordeaux mixture;
- copper sulfate solution;
- "Fitosporin";
- boric acid.
The seeds are placed in a fabric bag and dipped into the prepared solution, left for 24 hours. Afterwards they are taken out and placed in a plastic bag for two days. This procedure increases the germination of pepper and protects against diseases.
Some summer residents advise soaking the seeds in a solution of the drug “Heteroauxin”. The growth stimulator strengthens the root system and promotes healthy plant development.
Important! Particular attention is paid to preparing the beds. Since autumn, the soil has been dug up and cleared of debris and weeds. With the arrival of spring, the soil is dug up again, large clods and leaves are removed. The soil is leveled with a rake and fertilized with compost or humus.
Growing seedlings
Seedlings are grown in any convenient containers. Special seedling cassettes are popular - small containers fastened together with drainage holes.. They are easy to use and affordable. At the same time, the size of the cassette can be easily adjusted to any window sill by cutting off the excess cell using scissors.
You can purchase seedling cassettes at any gardening store. If this is not possible, then the seedlings are planted in peat tablets, flower pots, and plastic cups.The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the container and dry it with a clean towel before planting.
For planting, in addition to containers, soil is required. Soil from the garden, previously disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, is ideal. The soil is poured into a container and lightly patted with your fingers or a spatula. Make small holes at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other, place seeds in them. Sprinkle the top with soil and water with warm water.
Sweet pepper is a heat-loving vegetable, so seedlings are stored only in a warm and sunny place.
Important! Pepper does not like excess moisture, so it is recommended to water it sparingly. For watering, you cannot use cold tap water; it is better to moisten the seedlings with bottled or filtered water. After 10 days from the moment of planting, the seedlings are fertilized with liquid organic fertilizers.
10 days after the first leaves appear, the pepper is picked, that is, transplanted into a larger container. The procedure requires care and precision, since fragile and thin stems are highly sensitive. If possible, summer residents plant the vegetable immediately in a large container, so as not to pick the seedlings and accidentally break them.
Planting pepper
Before planting each bush, carefully inspect the root system of the seedling. Sometimes young plants develop root rot, making them unsuitable for planting. Sweet peppers are planted after greens, legumes or cabbage. For landing, choose morning or evening; it is advisable that there is no rain or fog on this day.
The seedlings are carefully removed from the container and, together with a lump of seedling soil, placed in a hole in the garden bed. The stem around is sprinkled with earth and watered generously with warm water.In regions with unpredictable climatic conditions, it is recommended to cover the bushes with a plastic bottle or polyethylene. Such protection is removed after the likelihood of frost disappears.
Important! The optimal distance between bushes is 60 cm. It is not recommended to plant plants too close to each other to prevent a lack of sunlight, which is necessary for normal development.
Caring for the Bugai pepper variety consists of several procedures. The most important thing is timely and regular watering of the plant. It is produced 2-3 times a week: moisture should get under the root of the plant, bypassing the leaves and stems. 1-2 liters of water are consumed per bush.
It is important to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, as this can lead to the development of fungi and infections. After the procedure, the plant is spudded with moist soil. As soon as the soil dries, begin loosening the row spacing. This helps protect the beds from weeds such as bindweed or dandelions.
The taste and quality of the fruit largely depend on fertilizing, which is carried out twice a month. The following composition perfectly fertilizes peppers: dilute 20 g of potassium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. Apply the mineral complex on a cloudy day, then water it generously so as not to burn the leaves.
We must not forget about organic fertilizers. A mixture of water, slurry and wood ash has a positive effect on the vegetable. During the entire ripening period, peppers are fed 3-4 times. Gardeners advise alternating mineral complexes and organic fertilizers.
Important! A month after planting the pepper in the garden, they begin to form a bush: side shoots that are too long are shortened, and all the leaves that shade the crown of the bush are removed.Pruning is carried out once a week.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, you must follow some rules. For example, regularly ventilate the building by opening side windows and doors. As soon as the outside temperature reaches +30 °C, the glass covering of the greenhouse is sprayed with a chalk suspension from a spray bottle.
The greenhouse must be light; the use of dark and shading surfaces is not allowed. Watering is carried out before lunch so that the moisture is distributed evenly. The greenhouse is characterized by a special microclimate, so a good harvest can only be achieved if all the rules described above are observed.
Particular attention is paid to loosening the soil. The quality of the soil and the healthy development of the root system depend on it. Loosening increases the access of oxygen to the soil, destroys the soil crust, and prevents the appearance of weeds. Loose soil absorbs water better. Near the pepper, loosening is best done to a depth of 10-15 cm.
After the procedure, it wouldn’t hurt to add a layer of mulch to the beds. It protects the top layer of soil from weathering and pests. The best mulch composition is sawdust, bark and grass.
This is interesting:
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Typical diseases and pests
Regardless of where they are grown, sweet peppers are susceptible to insect pests. Most often found in the beds:
- Thrips - black bugs. They appear due to an excess of fertilizing and sudden climate changes. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture helps as a preventative measure; Oxychom is used for treatment.
- Whiteflies - are flying white midges that gather in flocks on the leaves and suck the juice from the bushes. Spraying with a soap solution helps in the fight against them.
- Spider mite - envelops the stems and leaves with a white web, which is why the bushes dry out and the fruits lose their hardness. To prevent its occurrence, use a solution of ash or water with salt.
- Colorado beetle — likes to feast on more than just potato leaves. Beetles and larvae live deep underground all year round and are difficult to get rid of. Some gardeners prefer to collect insects by hand, others use the Prestige product.
Diseases include powdery mildew and bacterial black spot. They appear due to violations of crop rotation rules, improper care, and soil contamination.
Both folk methods and professional remedies help in the fight against diseases. Particularly noteworthy are solutions based on hot pepper or mustard, soapy water, as well as Arrivo or Nurel preparations.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The main advantage of the Bugai variety is its large fruits and pronounced taste. Gardeners note the juicy and sweet pulp, which is suitable for preparing many dishes. Peppers are used in salads, appetizers, soups and side dishes. The taste of the vegetable goes harmoniously with meat, poultry, fish and vegetables.
The fruits also look impressive and have favorable commercial qualities. Thick walls allow you to store crops for a long time. The Bugai variety does not require special skills to care for, but the best harvest is obtained on fertile and nutritious soils.
The disadvantage of this variety is that large fruits are not suitable for whole canning.The peppers don't fit in the jar, so you have to spend time processing them. Bugai is also occasionally exposed to common cultural diseases, especially in the northern regions of the country.
What do experienced gardeners and novice gardeners think about the Bugai variety? Here are a few comments from popular forums.
Irina, Omsk: «I like the variety and have been growing it for 4 years. He has never been sick and always bears fruit well. I fertilize with manure and ash, the peppers grow large and juicy. Tasty both fresh and after processing.”
Mikhail, Izhevsk: “I plant bell peppers in a greenhouse; last season I planted the Bugai variety. The harvest was not bad, I collected 5-6 heavy fruits from one bush. Stores perfectly, I recommend it for planting.”
Marina, Orel: “The Bugai variety did not live up to my expectations; the fruits set slowly. After shaping the bush, the plant became ill with powdery mildew. We managed to cure it, but part of the harvest was lost.”
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For the best harvest, the Bugai variety is planted in seedlings. The seedlings are prepared in advance, placed on the windowsill, periodically watered and fertilized. After transplanting to the site, the seedlings are covered with polyethylene or film. Remove the cover after 2-3 weeks. During the growing process, the beds are watered and fed with fertilizers.
Harvest from the beds in August, when the fruits become elastic. Store peppers in a dark and dry place.The variety is universal in use, suitable for fresh consumption, for preparing vegetable salads and side dishes. Due to the high content of nutrients, the variety is also used for dietary nutrition.