Is it worth growing the “Princess” tomato: the opinions of summer residents and the secrets of obtaining a rich harvest of aromatic tomatoes

Scientists have proven that eating tomatoes improves mood and helps cope with depression. This is just one of the reasons why both adults and children love tomatoes. Gardeners around the world strive to grow only the most productive and tasty varieties on their plots. One of these is rightfully recognized as the Princess (another name is Princess). Let's look further at a detailed description of the Princess tomato and find out why it is so loved.

Description of the variety

Summer residents of the southern regions grow tomatoes in the open air, while representatives of the north of the country and the middle zone prefer to plant the Princess in greenhouses or hotbeds. The variety loves fertile soil and fertilizing.

The bushes are indeterminate and are not limited in growth. Princess - mid-season variety, while being distinguished by high yields.

Is it worth growing the Princess tomato: the opinions of summer residents and the secrets of obtaining a rich harvest of aromatic tomatoes

Distinctive features

The bushes grow up to 1.5 m high. Most often they require staking and pinching, since the fruits are large and heavy. The plant is formed into 2 stems. The foliage is medium, the leaves resemble potato leaves in appearance. The bushes are powerful and have a developed root system.

Fruit characteristics, yield

Smooth tomatoes have an oval shape and thick skin. The color is rich red, the aroma is classic. The average weight of a tomato is about 200 g, in greenhouse conditions the figures increase to 400 g. If you follow the rules for caring for 1 square meter. m harvest about 14 kg of juicy tomatoes.

How to grow seedlings

Seedlings are prepared 55-60 days before planting the plant on the site. For the best harvest, gardeners are advised to follow basic agrotechnical rules.

Seed preparation

High-quality seeds are the key to a good harvest. When purchasing material, inspect it carefully for stains and other uncharacteristic signs. Buy seeds only from trusted places.

The main stage of seed preparation is germination. Before doing this, harden them by placing them in the freezer for 10 hours. Low temperatures destroy larvae and dangerous microbes. Then disinfect the seeds by placing them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. Hydrogen peroxide is also suitable for this.

Sprout the seeds in damp gauze or a cotton pad. For convenience, place them on a plate and place them in a warm and dry place. Germination will show the overall germination of seeds and will also speed up the appearance of the first shoots.

Important! For the most powerful effect, use “Solution”. This universal plant remedy kills harmful microorganisms, saturates the seeds with essential microelements, and helps to quickly adapt to external conditions. “Solution” is sold in any gardening store.

Container and soil

To save time and effort, gardeners purchase ready-made soil in the store, for example, “Universal” soil or “Krepysh” mixture. Their compositions are already enriched with all the necessary elements and correspond to the required acidity level. Such soil is an ideal soil for seedlings.

Any container for seeds can be used, for example, plastic cups or flower pots. The main thing is that the container is dry and clean. Stores sell special plastic cassettes and containers for seedlings.


We list the stages of planting seedlings:

  • pour soil into the container, filling 1/2 of the container;
  • make small grooves about 1 cm deep;
  • put seeds in each;
  • sprinkle soil on top and gently pat down;
  • pour in plenty of warm, settled water (never from the tap);
  • cover the top with a lid or cling film;
  • make a marking (write the date and name of the variety on a sticker), so it will be easier for you to navigate by planting time.

Growing and care

Is it worth growing the Princess tomato: the opinions of summer residents and the secrets of obtaining a rich harvest of aromatic tomatoes

The growth of seedlings depends entirely on proper care:

  1. Compliance with light conditions. Place the containers in the brightest place in the house, for example, on a windowsill or loggia. The recommended light level is at least 14 hours a day. If there is a shortage, arrange additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.
  2. Watering mode. Tomatoes are watered for the first time 10 days after planting. Make sure there is not too much moisture, otherwise the risk of fungus and infections will increase. Water should get directly under the root, bypassing the stem and leaves.
  3. Temperature regime. The ideal air temperature is at least 22 degrees. Harden off the seedlings 2 weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground. For example, place it on the balcony every day, increasing the hardening time. First it will be 1 hour, then 1.5 and so on. Hardening creates immunity in tomatoes to sudden weather changes. This is especially true for gardeners who grow Princess in open ground.
  4. Fertilizers. The first fertilizing is applied after 15 days. To do this, use liquid chicken manure or a solution based on garlic and onion peels. In the future, fertilizers are applied at intervals of 15-20 days. In addition to organic matter, do not forget about mineral nutrition in the form of nitrogen-containing substances.

Important! At the seedling stage, it is important to create favorable conditions for tomatoes to develop. Use growth stimulants: “Silk”, “Epin-extra”, “Zircon”. These drugs will give the Princess the necessary amount of potassium and phosphorus, develop immunity to diseases, and increase productivity.

How to grow tomatoes

The Princess is unpretentious in care; even a novice gardener can reap a good harvest.

Is it worth growing the Princess tomato: the opinions of summer residents and the secrets of obtaining a rich harvest of aromatic tomatoes


The morning or evening of a cloudy and windless day is perfect for planting. Plant the bushes at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Immediately near each bush, place a wooden peg for the future garter. Place the seedlings in the ground carefully, without harming the still fragile stem. After all the seedlings are in the beds, water them generously with warm water.


Caring for the Princess variety is as follows:

  1. Watering mode. Water the bushes every 7-10 days. If the summer is rainy, reduce the amount of water; if it is hot and dry, on the contrary, increase it. It is better to water the tomatoes in the morning or evening, when the sun is not very hot - this will prevent sunburn. Plus, it is recommended to avoid getting moisture on the bushes, since bacteria and microbes develop especially actively in conditions of high humidity.
  2. Loosening the soil. Loosen the soil every 10-12 days, this rule is especially important when applying fertilizers. The procedure saturates the soil with oxygen and makes it more airy.
  3. Weed removal. Extraneous grass especially likes to appear after rains. Weeds feed on tomatoes, which is why the latter lack the strength to develop. Remove weeds with bare hands or gloves as they grow.
  4. Garter bushes required when the first tomatoes form on the grapes.For the garter, in addition to wooden stakes, you will need twine. When tying up bushes, be sure that the twine does not injure the stem. Also, never tie the twine around the stem more than once.
  5. Stepsoning tomatoes every 7 days. Plants form additional shoots (stepchildren), which take some of the nutrients from the tomatoes. When removing them, it is important not to damage the stem. If the shoots are still small, use scissors.
  6. Fertilizers for tomatoes. Wood ash, milk, eggshells, liquid mullein, and aloe juice are suitable organic fertilizers. Among the chemicals – “Fundazol”, “Kornevin”, “Rival”. To achieve the best effect, gardeners recommend alternating fertilizing.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Before planting a crop, pay special attention to disinfecting the soil. In the fall, collect all the garbage and plants and burn them. Dig up the beds and place a “blanket” of hay on them. In the spring, 2 weeks before planting, water the soil with a manganese solution. If you plan to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, treat the structure with the solution: walls, doors, windows, and so on.

Also, do not forget about foliar feeding. We are talking about spraying bushes for preventive purposes. For example, it is recognized as an effective remedy against pests Bordeaux solution, consisting of water, lime and copper sulfate. Spraying with the product is carried out three times per season. The strong effect of the drug normalizes metabolism and helps avoid infections. Before working with the solution, be sure to prepare gloves, protective clothing and goggles.

Diseases and pests

Is it worth growing the Princess tomato: the opinions of summer residents and the secrets of obtaining a rich harvest of aromatic tomatoes

Princess tomatoes may develop blackleg or root rot. The infection penetrates deep underground and destroys the roots, slowly “eating” them. As a result, the bushes do not receive nutrition from the soil and die. For prevention purposes, use a solution based on milk or whey. Such sprays are safe for both plants and humans.

Other enemies of roots are wireworms and mole crickets. Pests also penetrate deep underground and destroy roots. The leaves fade, turn yellow or white, and the development of tomatoes slows down. For prevention purposes, use eggshells. Just scatter it on the garden bed, and the tomatoes will be under reliable protection.

Important! The Princess variety has high immunity to common fungal diseases - late blight and septoria. This is one of the main advantages of tomato.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

When growing in open ground, the best place for planting is eggplant or cucumber beds. Do not plant tomatoes after potatoes and peppers. For the Princess, select the brightest and most spacious place in the garden. Avoid being near the above-mentioned potatoes. The best neighbors for tomatoes are legumes. In addition, gardeners advise planting basil or marigolds next to vegetables. It has been established that they improve the taste of tomatoes.

If tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse, do not forget to ventilate it regularly. The fact is that the structure is characterized by high humidity and high air temperature, which negatively affects the development of tomatoes. Ventilation is provided through vents and open doors.

Important! Use a drip irrigation system both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. It directs water directly to the roots, bypassing the stems and leaves.Root fertilizers and top dressing are also applied using a drip system.

Is it worth growing the Princess tomato: the opinions of summer residents and the secrets of obtaining a rich harvest of aromatic tomatoes

Harvesting and application

The Princess is harvested immediately after the first ripe tomatoes appear. You can tell when vegetables are ready to harvest by their characteristic rich red color. Tomatoes are collected so as not to damage the stalk. Over-ripening of tomatoes is undesirable, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the overall yield.

Tomato is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Positively affects the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, tomato is a natural antioxidant.

Tomatoes are used in the preparation of many dishes: pasta, tomato juice, vegetable stew, pizza. Vegetables go well with other foods - meat, poultry or fish.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of the Princess variety:

  • excellent taste;
  • original appearance;
  • versatility of use;
  • high immunity.

Disadvantages of tomato:

  • the need to form a bush;
  • The best conditions for growing are a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Reviews from gardeners

Summer residents say different things about the Princess variety:

Valentina, Stavropol: “The quality corresponds to the stated characteristics. There are few seeds, the pulp is juicy and sugary. The yield is average, the taste is delicate. I will grow more."

Alla, Penza: “I planted varieties for the first time 3 years ago. In the greenhouse, the bushes have grown to 1.7 m. The fruiting period is extended, the yield is high. I use it for winter preparations or pickling.”

Nikita, Moscow region: “The Princess variety is tasty, but I wasn’t happy with the yield. The tomatoes took a long time to set, the fruits were watery. I doubt that I will plant the Princess variety again.”


If you are looking for new tomatoes for your garden, the Princess variety would be an excellent choice. It is productive, the taste of tomatoes is juicy and rich. Vegetables make excellent tomato juice, which is used for baby and dietary nutrition. The variety is unpretentious in care and resistant to diseases.

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