The Lel tomato, which is gaining popularity among summer residents

A “capricious” variety of tomatoes, according to some summer residents, which grows well and pleases with high yields in one garden, but may not grow in another - this is Lel. What is the reason for such capriciousness? And is it really typical for this variety? We will look into this, as well as how to properly care for Lel tomatoes and grow them in your garden, in this article.

Description of the variety

Tomato Lel is a mid-early variety with limited stem growth. From germination to fruit ripening it takes from 100 to 122 days. The bushes grow lush, but low (up to 0.5 meters). According to most summer residents, they should not be adopted.

The Lel tomato, which is gaining popularity among summer residents

Distinctive features

Determinate variety ideal for open ground, but is also used for growing in greenhouses. Tolerates both heat and cold well. Grows even with a lack of sunlight.

The leaves of the bushes are green and small in size. The inflorescences are simple. Flowering occurs with the appearance of inflorescences between the 6th and 7th leaves, the subsequent ones appear after 2 leaves.

Late blight is not scary for Lel tomatoes. They are picked before the onset of this disease.

Productivity and characteristics of fruits

The variety is characterized by high productivity. On average, 2 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one small bush. As you can see in the photo, the fruits grow in clusters (5-9 tomatoes on each).

Lel tomatoes are dense and smooth. Their average weight is 60 g, the maximum is 75 g. Tomatoes have an elongated shape with a sharp tip.The color of ripe tomatoes is bright red. The fruits are very juicy, have a sweetish, sour taste and rich aroma.

Read about other tomato varieties:

High-yielding and unpretentious tomato "Benito"

Tomato "Eldorado" and features of its cultivation

Tomato "Dubok": growing instructions from A to Z

Growing seedlings

Seedlings are sown 2 months before planting in the ground.. The most favorable time for sowing is mid-March.

Due to the cold resistance of the variety, seedlings can be placed both in heated rooms and in greenhouses. However, in this case, sowing should be waited until April, when the soil in the greenhouse has warmed up sufficiently and the temperature at night will not drop below 14 degrees.

Seed preparation

Lel tomato seeds do not require special preparation. It is enough to hold them for some time in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Next, the seeds are placed in damp gauze for germination.

Note. Before planting, the seeds are sorted, removing empty and small ones. If you cannot clearly determine which seeds are suitable for growing, experts recommend using salt water. In it, bad seeds float to the surface.

Container and soil

Lel tomatoes love space. For this reason, seeds should be sown in deep, spacious containers at a considerable distance from each other.

Important! The bushes of the tomatoes in question, obtained from strong, dense sprouts, give a good harvest. Seedlings should not be allowed to thicken. Otherwise, the sprouts will not have enough nutrients, which will lead to their stretching.

Lel tomatoes are very demanding on soil. If the soil for planting seedlings is chosen incorrectly, they will grow poorly and it will not be possible to obtain sprouts suitable for planting. It is recommended to use special ready-made soil for tomatoes from trusted manufacturers for seedlings.

The Lel tomato, which is gaining popularity among summer residents


Lel tomatoes should be sown shallowly. Each seed is immersed in the ground about half a centimeter. This will allow the root system to develop well.

Before sowing, the soil must be disinfected by spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate. After sowing, cover the container with film and wait for the first shoots to appear. Then the film is removed.

Growing and care

When growing seedlings, the heat and light conditions should be observed.. The optimal temperature is from 25 to 27 degrees. It is better to place the seedlings on the windowsill on the sunny side. If there is not enough light, it is recommended to use LED lamps. Lel tomatoes always peak when the sprouts have 2 leaves.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened off. The sprouts at this time should have a strong stem and dark green leaves. It is better to remove weak shoots to allow others to develop.

Reference. To harden Lel tomato seedlings, it is enough to open the window during the daytime. In this case, drafts should be avoided.

How to grow tomatoes

So that the Lel tomato pleases its owners with a good harvest, basic agrotechnical techniques for growing crops should be followed. Tomatoes require regular watering, removal of weeds and fertilizing. An important factor is the correct soil selection.


Lel tomatoes require space. The reason lies in the rather voluminous foliage of the plants in question. It is recommended to plant no more than 5 bushes per square meter.

They are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The optimal distance between the beds is 60 cm. When these values ​​are taken into account, the plant will grow in normal shade conditions, receive enough light and be ventilated.

Rules of care

The Lel tomato, which is gaining popularity among summer residentsProper soil is very important for Lel tomatoes.. From it the plant should receive all the elements necessary for growth and good productivity. Regular feeding is required - once a week. In addition to organic fertilizers, an actively fruiting plant requires fertilizing with microelements.

Normal setting is guaranteed when using fertilizers containing iron, boron, manganese and zinc. It is recommended to apply up to two liters of a solution of complex fertilizers for tomatoes under each bush.

The plant should be watered abundantly. However, oversaturation with moisture is fraught with crop loss. Tomato Lel loves dry air and moist soil in which moisture will not stagnate. Excessive accumulation of moisture often leads to the development of late blight.

Water the plant at the root. Avoid getting moisture on the stem and leaves. The optimal time for watering is morning or evening. It is recommended to use warm water.

The plant needs a lot of nutrients. If there are “neighbors” in the form of weeds, they must be weeded so that the nutrients do not escape from the tomatoes.

Important! To provide air circulation to tomato roots and prevent water stagnation, mulching is required. A layer of dry grass at the top of the soil also prevents weeds from appearing.

There is no need to tie up the plant during the growth period.. During the fruiting period, this procedure is recommended, since the fruits grow in massive clusters, under the weight of which the branches can break.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

If you follow basic agrotechnical practices, the Lel tomato grows quickly and gives a good harvest. There are no particular difficulties in growing this variety. The main thing is to use high-quality soil, fertilize it in time, and also water the plants correctly and place them in a part of the site that is well-lit by the sun and protected from drafts.

Diseases and pests

The Lel tomato, which is gaining popularity among summer residentsTomato diseases can significantly reduce yield. Being exposed to them, the plant can no longer grow normally, and therefore, bear fruit. Moreover, it becomes contagious to its fellows.

The main diseases of most tomatoes, including the Lel variety, are late blight and cladosporiosis.. It is easier to prevent them than to cure them. For prevention, it is recommended to use ready-made store-bought formulations, as well as self-prepared mixtures. Experienced gardeners treat tomato plants with the following solution: 1 liter of water, 5 drops of iodine and a glass of milk. Each tomato bush is generously sprayed with this mixture.

To treat plants already affected by the disease, it is recommended to use special ready-made mixtures for processing.

Reference. The Lel variety is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus.

The main pests that attack the variety in question are the Colorado potato beetle and aphids.. To destroy them, special chemicals are used that are sprayed on the bushes. When fighting the Colorado potato beetle, it is recommended to use the drugs “Prestige”, “Mospilan” and others. Large beetles are collected from bushes and destroyed.

Aphids are destroyed using solutions of karbofos, bleach or trichlorometaphos. Having prepared the solution according to the instructions on the package, spray it with a spray bottle on the outside of the leaves.

More about tomatoes:

Tomato "Budenovka", giving a bountiful harvest

Tomato "De Barao" and the secrets of its cultivation

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

The Lel tomato, which is gaining popularity among summer residentsGrowing the variety in question in greenhouse conditions it is practically no different from cultivation in open ground. The only thing is that plants can be planted in a greenhouse 1-2 weeks earlier, since here the soil warms up faster.

The method of growing them does not affect the taste of tomatoes. Both greenhouse fruits and those grown in the garden have an excellent taste.

There is an opinion that fruits obtained in greenhouse conditions are slightly larger. For this reason, greenhouse tomatoes must be tied up.

Harvesting and application

The first fruits of Lel tomatoes ripen 3.5-4 months after planting the seeds. Ripening of fruits is possible even after they are picked from the bush, but fruits ripened on the bush are more aromatic and tastier. This variety of tomatoes is known for its pleasant taste and good keeping quality. It is stored for a long time and is easily transported, maintaining its presentation.

The fruits of the variety can be called universal. They are consumed fresh, canned, and also processed into tomato products. The juice contains about 4% dry matter, 1.8% sugar, as well as a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Positive qualities of Lel tomatoes:

  • high productivity;
  • good taste;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • external attractiveness of fruits;
  • resistance to some tomato diseases;
  • long shelf life;
  • good transportability.

Numerous reviews from gardeners indicate that tomatoes have negative qualities There is no Lel variety.

Farmer reviews

On Internet forums of summer residents you can read real reviews from peoplegrowing tomato Lel. This will help you draw conclusions about how suitable the variety in question is for you.

Anna: “This is the third year I’ve been planting Lel tomatoes and each time I fall more and more in love with them. Unpretentious, but at the same time give a high yield. I feed them to the whole family. Everyone loves the taste of them in any form.”

Vitaly: “Last year I planted Lel tomatoes in a greenhouse. In addition to them, there were other varieties. Got sick with late blight. I had to remove several Lelya bushes by the roots. I did not notice their resistance to diseases. The harvest was not impressive. I no longer plant this variety. There is, of course, the possibility that they “didn’t like” something. I didn't bother with the soil. I planted it after the cucumbers.”

Maria: “This variety is one of my favorites. I always plant 15-20 bushes. I have enough for winter salads and for whole pickling. We also happily eat it fresh with the whole family. They imprisoned me for 4 years. There have never been any illnesses."


Lel tomatoes are the favorites of many farmers. The main criteria that contribute to the choice of this particular variety are their high yield, ease of care and resistance to climate change. Such a plant can be grown not only for your own use, but also for sale.

1 a comment
  1. Lyudmila

    great tomatoes!

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