An excellent choice for those who want to get a rich early harvest of excellent tomatoes - the “Bogata Khata F1” tomato
Summer residents are always interested in cultivating new varieties of tomatoes. The Bogata Khata hybrid is perfect for growing even for inexperienced gardeners. The crop produces a quick and high-quality harvest without much time and effort. Experienced vegetable growers speak very positively about Bogata Khata tomatoes.
Description of the variety
The hybrid was bred by Ukrainian breeders in 1997. In the Russian Federation, the tomato was officially registered in 1999.
Bogata Khata tomatoes belong to determinant type of plant. The maximum height of a standard bush does not exceed 35-40 cm. The culture, although undersized, is very strong. The carved foliage is light green in color and medium in size. The inflorescence is simple, containing up to 5 flowers. The fruit cluster is strong, well developed, and bears 3-5 small tomatoes. The compact plant does not produce stepsons, which greatly simplifies its cultivation.
Distinctive features
The hybrid is distinguished by its enormous vitality, which cannot be compared with ordinary varietal tomatoes. Bogata Khata F1 grows quickly, has strong immunity to diseases and pests and produces an excellent harvest. The crop is grown both in a greenhouse without heating, and in open ground and even on the balcony.
Fruit characteristics and yield
The tomatoes are dense, rounded, bright red in color. When cut, the tomato has pink-red flesh and 5 seed chambers. The fruits ripen 95-105 days after germination.The weight of a tomato reaches 100-120 g. Vegetable growers harvest up to 8 kg of crop from one square meter.
The fruits have a pleasant taste and aroma. The use of tomatoes is universal. The peel is thick and does not crack, so the tomatoes tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time.
How to grow seedlings
To obtain an earlier harvest, Bogata Khata F1 tomatoes are grown through seedlings. Seeds are sown in small containers with fertile soil. When the plants grow stronger at home, they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth.
Seed preparation
First of all, pay attention to the presence of a stamp on the package with seeds. It indicates whether the manufacturer has pre-treated the seeds. Sometimes unprocessed seed material is sold. In this case, preparation is carried out independently. To do this, prepare a special solution, which contains one of the following substances:
- potassium permanganate;
- aloe juice;
- "Fitosporin".
The seeds are kept in the composition for 5-8 minutes, then washed thoroughly under running water. Grains are not planted wet. They are dried well, and only then will they be suitable for planting.
Container and soil
The most popular container for growing tomato seedlings is cups or tablets made of sphagnum peat (sphagnum reliably protects the roots from rotting). During transplantation, tomato seedlings are moved into prepared holes along with a peat container. This prevents damage to the roots, and the container itself gradually dissolves in the soil.
They also make their own containers. The most suitable ones are plastic cups or cut-off plastic bottles. They also cut cardboard boxes for juice or milk to the required level.The most suitable volume of available containers is 0.5 liters; diving is not carried out with such a container. If 100 ml cups are used, the seedlings are grown until 2-3 true leaves appear.
When transplanting to a permanent place, the seedlings are taken out of a plastic cup along with the soil.
Important! When using plastic or other homemade containers, drainage holes are made at the bottom so that excess liquid does not accumulate after watering the seedlings.
Seeds for seedlings are planted in late March - early April. The grains are laid to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, then the container is covered with transparent glass or film and left in this form until the first shoots appear. After this, the seedlings are transferred to the brightest windowsill or illuminated using phytolamps.
On a note. Even the slightest drafts can destroy young shoots, as the soil in the containers quickly cools. Therefore, take care in advance to ventilate the room without damaging the plants.
Growing and care
For good development of tomato seedlings at home, it is necessary to ensure:
- regular soil moisture;
- illumination of plants for 11-13 hours;
- daytime air temperature 18-20°C;
- temperature at night is not lower than 16°C.
The container with the plants is kept on the windowsill. The container is placed on a foam base, which protects the seedlings well from the cold.
When daylight is short, lighting in the form of phyto- or fluorescent lamps is evenly placed above the tomatoes. Lighting is turned on in the morning or evening.
Water tomato seedlings only with warm and settled water. The soil is always kept moist. When the tomato stems grow, they are carefully hilled up.
After the formation of 1-2 leaves, the tomatoes are transplanted into separate containers. Two weeks before transplanting the plants to a permanent place, the seedlings begin to harden. To do this, take it out onto the street or balcony every day: in the first days for 2 hours, then the time the plants spend in the fresh air is gradually increased.
How to grow tomatoes
Proper cultivation of Bogata Khata tomatoes involves timely moistening, loosening the soil and periodically weeding the beds to remove weeds. Although the crop has good disease resistance, gardeners still treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
The seedlings are transplanted into the garden bed 60 days after sowing the seeds. Work is carried out when the soil warms up well, in May - June. The area for tomatoes has been prepared since autumn. The culture is demanding on soil fertility and plenty of sunlight. Crop rotation is also important for tomatoes.
Good predecessors for culture:
- garlic;
- onion;
- cabbage;
- legumes.
Unwanted Precursors:
The soil is dug up and added to 1 square. m 3-4 kg of compost and 25 g of superphosphate and potassium salt. In spring, the soil is loosened with a rake.
Tomatoes are planted in 20-centimeter holes at a distance of 40 cm from each other, and a gap of 50 cm is left between the rows. The roots are covered with soil and watered abundantly.
With regular care, the culture develops well. Plants are watered and fertilized in a timely manner. The low-growing variety does not need pinching. When fruiting occurs, only the lower leaves are plucked off.
Plants are tied to a small wooden or metal support. To prevent diseases and pests, the crop is sprayed with biological products.In greenhouse conditions, humidity levels are controlled by opening or closing two opposing windows and doors.
The frequency of watering is set depending on weather conditions and the stage of crop development. After planting in a permanent place, the tomatoes are watered, then allowed to adapt for 7 days; during this period the crop is not moistened.
Until the ovaries form, 2 liters of water are added to the bush every 4 days. During flowering, plants require more moisture; one bush consumes 5 liters of water. During mass fruiting, watering is reduced. They do this so that the fruits do not crack.
Important! Water the crop with warm water, which is poured strictly at the root in the morning or evening.
After watering the plants, the soil around the tomatoes is loosened and weeds are removed at the same time. If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, it must be ventilated. Soil moisture is maintained by mulching the beds with humus or peat.
For high yields of the Bogata Khata hybrid, fertilizers must be applied in a timely manner. Tomatoes are fed with solutions based on mineral or organic substances.
Tomatoes are fertilized according to the following scheme:
- after 10 days after planting the plants in a permanent place;
- during the formation of buds;
- with the appearance of the first fruits;
- during the period of mass fruiting.
In the first stages of development, tomatoes are fed with mullein. It contains nitrogen, which promotes the formation of new shoots.
The next feeding is carried out with solutions that contain potassium sulfate and superphosphate. 25 g of each substance are stirred in 10 liters of water. The resulting fertilizer is applied at the root of the tomatoes.
In cool weather, foliar feeding is used. The solution is prepared from phosphorus and potassium substances.Mix 10 g of each fertilizer in 10 liters of water. The crop is sprayed in the morning or evening.
Mineral and organic fertilizers for tomatoes alternate. The day before watering, add ash to the water. Also, as a fertilizer, it is incorporated into the soil during loosening. Wood ash saturates the crop with a complex of mineral substances.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
Growing Bogata Khata tomatoes is no different from cultivating other hybrid tomatoes. Although the plant has a good immune system, some difficulties may still arise when growing vegetables. Each gardener plants crops in his own way, and besides, the structure of the soil is different everywhere. Because of this, various problems arise.
When a plant's flowers and ovaries fall off, it means the bushes lack moisture or nutrition. To eliminate the problem, regularly moisten the soil with warm water. Depending on weather conditions, the amount of watering varies.
When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, the cause of this problem is a lack of ventilation or rot in the fruit. Ventilation and systematic watering should be controlled.
Diseases and pests
The tomato has excellent resistance to diseases characteristic of the species. If a crop is affected by any disease, this means that the plants are receiving improper care. Possible diseases:
- Dry spot is a fungal disease that is treated by spraying with fungicides and antifungals.
- Cracking tomatoes. This happens due to improper watering. In this case, their frequency is reduced.
Pests and their control:
- Scoop. Since this insect does not like medicinal plants, calendula is planted next to the tomatoes.The bushes are sprayed with garlic infusion (200 g of grated garlic or onion are mixed well in 10 liters of water and allowed to brew for a day). Among the chemicals used, Intavir is used.
- Slugs. To combat this parasite, the soil around the plants is sprinkled with ash, lime, shag or tobacco chips. Also, remove weeds in a timely manner and mulch the bed with tomatoes.
- Colorado beetle. The pest is eliminated by spraying with an infusion of walnut, wormwood, garlic, elecampane or hemp leaves. The procedure is carried out once a week, the last one – 3 weeks before harvesting.
It is important to know! A soap solution is added to any of the above products for stickiness: grated soap is dissolved in a container of water.
The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse
The Bogata Khata tomato is grown in open ground in the southern regions. In the middle zone, film shelters are used. In more northern regions, the hybrid is cultivated in greenhouses.
Harvesting and application
Harvest ripening occurs in June – August. The bushes should be checked daily for the presence of ripe fruits.
The use of vegetables is universal - they are used to make tomato juice and sauce. Due to their small size, tomatoes are great for canning and barrel pickling. They are also consumed fresh as an addition to various dishes.
Advantages and disadvantages
Vegetable growers prefer this hybrid for its positive qualities:
- precocity;
- high productivity;
- ability to grow even on a balcony;
- transportability of fruits;
- long-term storage;
- resistance to temperature changes;
- good immunity to diseases;
- excellent taste;
- versatility in application;
- compactness of bushes.
The main disadvantage of the F1 hybrid is that you cannot collect seeds from your own harvest. Also, some gardeners are not satisfied with the size of the fruit, but this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that the tomato is excellent for preservation.
Vegetable growers speak positively about Bogata Khata tomatoes. This hybrid has more advantages than disadvantages.
Anna, Bryansk: «My neighbor in the country always praised her tomatoes. I also decided to grow a hybrid of Bogata Khata tomatoes. Shoots appeared quickly, the crop was grown in a greenhouse. The plant is quite productive for its size. The fruits are very tasty and aromatic. Compact bushes save a lot of space in the garden. I prepared so much preserved food that I later distributed it to relatives. I really liked the hybrid and will continue to plant it.”
Svetlana, Ufa: “For several years in a row I have been growing tomatoes for sale. I always buy new productive varieties that do not require special care. Based on its characteristics, I chose the hybrid Bogata Khata. I liked that the crop is an early ripening tomato. The fruits have an excellent presentation, as in the photo of the packaging with seeds, and most importantly, they are stored for a long time.”
The hybrid Bogata Khata is a real find for beginning vegetable growers. This crop is easy to care for and produces a bountiful harvest on fertile soil. If you do not have a summer cottage, this tomato is well suited for growing on a balcony or loggia. The fruits have a classic appearance and are stored for a long time.
You will learn more about the Bogata Khata hybrid from the following video: