How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

The key to obtaining a bountiful tomato harvest is competent and timely feeding of seedlings. Thanks to the use of fertilizers according to special schemes, the stems will become more powerful, which will subsequently have a beneficial effect on the quality of the fruit.

We will tell you in this article how to feed tomato seedlings so that the stems are plump.

Why do tomato seedlings need feeding?

Feed the seedlings necessary to obtain strong and healthy bushes.

Properly carried out fertilizing guarantees:

  • correct formation of the bush;
  • thick and strong stems;
  • increasing productivity;
  • strengthening plant immunity to diseases.

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

When to start fertilizing seedlings

For the first time to feed tomato seedlings resort before the first true leaves appear on the seedlings. The procedure will protect plants from diseases: Without it, there is a high risk of late blight.

The second feeding using complex fertilizer with organic substances is carried out 7 days after the first.

The next time the seedlings are fed 14 days after the picking was carried out. After this, fertilizers can be applied after 10-20 days.

The last feeding is carried out 10 days before the plants are transplanted into the garden bed.

The further number of fertilizer application procedures is determined by the growing conditions of seedlings in the garden bed. It must be fed at least twice:

  • at the stage of bush formation, 2-3 weeks after planting in open ground or a greenhouse;
  • 14 days after the first.

Signs of nutritional deficiencies

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

Seedlings need additional feeding when signs of nutrient deficiency appear. To determine what fertilizers the seedlings need, study the condition of the stems and leaves.

Nitrogen deficiency is indicated by pale coloring of plants and yellowing of the lower leaves. Nitrogen is necessary for the normal development and growth of the tomato plant. However, its excess also harms seedlings - it leads to curling and brittleness of the leaves.

Phosphorus deficiency is determined by leaves turning purple. First, the color of the lower leaves of the bush changes. The problem is often provoked by low ambient temperatures: in cold conditions, tomato roots do not absorb phosphorus.

The fact that plants lack potassium is indicated by curling and wrinkling of the upper leaves. If you do not apply fertilizing on time, the problem will spread to the entire bush, the leaves will begin to darken and dry out.

A symptom of iron deficiency is yellowing of the upper leaves. Plants planted in a sunny area are susceptible to the problem. Intense sunlight disrupts the processes of processing and absorption of nutrients.

A lack of magnesium is judged by darkened lower leaves that acquire a reddish or purple tint.

Calcium deficiency is uncommon. Fertilizers for tomato seedlings contain this component in large quantities. It is not enough if the tops of the set fruits are covered with brown or gray rot.

Reference. The problem of thin, weakened stems is often caused by a lack of sunlight.In such cases, the plants become very elongated.

Review of the best commercial fertilizers for tomato seedlings

Gardeners prefer liquid fertilizers, which are applied in the morning for better absorption. Let's talk about the most popular preparations for feeding tomato seedlings.


How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

Complex mineral-organic fertilizer containing potassium humate. Contains nitrogen and phosphorus necessary for the growth and development of a young plant.

“Krepysh” is produced in soluble granules or in the form of a concentrated liquid. The product is diluted with water, and the resulting solution is watered over the seedlings.

The use of the drug has a beneficial effect on the root system, helps seedlings grow green mass, make the stems thicker, and strengthen the immune system. “Krepysh” does not contain chlorine, therefore it is harmless to plants.


How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

This fertilizer for tomato seedlings is rich in nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, molybdenum, zinc, copper, manganese, and boron.

The product contains no chlorine. The product is dissolved in water. The solution is used for watering seedlings or for foliar feeding. The plants become stronger, and the fruits become juicier and tastier.


Growth regulator. The drug promotes the proper distribution of nutrients - directs most of them to the roots. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bush: the stems become stronger and thicker, and the leaves become wider.

The product is used when there is a lack of light, as well as during periods of drought. “Athlete” is diluted with water and sprayed on plants. It is possible to apply the product to the soil.


How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

Natural preparation – stimulator of seedling growth. It is used for poorly growing tomato bushes. It not only stimulates the development of plants, but also protects them from diseases and pests.


A popular complex fertilizer, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, is well absorbed by plants. It is used to increase productivity and achieve proper formation of tomato bushes.

The product is used in combination with mullein solution. For 1 tbsp. l. “Nitrofoski” take 1 liter of aqueous solution.

Important. It is impossible to overfeed tomato seedlings, since the fruits tend to accumulate excess mineral fertilizers.

Folk remedies

An alternative to store-bought drugs is folk remedies for feeding seedlings.


They feed acidified and neutral soils with ash. Make an aqueous solution, pour 1 tbsp. l. ash 2 liters of boiling water, infuse it. Can be combined with organic mixtures to increase their effectiveness.


Used for feeding iodine solution – 10 drops per bucket of water. It will speed up the formation of fruits.

Important. The product is used to water the soil, not the plants.

Chicken droppings

To feed seedlings, use manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:30.

Hydrogen peroxide

1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a bucket of water, 40 drops of iodine are added and the seedlings are sprayed to protect against late blight.

A solution of 30 drops of peroxide in 250 ml of water is used to:

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

  • disinfection of damage to plants;
  • prevention of root rotting;
  • oxygen enrichment;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Onion peel

For disinfection and protection against pests, an infusion of onion peels is used. To obtain it, dry raw materials are poured with 4 liters of water and left for 5 days.

Banana peels

You can combat potassium deficiency in plants with an infusion of banana skins. The peels of 4 bananas are poured with 3 liters of water and left for 7 days.

Other recipes

You can feed tomato seedlings yeast. 1 tbsp. l. yeast is dissolved in a glass of warm water, add 1 tsp. Sahara. Pour a package of yeast into the resulting mixture and add 15 liters of water.

To solve the problem of thin stems, use water infused with eggshells. The shells of five eggs, crushed into powder, are poured into 1 liter of water and left for 7 days.

Some gardeners practice feeding seedlings with coffee grounds diluted with water.

How to properly fertilize seedlings

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

There are two ways to fertilize seedlings:

  • root – watering the bushes at the root with nutrient solutions;
  • leafy (foliar) - by spraying leaves.

Foliar feeding is often used as an additional procedure. It is better to do it during cold weather, when the root system of tomatoes does not absorb nutrients well.

Foliar feeding is also used when it is necessary to add nutrition to young plants. The stems of the sprouts are thin, and root watering can knock down the seedlings or wash them out of the soil. Spraying is carried out using a spray bottle. The manipulation is repeated once a week.

When fertilizing seedlings, adhere to the following rules:

  • Tomato seedlings are fertilized in cloudy weather, in the morning or evening;
  • before and after fertilizing, water the bushes with clean water;
  • strictly adhere to the norms for applying drugs specified in the instructions.

Tips and tricks

Experienced gardeners give tips and recommendations for feeding tomatoes:How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

  1. Carry out not only mandatory, but also preventive feeding. Special compounds will protect plants from rot and fungi. For preventive purposes, seedlings can be sprayed with a solution of calcium nitrate - 2 tsp per bucket of water. substances.
  2. Apply root feeding to the plant after watering. In moist soil, beneficial substances dissolve faster.
  3. Combine root and foliar feeding. This method gives impressive results. The fruits are formed thick and elastic, the yield increases. Spraying seedlings with nutritional compounds protects the bushes from pests and diseases.


The use of fertilizers when growing tomato seedlings is the most important condition for a high yield. According to gardeners, the use of fertilizers for seedlings always brings positive results.

Evgeniy, Krasnoyarsk: «I feed tomato seedlings every two weeks. For this purpose I buy complex fertilizers “Nitrophos”, “Azofos”, “Nitroammophos”. For 3 liters of water I take 1 tsp. substances. The resulting solution is stored for up to 5 days. The seedlings grow with thick stems and immunity to disease.”

Nadezhda, Kolomna: “I spray tomato seedlings at the 2-4 leaf stage with calcium nitrate. This protects against crop loss - the problem of rot does not arise. Pale and thin sprouts return to normal after treatment.”

Ilya, Rostov-on-Don: “My mother uses the Krepysh fertilizer.” The tomato harvest is always a pleasure. The seedlings are strong and do not get sick. One package is enough for use in the garden and for indoor plants. It is important to use gloves when using the product.”


Feeding tomato seedlings is an important component of plant care. To get a good harvest, it is important to carry it out on time and not harm the tomato bushes. Experienced gardeners advise carrying out not only mandatory fertilizing, but also additional ones - to prevent diseases and protect against pest attacks.

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