Features of agricultural technology of the “Money Bag” variety for a better harvest

Tomatoes, which do not require much time to grow, yet produce a large harvest and have a pleasant taste, are a gardener's dream. The Money Bag tomato variety meets these requirements. This is an early-ripening fruit resistant to late blight, loved by housewives for its juiciness and pleasant taste.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety

Money bag is a tomato variety that is grown in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, giving a rich harvest within 3 months from the moment of germination. Due to its early ripening, the variety is protected from late blight.

The variety is classified as indeterminate. The growth of the plant does not stop throughout the year.

Bushes of such tomatoes grow 1.8 meters. They are quite powerful and spreading, so growing them is difficult without installing supports and garters. The foliage of the bushes is average. Leaf color is light green. There are 5-7 brushes on one stem. On average, 15 fruits are collected from one cluster.

The fruits have the shape of a regular ball and a bright red color when ripe, as can be seen in the photo below. They have a dense structure, they do not crack, are stored for a long time and are easily transported. One fruit weighs from 80 to 100 g. Skilled summer residents harvest 10-11 kg of tomatoes from one square meter of soil.

Features of agricultural technology of the Money Bag variety for a better harvest

Tomatoes are excellent for canning, fresh consumption and processing into tomato products. They are distinguished by moderate sweetness.

Reference. Farmers note that if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology and the recommendations of breeders, the germination rate of the sprout of the variety in question will be 96-97%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Moneybag tomatoes are considered one of the best tall varieties.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • early yield (3 months after germination, ripe fruits can already be collected);
  • resistance to diseases and parasites;
  • a bountiful harvest;
  • successful ripening throughout the whole year;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • dense structure of the fruit, resistance to damage and cracking, which helps maintain an attractive appearance;
  • optimal weight of tomatoes (up to 100 grams);
  • uniformity of fruit size;
  • excellent taste;
  • Possibility of use for various culinary purposes (pickling, salads, etc.).

It is difficult to identify negative qualities in the tomatoes in question. Gardeners claim that there are none at all. The only thing is that, despite ripening tomatoes before the onset of late blight, prevention against it is still necessary. In cold and rainy summers, the disease may appear earlier.

How to grow and care

To get a rich harvest of tomatoes, you need to know how to care for them and follow all the rules of growing.

To obtain seedlings, Money Bag tomato seeds are treated in a manganese solution and stuck into the ground 2 cm deep. When the seedlings have their first true leaves, they are transplanted into a large container.

A mixture prepared from equal parts of peat, sand and earth is best suited as a soil. You can also use a store-bought tomato mixture.

Important! When using homemade soil for planting tomatoes, it is first disinfected with a manganese solution.

2 months after sowing, the seedlings are planted in the greenhouse. There are no more than 4 plants per square meter.Features of agricultural technology of the Money Bag variety for a better harvest

Crops can be planted in heated greenhouses as early as April. To plant in open ground or in a greenhouse without a heating system, you should wait until the end of May - beginning of June. It is recommended to harden the plant a week before planting: keep it at a temperature of -1°C for no more than a day.

Planted plants must be tied up using a horizontal or vertical method. Next, the plant is regularly watered and the soil is loosened.

Loosening promotes the supply of oxygen to the roots of tomatoes, which is necessary for this variety. Loosen the soil once every 3-4 days.

Watering should be abundant but infrequent. The plant is watered with warm water twice a week. Cold water negatively affects plant growth. Favorable time for watering is early morning or late evening. The amount of water is increased during the period of bud formation, flowering and fruit ripening.

When growing plants in a greenhouse or greenhouse, high humidity should be avoided. It should not exceed 70%. For this purpose, ventilation is carried out.

Important! Beds with planted tomatoes must be weeded regularly (at least once every 2 weeks), removing weeds.

Fertilizing with minerals also plays an important role in the proper development of the plant. During the entire growing season, it is enough to fertilize 2-3 times. For the first time, organic fertilizers are used. In the second and third - fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

The fertilizer “Aelita – vegetable” has become widespread. It contains minerals for growth. Nitrogen feeding for tomatoes Money bag is not necessary. It is applied only in cases where the plant is not growing well.

After the fruits appear on the bushes, additional fertilizing is applied to ensure proper nutrition. It is recommended to water the tomatoes with a self-prepared solution. To obtain it, take freshly cut nettles, place them in a large container, and fill them with warm water. A tightly closed container should last for several days. Then the solution can already be used. Add a liter of this solution to a bucket of water and water the tomatoes.

It is also recommended to spray the plants with a solution of iodine, sulfuric acid or yeast. In this way the plant is protected from infection.

Important! Once a week, the lowest leaves of each flower cluster are removed. They are carefully cut. This promotes fruit growth.

Prevention of diseases and pests

When larvae, caterpillars or aphids appear on the leaves, they are treated with special chemicals. It is important not to harm the plant itself. For treatment, a solution of copper sulfate is used.Features of agricultural technology of the Money Bag variety for a better harvest

Cope with pestsdeveloping on the roots of tomatoes will be helped by proper and regular loosening of the soil. To repel slugs and parasites, ash flour is placed under plant bushes.

To prevent diseases of Money Bag tomatoes, products such as “Fitosporin” are used. However, most gardeners prefer to use folk recipes for this purpose.

Reviews from gardeners

Antonina: “I really like the taste of Money Bag. These tomatoes are good both fresh in a salad and pickled. The fruits are all one to one, neat. I put the whole thing in the jar. This year we received a rich harvest.We supplied all the relatives, and even sold a lot.”

Dmitriy: “The yield of this variety is, of course, high, but for me they took a long time to turn red. I planted several more early ripening varieties. They are all blushing together, but this one is not. I'll try to plant more next year. If the picture is the same, I will refuse them.”

Anna: “We were pleased with the Money Bag tomatoes. The harvest is excellent. From each bush they took a bucket and a half. I like the taste, but the skin is a bit thick in my opinion. I almost never used it in salads. But they keep for a long time and sell well.”

Read also:

What means and how to deal with blossom end rot of tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Spectacular appearance and unusual taste: Kumato tomatoes and the secrets of growing them.

Clusters of bright red fruits, just like in the picture: Verlioka tomato.


Tomatoes of the indeterminate variety Money Bag live up to their name. If they are grown correctly and carefully cared for, the result is a rich harvest that can be sold and get a good income. The versatility of use and the beautiful appearance of the fruit are noted by many gardeners and buyers.

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