What do white veins mean in a watermelon and what other signs should you be wary of?
Watermelon is a seasonal berry; its ripening period in nature begins in mid-August and lasts until the end of September. Unscrupulous farmers, wanting to speed up the process of growth and ripening of fruits, use nitrates to fertilize the soil, which in large doses are toxic to the human body.
The question arises, how to choose a natural and ripe watermelon? The quality of the fruit can be determined by external signs, such as color, smell, shape, peel. But special attention must be paid to the pulp. A watermelon can be loose, soft, smooth inside, with white or yellow veins, white or purple. Which one is unsuitable for eating, what nitrate pulp looks like, why the veins in a watermelon are white and what this means - read the article.
White veins in watermelon - where do they come from?
Initially, watermelon pulp has heart-shaped repetitions in the form of thin light intertwining strips that provide the fruit with nutrients. Excess nitrates lead to changes in the appearance of the edible part. They make the flesh bright red or even purple, sometimes white, smooth and even, and the veins thick, white or yellow.
Nitrates are salts of nitric acid that plants need to form chlorophyll; they cannot live without them. Plants take nitrogen from the soil, but to increase yields, farmers additionally fertilize the soil with nitrogen-containing nitrates.
At the beginning of growth, the fruit pulp of a watermelon accumulates nitrate substances for further nutrition, and by the time of ripening, most of them are consumed to build its own cells. Berries that are overly fertilized with nitrates accumulate these compounds beyond measure and become toxic to the human body.
Important. You should not eat unripe watermelon fruits, as they contain a large amount of unused nitrogen-containing substances. The least nitrates are found in medium-sized, ripe fruits.
Reasons for the appearance of white veins in watermelon
Excessive doses of nitrogen fertilizers can provoke the formation of white veins in watermelon pulp. But this is not the only reason for their appearance. White spots may be a consequence of unbalanced plant nutrition: the use of nitrogen fertilizers without potassium and phosphorus organic matter, untimely application of fertilizers to the soil, irrational use of inorganic fertilizers.
Watermelons accumulate excess nitrates due to lack of light. Fruits grown in a greenhouse under short daylight conditions or in densely planted areas will have pale flesh.
The level of nitrates in fruit pulp increases if stored improperly. To avoid the formation and accumulation of nitrates, melons are planted clean and dry and checked for signs of spoilage by insects and mechanical damage. Optimal storage conditions are a dry, well-ventilated room without direct sunlight, with a low air temperature.
Is it possible to eat this watermelon?
Nitrates are found in every product, and in moderation they can even be beneficial for the body.. However, high doses are toxic, so products containing them are unsuitable for consumption. After eating poor quality berries weakness, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, chills, painful stomach cramps, and fever occur.
Undesirable consequences of food poisoning include dysbacteriosis, dehydration, kidney and liver failure, and dysfunction of the digestive system.
In other cases, excess nitrates can cause hypoxia. By interacting with hemoglobin, they convert it into methemoglobin, which loses its ability to deliver oxygen to tissues and organs, which ultimately leads to oxygen starvation. Nitrates also adversely affect the functionality of the digestive system and increase the risk of cancer.
For reference. The nitrate content and the ability of the berry to absorb and accumulate nitrates depends to some extent on varieties.
Other signs of a bad watermelon
The presence of high doses of nitrates in fruit pulp can be determined by other signs: bitterness, loose pulp, white spots or a white tint to the edible part.
Loose pulp, watermelon like cotton wool
Loose pulp may be normal for overripe berries. Then it remains dense near the crust, and softens closer to the center. You should not eat fruits whose edible part is loose, loose, porous, crumbly, and easily crushed with your fingers. This watermelon was stored incorrectly: in an open area, not protected from direct sunlight.
The appearance of a bitter taste is due to several reasons:
- Long-term storage of berries in improper conditions. The shelf life of a whole ripe watermelon is limited to three months. Then the taste and structure of the pulp change.
- Damaged peel. Through cracks, bacteria seep into the pulp, poisoning it with waste products, which is why the pulp becomes bitter.
- Sometimes, to transport and extend shelf life, fruits are treated with gas - ethylene. Under its influence, the structure of the fruit pulp becomes fibrous and acquires a bitter taste.
White spots on watermelon
Fruit pulp of uneven color with individual white spots, a loose and soft structure is an indicator of a high nitrate content. This kind of watermelon should not be consumed.
White inside watermelon
Is a watermelon that is white inside an unusual variety or an unripe berry? There is a variety with an unusual color of fruit pulp, it is called “White Miracle”. In this case, this is a varietal feature.
But More often than not, the white color of the edible part indicates that the berry has not had time to ripen or full of nitrates. White coating on the surface of the peel, yellow veins, white seeds, loose pulp with cracks and voids indicates that this is a product unsuitable for consumption.
Cavity inside
Pulp rupture occurs when the berry is overripe or when growth stimulants were used during its cultivation.
Tips for choosing a good watermelon
Nitrate pulp can only be detected at home after cutting the fruit, so it is necessary to pay attention to external indicators of quality and storage conditions.
Experts advise buying watermelons near the field where they grew, or at the market.Avoid sales points located near the road. The berry has the ability to absorb dust and harmful impurities, so this watermelon becomes unsuitable for consumption and dangerous for the human body.
When buying a watermelon at the market, ask the seller to provide a certificate of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision or another document certifying the quality. Pay attention to the storage conditions of the berries. The point of sale should be under a canopy to protect it from direct sunlight and precipitation, and the berries themselves should be stored in special trays at least 20 cm high.
Ideally, a watermelon should be large, but not heavy, with an average weight of 6-10 kg. If you choose a large fruit, there is a possibility that it will be oversaturated with nitrates, and if it is small, there is a chance that it has not yet had time to grow and ripen.
Other external signs of a ripe natural watermelon:
- dry stem - a dried stem indicates that the watermelon is overripe or has been stored for a long time (a green stem indicates that the berry has not reached ripeness);
- shiny top layer without a matte finish with a clearly defined striped pattern;
- a small yellow earthen spot on the side (5-10 cm);
- makes a dull sound when tapped, crackles when squeezed;
- has no cuts, damage, signs of damage by insects, or adhering dirt;
- It is easy to damage the peel of an unripe watermelon with a fingernail - a herbal smell will appear and juice will be released.
Advice. It is not recommended to buy watermelon without a stalk, since in this case it is difficult to determine its ripeness.
Watermelons are classified by gender into male and female berries. They differ in the shape of the lower part and the size of the circle on it.Connoisseurs prefer to buy a girl watermelon - it is juicier, sweeter, and contains fewer seeds.
If the purchased watermelon corresponds to all external characteristics, and when cut, loose pulp like cotton wool is found, with yellow veins, white spots, an unpleasant odor or taste, you cannot eat such a watermelon - it is dangerous for good health.
To minimize the risk of food poisoning and other side effects, do not buy watermelon before mid-August. If you purchase them ahead of time, there is a high probability of getting a product containing excess nitrates.