Is it possible to eat watermelon during early and late pregnancy?
Every expectant mother during pregnancy tries to eat healthy, consume more vitamins, fruits and vegetables. But what about watermelon? During pregnancy, a woman's risk of developing swelling increases. Let's figure out whether watermelon is beneficial during pregnancy or should be excluded from the diet.
Eating watermelon during pregnancy
Every expectant mother wants to bring only benefits to her baby. For this reason, she begins to be sensitive to the use of all products, especially watermelon. Whether it is possible to eat berries during pregnancy is a controversial issue that needs to be sorted out.
Points for and against
Watermelon must be natural. When growing, it is fertilized with chemicals, which will subsequently negatively affect the general condition. Therefore, nitrate watermelons are strictly prohibited for expectant mothers.
To prevent any problems, you need to choose the right berries:
- They buy watermelons at the end of summer.
- A quality product has a non-uniform shade inside.
- The veins must be white and thin.
It is also important to remember that it is not only nitrates that cause harm, but also microbes. They develop in extreme heat. Before eating, the berries should be washed with soap. It is better to buy only the whole product. Cut berries can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
The benefits and harms of fruits for pregnant women
Watermelon is very useful for any body.Its main part consists of water, but the red pulp is saturated with useful substances.
The fruit contains the following components:
- Vitamins A – 1.9%, C – 7.8%, B1 – 2.7%, B2 – 3.3%, PP – 1.5%.
- Magnesium – 3%, potassium – 4.4%, sodium – 1.2%, iron – 5.6%, calcium – 1.4%, copper – 4.2%, zinc – 0.8%.
- Organic acids.
- Fiber – 0.4 g per 100 g.
Watermelon is very useful for a pregnant woman. Even doctors advise using it, but only if there are no contraindications.
The positive effects of the berry are as follows:
- Cleanses the body of waste, salts and toxins.
- Removes excess fluid and prevents swelling.
- Positively affects the nervous system.
- Provides the body of a woman and her unborn child with useful substances.
- Helps cope with iron deficiency anemia.
- Positively affects metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system.
The harm of the berry is as follows:
- If you eat too much watermelon, it can cause diarrhea.
- Increases the tone of the uterus.
- Excessive consumption leads to swelling.
Is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy?
Before eating berries during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. If there are no contraindications, you can eat it, but in certain quantities.
Reference. You should not buy watermelon before August, because it may contain nitrates and chemicals that negatively affect the body of the expectant mother.
In the early stages
The first terms are the most important, because the fetus is just beginning to develop. All major organs are being formed. Watermelon will be beneficial if it is environmentally friendly.
Use the product with caution - 2-4 slices per day, 3 times a week are enough.
In the later stages
The fruit is already formed, so you can eat the watermelon. The main thing is not to exceed the norm, i.e.Because during this period, the load on the female body increases several times.
This is especially true for expectant mothers who are 30 weeks or more.
Eligibility by trimester
In the 1st trimester, the product can and should be eaten, because its rich composition saturates the body with useful components and vitamins. In the 1st and 2nd trimester, you can consume no more than 500 g of pulp in the morning and afternoon.
The product is especially useful in the 3rd trimester. It copes with swelling and reduces the risk of complications. It is advisable to consume no more than 4 slices per day.
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Daily consumption rates
Recommended to eat no more than 300 g per day (3 small slices). If a woman has overeaten, it is better to avoid the product for a couple of days.
In what cases is watermelon contraindicated for pregnant women?
Watermelon is not harmful for the expectant mother. But there are a number of cases when it is undesirable to eat it.
Why pregnant women should not eat watermelon:
- Presence of allergies (individual intolerance).
- Problems with the digestive system.
- The presence of urolithiasis or problems with fluid outflow.
- Diabetes mellitus (watermelon contains large amounts of fructose and sucrose).
Watermelon for swelling
Swelling very often appears during pregnancy. Most often occur in the 3rd trimester. Before using the product for edema, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence.
These can be natural processes occurring in the body (heavy load on the kidneys), as well as climatic conditions (high humidity, temperature).
It is allowed to eat watermelon during edema, as it will help remove excess fluid.But if pregnancy is accompanied by complications, it is better to exclude the berry from the diet.
Watermelon poisoning during pregnancy
Signs of poisoning:
- Loss of strength.
- Diarrhea, vomiting, blurred vision.
- Frequent dizziness, headaches.
- Temperature increase.
Pregnant women are often poisoned by watermelon. In this case, urgently call an ambulance. If you do not consult a doctor in time, poisoning will have a negative effect on the body and can cause a miscarriage.
Reference. While the victim is waiting for the doctor to arrive, you can drink activated carbon or another sorbent that is allowed for pregnant women.
Unusual watermelon recipes for pregnant women
The berries are used to make drinks, salads, desserts and snacks. Each of the recipes will benefit a pregnant woman and her baby.
There are 2 of the most delicious and refreshing drinks that can be prepared quickly and easily.
Watermelon milkshake
This drink will save you on a hot and sunny day. You can add ice cubes if desired.
- milk – 250 ml;
- watermelon – 150 g;
- sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
- Peel the berries and chop finely.
- Add milk and watermelon to the blender bowl. Then add sugar.
- Beat until fluffy foam.
- Decorate with berries. Serve chilled.
Watermelon juice with mint
Watermelon juice with mint is a favorite drink of many people. It is the easiest to prepare.
- watermelon – 250-300 g;
- mint - several sprigs;
- sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
- Cut the berries into cubes.
- Place in a blender, add 1/4 tbsp. water, mint. Beat everything thoroughly.
- Remove the pulp through a sieve and strain the juice.
- Place the liquid in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
- Add sugar to taste. Mix.
- Serve with ice and mint leaves.
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Pregnancy is the busiest and most difficult time for a woman, especially during the summer season. During this period, you want to treat yourself to something fresh and cool. Most people prefer to eat watermelon.
It contains a large amount of useful substances and has a beneficial effect on the body. The most important thing is to consult a doctor before use and not exceed the specified amount.