How to identify tomato septoria and get rid of it: effective remedies and traditional methods of treatment

Tomatoes, like any living organisms, can get sick. One of the most common crop diseases is septoria. The disease spreads in record time and destroys the crop, destroying both bushes and fruits.

The disease is widespread not only in Russia. What is septoria and what treatment methods are most effective, we will consider further.

What kind of disease is this

Septoria of tomatoes is popularly called “white spotting.”. Small gray-white spots form on the leaves, around which a brown rim appears. The disease mainly affects tomatoes grown in open ground, but there are also cases of the disease in greenhouse tomatoes. The causative agent of septoria is fungal spores.

Reference. White spotting is also common in Ukraine and Belarus. Like other fungi, outbreaks of the disease occur in rainy years and particularly hot times.

How to identify tomato septoria and get rid of it: effective remedies and traditional methods of treatment

How does it affect tomatoes?

Mostly young bushes become infected with the fungus. Tomato leaves begin to dry out and development slows down. Most of the nutrients are spent on restoring the balance, and new fruits are formed weak and small. As a result, the yield is reduced by 30-40%.

Symptoms and external signs

You can learn about septoria by its characteristic signs:

  • many small watery spots of 2-3 mm;
  • in a short time the spots begin to turn white;
  • the appearance of a red-brown rim, which later becomes brown;
  • the formation in the center of the spots of a large number of black pycnidia (fruiting bodies of asexual sporulation of fungi);
  • as a rule, only the leaves are affected, the tops of the plants remain untouched.

Important! Along with the above-described signs, yellowing of unaffected areas of the leaf appears. If the fungus infects not the leaves, but the petioles and stem, the spots become oval in shape and more saturated in color.

Causes of appearance and infection

Like many fungal infections, the main cause of infection lies in improper care. Let's take a closer look at what other conditions contribute to the rapid and unhindered development of the fungus.

The causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of white spot is a special type of fungus Septoria, which penetrates into the tomato and forms a colorless mycelium there. The disease then spreads through spores. Once on the plant, they penetrate deep into the bush through the cuticle. This is how the spread of septoria begins. The sources of the disease are plant remains that retain these spores.

Terms of distribution

How to identify tomato septoria and get rid of it: effective remedies and traditional methods of treatmentWhite spot spreads quickly if it's a hot, humid summer.

This is why experienced gardeners recommend not to over-moisten the soil and monitor the frequency watering. It is also important to direct the stream of water exactly at the root so that moisture does not fall on the stem or leaves.

Plus, the maximum development of septoria occurs during rains and strong winds. The incubation period is about 1-2 weeks, but with an excess of water, spores develop many times faster.

How and with what to treat

When you detect the first signs of septoria, begin treatment immediately.


First of all, spray the beds with fungicides. These are substances that inhibit the development of fungi.

The most effective drugs that can prevent further development of the fungus and preserve the harvest:How to identify tomato septoria and get rid of it: effective remedies and traditional methods of treatment

  1. «Fundazol". It has a therapeutic effect that manifests itself within the first three days. For the next 7 days, the medicine retains its protective function. It is not phytotoxic, but should not be overused. Effective to use both in early spring and late autumn. Combines well with other drugs. However, under no circumstances should Fundazol be mixed with alkaline solutions and lime.
  2. «Ordan". The fungus is not addictive and is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Compared to other fungicides, it has a longer effect. Available in powder form, which can be purchased at any gardening store. Dilute and apply the product exactly in accordance with the attached instructions.
  3. «Previkur". It is used at various stages of cultivation. In addition to treatment, Previkur has a beneficial effect on the root system and has a positive effect on the overall development of the bush. Used as a spray and as an addition to watering.

There is a common belief that fungicides are unsafe for humans and that vegetables treated with them should not be eaten. However, this is erroneous, since if all recommendations and instructions for use are followed, the drugs do not pose any threat to our health and life.

Traditional methods

From folk recipes they are actively used Bordeaux solution. A mixture is made of water, lime and soda. The drug has a therapeutic effect and is also used as a preventive measure at the stage of planting seedlings.

For working with Bordeaux mixture Be sure to prepare gloves, goggles and a respirator. Spraying should be carried out at least 2 weeks before harvest.

The composition should be sprayed carefully; it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke while working. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if precipitation is expected. The liquid is effective and retains its therapeutic effect for 1 month.

Agrotechnical techniques

Farmers use the following agricultural practices:

  1. Removing and burning plants that are completely infested.
  2. Collection and timely disposal of plant residues. Remember that the remaining grass must be burned and under no circumstances used as fertilizer for the future harvest. The best time to clean is in the fall. First of all, you need to burn the tops and fallen leaves.

Important! Strong and developed bushes are least affected by septoria. Therefore, it is recommended to create favorable conditions for tomatoes to develop even at the seedling stages. Remember about timely watering, loosening the soil, mineral and organic fertilizing. The more nutritious the soil, the stronger the crop’s immunity.

Preventive measures

Treat the beds with preventative agents against fungal infections. For example, the above-mentioned Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution are suitable for this. Also use the drug "Revus".

Spraying should be organized at intervals of 7-10 days. Unlike copper sulfate, Revus is non-toxic and safe for both tomatoes and humans.How to identify tomato septoria and get rid of it: effective remedies and traditional methods of treatment

Other fungicides are also used as prophylaxis, for example, Fitoverm or Lazurit T. Can be used in one of the following ways:

  1. Etching. Seeds are treated before planting seedlings or planting in the ground.
  2. Spraying - should be carried out several times per season.
  3. Application to the soil during watering periods.

Advice from gardeners

Gardeners advise monitoring the amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizing. The fact is that nitrogen is very important for the health and development of the bush. Therefore, its deficiency often entails negative consequences.

If the bushes do not have enough nitrogen, then organize fertilizing based on ammonium nitrate or urea. However, do not overuse nitrogen; its excess is also not good.

If tomatoes growing in a greenhouse, do not forget to regularly ventilate the structure. High humidity and heat are the first “helpers” in the development of most fungi. Fresh air is important for both young seedlings and adult plants. Use vents to ventilate the greenhouse.How to identify tomato septoria and get rid of it: effective remedies and traditional methods of treatment

Find a bright and warm place in your garden; tomatoes love it. Do not place the beds in damp or low-lying areas, especially if there is groundwater nearby. In the fall, dig up the garden, remove all weeds and debris, and burn them. It is recommended to plant tomatoes in the beds after zucchini or peppers.

Pay special attention to prevention using the drug "Oxychom". Its main component is copper. In addition to tomatoes, cucumbers, hops and even grapes are processed with it. Since Oxychom is a hazardous substance, you need to wear protective clothing and gloves before working with it. In addition to the prevention and treatment of septoria, Oxychom can also fight other diseases.


White spotting is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, farmers devote a lot of time to preventing septoria in tomatoes. Fortunately, both professional medications and popular advice come to the rescue.The basic rule is that the remains of last year's plants must be burned, as they can become carriers of the causative agent of septoria.

In addition, do not forget to follow agronomic care rules. Monitor the watering and fertilizing regime. It is better to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers, so the tomato will receive more nutrients.

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