One of the earliest varieties of tomatoes is the French hybrid “Supernova F1”

"Supernova F1" is a hybrid tomato variety produced by the French company Clause. Over the past few years, this variety has gained popularity among both summer residents and farms due to its excellent taste and early ripening.

Characteristics and description of appearance

"Supernova" is a determinate tomato. This means you won't have to harvest from the ceiling of the greenhouse. The bush will not grow higher than 70 cm. It has a thick, stable stem. 9-11 clusters are formed on the bush, each with 4-5 fruits.

The fruits are large, juicy, round in shape with a “spout”. Each tomato weighs 200-300 grams. The color is bright red.

The inside of the Supernova has a dense consistency, uniform red color without a white core. Each tomato has 8-10 seed chambers. The taste of the fruit is sweet, with a slight sourness.

Thanks to the 4-6 mm thick skin, the tomatoes do not crack on the bush. They are easy to store and transport over long distances.

In terms of yield, this hybrid is a record holder among early ripening tomatoes.. From one bush you can harvest 4-5 kg ​​of tomatoes. Farms collect up to 100 tons from 1 hectare of land.


Below are photos of the hybrid:

One of the earliest tomato varieties is the French hybrid Supernova F1
One of the earliest tomato varieties is the French hybrid Supernova F1
One of the earliest tomato varieties is the French hybrid Supernova F1
One of the earliest tomato varieties is the French hybrid Supernova F1

How to make seedlings

Supernova tomato seeds are sold in original packaging. They are pickled and completely ready for sowing.

Important: Do not touch the seeds with your hands! You can only work with them wearing gloves.

You need to sow seeds for seedlings in January-February. Special trays and cassettes for seedlings are suitable as containers; you can use peat pots.

  1. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm in peat-sand soil. If you lightly roll the soil after sowing, the seeds will sprout more easily.
  2. You can cover the containers with film, but as soon as the first shoots appear, the film must be removed.

Caring for Supernova F1 seedlings is no different from caring for any other tomatoes:

  • Young seedlings should be watered with warm water no more than once a week. While the seedlings are small, it is better to spray the soil with a spray bottle. Water must be settled or filtered.
  • It is necessary to monitor the illumination of seedlings. If there is not enough light, illuminate the seedlings with fluorescent lamps.
  • Seedlings need to be planted (planted in separate containers) approximately 25 days after sowing. By this time, 2-3 true leaves will appear on each bush.
  • Before planting in a greenhouse or open ground, seedlings are hardened off. Take the containers to a cool place and leave there for 15-20 minutes. To do this, you can use a glazed veranda, loggia, or simply open the window. The hardening process usually lasts 10-12 days.
  • When the seedlings have grown stronger and reached a height of 25-30 cm, they can be planted in the garden. This usually happens in April-May.

How to grow

One of the earliest tomato varieties is the French hybrid Supernova F1Seedlings can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

The distance between the beds should be 70 cm, between plants 35-45 cm. If you plant in a greenhouse, make sure that there are no more than 4 plants per 1 m².

  1. It is necessary to dig holes, slightly larger in size than an earthen clod of a bush.
  2. Then carefully replant the seedling, sprinkle it with fertile soil, compact it and water it abundantly.

In order for your tomatoes to grow healthy and produce a bountiful harvest, you need to properly care for them:

  • Water no more than once a week. Drip irrigation is preferable, but the Supernova F1 tomato also tolerates sprinkling well.
  • Weed and loosen the soil around the bushes.
  • Remove lower leaves. This is necessary for better aeration of the bushes. If the bush is very thick, it can be thinned out by also removing some of the leaves.
  • Feed. 10-12 days after planting, you can make the first fertilizing from a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers. For these purposes, mullein or slurry diluted with water in a proportion of ⅛ is suitable. Add 15 grams of superphosphate to one bucket of such a solution. Next, the bushes are fed every 2-3 weeks with mineral fertilizers - superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt.
  • Mulch. This is not necessary, but if you mulch the soil with shredded grass, it will retain moisture in the soil longer and eliminate the need for frequent weeding.

One of the earliest tomato varieties is the French hybrid Supernova F1It is advisable to tie the bushes to a support for stability during fruiting. There is no need to plant tomatoes of this variety. Bushes should be formed into 1-2 stems.

"Supernova F1", like many hybrids, is less susceptible to diseases and pests than ordinary varietal tomatoes. Most often, these plants suffer from the Colorado potato beetle and cutworm.

Pests can be controlled using different methods — mechanically remove pests and use various chemical and biological preparations.

If you follow the rules of agricultural technology and regular care, your tomato bushes will be healthy.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

French breeders managed to develop a hybrid that performs well in various climatic conditions. It is stress and frost resistant.

The Supernova F1 hybrid is suitable for both greenhouses and open ground. Residents of northern regions are better off planting tomatoes in a greenhouse. In the middle zone and in the south, this variety feels great in open ground.

Harvesting and application

In terms of its early ripening, the Supernova F1 tomato has practically no competitors. The first harvest can be harvested 60 days after sowing. Collection duration is 2-3 weeks. Rarely produces residual ovaries.

One of the earliest tomato varieties is the French hybrid Supernova F1The growing season of this hybrid is quite short. This allows you to replant the tomato indoors. If planted late, it can produce a harvest before frost.

Supernova F1 tomatoes are best eaten fresh.. They are great for salads due to their rich flavor and density. Many people use this variety for canning.

For those who grow tomatoes for sale, this hybrid is ideal. It is productive, has an attractive presentation, ripens almost earlier than everyone else and is stored for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of the Supernova F1 hybrid include::

  • fast ripening period;
  • large beautiful fruits;
  • excellent taste;
  • disease resistance;
  • high productivity;
  • keeping quality and high transportability.


  • high price of seeds;
  • short growing season.

Farmer reviews

  • Andrey: “I liked this tomato! Round with a spout, very tasty. I didn't expect to harvest so much. I was pleased."
  • Vitaly: “This is not the first year we have been buying seeds from the Clause company. Previously, mainly cabbage was grown. We decided to expand the range and chose the Supernova tomato for this. No regrets. This is indeed a very large tomato. All fruits weighed more than 250 grams. They look very tasty.The harvest began a week earlier than competitors. An excellent variety for farmers."
  • Tatiana: “For me, not 60 days passed from planting to harvest, but 104. Apparently, late spring made itself felt, the seedlings were planted later than usual. The tomatoes are large, but the taste is nothing special. The hybrid is average.”
  • Natalia: “I grew this hybrid in open ground, I’m very pleased. The tomatoes are large, tasty and there are a lot of them! We weren't sick with anything. Next season I’ll try to plant it in a greenhouse.”


The hybrid tomato “Supernova F1” is a successful development. Excellent taste, early ripening, abundant fruiting and excellent keeping quality have made it a real hit among farmers. If you need a large, early-ripening tomato, Supernova F1 is perfect for you.

We invite you to watch a useful video about Supernova F1 tomatoes:

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