Fleshy and sweet fruits for your table - “Sugar Pudovichok” tomato: characteristics and description of the variety

The name Sugar Pudding itself attracts attention. I immediately want to know as much as possible about this variety. Where did this name come from? Of course, due to the impressively sized sweet fruits. A ripe tomato weighs 250-400 g, and when cut, it sugars at the break.

With proper agricultural technology, fruits weighing up to 600 g are obtained, which can replace any sweet fruit. In a word, this tomato is a real find for those with a sweet tooth.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The varietal crop was developed in the 90s by Novosibirsk breeders of the Siberian Garden agricultural company. It is intended for breeding even in the most severe climatic regions. Entered into the State Register in 1999.

Distinctive features

Bush indeterminate, with a height of 80 cm in open ground, reaches 1.5 m in a greenhouse. The stem is powerful, therefore it requires mandatory gartering and pinching. The foliage is medium, the leaves are dark green. Each seedling forms 5-6 fruiting clusters, each cluster bears 5-6 fruits.

Mid-season species, 115-120 days pass from sowing to full ripening.

Productivity is high, from 1 sq. m, 6-7 kg of fruits are collected, planting no more than 4 seedlings per 1 sq. m. m.

Resistance to diseases is weak. The variety is susceptible to diseases such as late blight, tobacco mosaic and brown spot.For this reason, mandatory soil disinfection before planting and regular preventive measures are necessary.

The tomato is well adapted to temperature changes and unfavorable conditions.

Fruit characteristics

The average weight of tomatoes is 250-350 g. The shape is round, slightly flattened at the top, the color is pink-red, rich. The taste is sweet with barely pronounced sourness, characteristic of tomatoes. The pulp is dense, juicy, there are few seeds.

Fleshy and sweet fruits for your table - Sugar Pudovich tomato: characteristics and description of the varietyThe peel is thick enough to withstand long-distance transportation. During transportation, tomatoes are placed in boxes in 2 or 3 layers.

Ripe vegetables are equally suitable for preparing fresh dishes and for winter preparations. When processed into tomato products, they produce excellent juices, pastes, ketchups, adjika and sauces.

The photo shows Sugar Pudovich tomatoes.

How to grow seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown 65-70 days before planting in the ground. The final sowing dates are determined by the climatic features of the region.

Seed preparation

Proper seed preparation is important for healthy seedling growth. Since this is not a hybrid, you can collect the seed yourself. Preparation consists of selecting high-quality seeds, disinfecting and improving germination.

First, the seeds are determined for internal filling by immersing them in a saline solution for 10 minutes. The solution is prepared from 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 glass of water. Empty grains will float to the surface. Disinfection consists of treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. For 20 minutes, the seeds are immersed in a pink solution to disinfect the grains. After the procedure, they are thoroughly washed and dried.

To improve germination, seed material is left in a growth stimulator for 10 hours.A special preparation “Zircon” or melt water is used as a stimulant.

Reference. Melt water is obtained from snow, which is heated to room temperature.

The swollen seeds are ready for sowing.

Container and soil

The soil is prepared from garden soil and humus in equal proportions. Washed river sand is added as a leavening agent. All components are thoroughly mixed and steamed in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C for 10 minutes or poured with a hot solution of dark potassium permanganate.

Reference. Disinfection of the soil when planting crops with weak immunity is mandatory.

The disinfected soil is laid out in planting containers, having previously made drainage holes at the bottom of each of them. In the absence of drainage holes, the accumulation of excess moisture can destroy the root system.

Plant in a common wooden box or separate paper honeycombs, plastic and peat cups. Before planting, any planting container is treated with a manganese solution.


Seed material is sown in grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle peat on top, lightly compact, water with warm, settled water using a spray bottle and cover with film. The containers are left in a warm room at a temperature of 24 ° C until the first shoots appear.

Seedling care

As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the containers are moved to the windowsill. Seedlings need sufficient light, otherwise the seedlings will begin to stretch and weaken. Daylight hours should be at least 13 hours. If there is a lack of natural light, add fluorescent lamps. Additional lighting should be taken care of in advance, especially in regions with short daylight hours.

Water the seedlings with moderately warm, settled water using a tablespoon. Over-wetting the soil increases the risk of the dangerous fungal disease blackleg. The black leg can ruin all plantings in the shortest possible time.

Reference. Blackleg is a collective popular name for many tomato diseases with common symptoms: blackening and rotting of the lower part of the stem.

The seedlings are picked after the appearance of 2 true leaves, planted in separate containers. When picking, only strong and healthy plants are left for further development.

If the bushes do not grow very well, they are fed with liquid fertilizer for tomato seedlings. Fertilizing is combined with regular watering.

After watering, the soil is loosened, ensuring air permeability of the soil.

2 weeks before transplanting into the ground, the seedlings are hardened off by taking them outside during the daytime at a temperature of 17 °C. Initially, the seedlings are left in the open air for 1 hour, gradually this time interval is increased to 12 hours.

How to grow tomatoes

The seedlings are transplanted into the soil after it warms up to 16 °C. By this time, the bushes have a fully developed root system, capable of quickly adapting to new conditions.


For 1 sq. m place no more than 4 seedlings in a checkerboard pattern. This method of planting ensures that each plant receives the required amount of sunlight. In addition, the bushes will be freely ventilated, which prevents the development of fungal infections.

The soil is prepared 2 weeks before planting by digging with the addition of wood ash. Replant in the evening after sunset in shallow holes. The seedlings are installed vertically and buried down to the first leaves.

Further care

Fleshy and sweet fruits for your table - Sugar Pudovich tomato: characteristics and description of the varietyRegular watering is established as soon as the seedlings take root in a new location. The average adaptation time is no more than 8 days. Water with settled water under the root without flooding the holes. The culture responds well to drip irrigation. With such an irrigation system, waterlogging of the beds is impossible.

After watering, the soil is loosened and hilled up. This technique improves the penetration of oxygen to the roots, which is necessary for healthy plant growth.

To keep the beds moist, they are mulched with straw, sawdust or dry leaves. Mulching also serves as a preventive measure in pest control.

The crop is fed 4-5 times throughout the season, but the ideal option is to fertilize once every 2 weeks. The fertilizer is a full complex of mineral substances, which alternate with organic matter. During the flowering period, add to the fertilizer boric acid, fertilizing with substances mainly containing phosphorus, and during fruiting the plants are fed with potassium fertilizers. From organic matter, mullein infusion is used in a dilution of 1:10.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

The culture requires mandatory formation, since this factor affects the quantitative indicator of fruiting. When planted in 2 stems, gardeners achieve maximum yield. To do this, delete everything stepsons above the first flower raceme, leaving only one lower lateral process. At the moment of fruit set, those leaves that are located below are removed.

When transplanting, a support is installed next to each seedling to attach the stem and fruit-bearing branches to it. The stem is fixed almost immediately, which has a beneficial effect on its formation. The main stem grows even and strong. Fruitful branches are fixed as they grow.Loose ones will not support the weight of ripe vegetables and will break.

Diseases and pests

The variety is not highly resistant to dangerous diseases and can become a victim of both fungal and viral diseases. Of the diseases with fungal etiology, late blight is considered the most dangerous. When plants are damaged, it destroys up to 70% of all plantings. To prevent fungus from entering the beds, it is necessary to carry out prevention.

By following the rules of crop rotation, gardeners strengthen the immunity of plants by planting them in places where they will receive the greatest amount of nutrients. According to these rules, tomatoes cannot be planted in beds where potatoes, peppers or eggplants previously grew. These crops also belong to the nightshade family and are affected by the same diseases. After them, pathogenic spores may remain in the soil, which will cause irreparable harm to the tomato crop.

Moderate watering with moisture control in the beds will prevent humidity from rising, thereby reducing the risk of the spread of fungal spores.

When affected by fungal infections, fungicidal agents are used, for example, Fitosporin or HOM.

As for viral diseases, it is impossible to save plants once they are infected, so they are simply burned. Prevention consists of removing weeds with roots. Once every 10 days, the bushes are watered with a weak solution of manganese and periodically sprayed with a milk solution. A milk solution is prepared from 100 ml of whey diluted in 1 liter of boiled water.

Of the pests, the greatest danger to tomatoes is the spider mite and scoop. The armyworm is a garden caterpillar that feeds on leaves, causing the plant to weaken and die. The cutworm also causes damage to fruits by eating them.As a result, they fall off before reaching ripeness. To combat it, eggshells are scattered between the rows, which prevents the cutworm from crawling out of the ground. Strong-smelling herbs - basil, cilantro - are planted next to the tomatoes. Their smells repel caterpillars.

To get rid of spider mites, it is enough to ventilate closed structures daily. Spider mites are a greenhouse pest. The influx of fresh air destroys its usual habitat.

Nuances for open ground and greenhouses

The tomato is recommended for growing in open ground in the southern region and the middle zone. In harsh Siberian conditions, the crop is planted in greenhouses.

In greenhouses, plant growth reaches 1.5 m. If it is necessary to limit growth, the crown of the plants is pinched.Fleshy and sweet fruits for your table - Sugar Pudovich tomato: characteristics and description of the variety

Every year it is recommended to replace the top layer of soil in the greenhouse with a new one. This is explained by the fact that pathogenic spores and many pests successfully overwinter in the ground, and become more active in the spring when crops are planted. The new soil layer must be spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate and treated with copper sulfate. The walls of protected structures are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

In regions with short and cool summers, additional lighting is installed in greenhouses for the full development of seedlings. With sufficient light, the stem does not stretch, becoming strong and even.

In open ground, excessive watering negatively affects the taste of fruits, making them watery. In addition, the fruits may crack.

Harvesting and application

Fleshy and sweet fruits for your table - Sugar Pudovich tomato: characteristics and description of the variety

Harvesting begins 3.5-4 months after sowingI. The fruits are collected as they ripen, thereby unloading the bush for the ripening of the next batch. Overripe fruits may crack.

The purpose in cooking is universal: tomatoes are ideal in fresh dishes and winter preparations. They are used for preparing salads, various appetizers, slices, hot and vegetable dishes, and added when baking with meat. Their large sizes do not allow them to be prepared as a whole, but when cut they do not lose their taste at all, so they are salted and pickled not only individually, but also mixed with other varieties. When processed, vegetables are used to produce excellent juices, pastes, lecho, sauces, adjika and ketchups.

Ripe vegetables can be stored for a long time, following the basic rules, namely, not stacking them in high rows on top of each other. The room in which tomatoes are stored should be dry and cool.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the varietal characteristics and reviews with photos, we list the advantages of the variety:Fleshy and sweet fruits for your table - Sugar Pudovich tomato: characteristics and description of the variety

  • the ability to adapt to unfavorable conditions;
  • simple agricultural technology;
  • high yield;
  • excellent taste;
  • large fruits;
  • universal purpose;
  • long transportation;
  • Possibility of self-selection of seeds.

The main disadvantage of the culture is weak immunity to dangerous diseases of the nightshade family. This also includes the necessary staking of plants and regular removal of stepsons.

Farmer reviews

Despite the existing shortcomings, reviews of the culture are positive. Here are some opinions from gardeners:

Galina, Novokuznetsk: “The tomatoes are large, up to 600 g, tasty, fleshy, fragrant, with a small amount of seeds. But these seedlings were the first to get sick. The leaves turned brown and began to dry out. I didn’t wait, I picked the tomatoes unripe. The vegetables picked up color perfectly on their own at room temperature. The taste was amazing.I’d like to plant it again because of the taste.”

Galina, Omsk: “I planted the Sugar Pudovich tomato variety for the first time. The height reached 2 m. The productivity is high, the immunity is strong - the plants did not suffer from anything throughout the season. The tomatoes are large, tasty, with sugar on the break. It was enough to eat in the summer and wind up for the winter. I'm very pleased. I collected the seeds myself for planting next year.”


Even despite some shortcomings, the Sugar Pudovich tomato variety has won universal vocation, firmly rooted in all regions of our country. This high-yielding species with large, sweet fruits is loved by both adults and children.

The main advantage of the culture is its ability to take root even in the harshest areas, with no inferior taste to those fruits grown in the south. The tomato has been famous for more than 20 years and continues to attract new fans.

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