What is black watermelon: description, features and best varieties of this species
If you like something new and exotic, try growing black watermelon in your garden. This melon crop does not require special attention. There is a wide variety of black watermelons, which are not inferior in their taste and varietal qualities to the berries to which we are accustomed.
This unusual fruit has a very sweet taste. You can verify this in two ways: go to Japan for exotic berries or try to grow a similar product in your garden. If you adhere to simple agrotechnical rules, then even an inexperienced summer resident can cope with cultivation.
What is black watermelon
Watermelon is a berry whose color varies from light pink to black.. The peel of some varieties has slightly noticeable stripes or mesh. The shape of the berry can be oval or round.
The creeping culture has long shoots - up to 3 m or more. Each stem has branched tendrils and dissected individual leaves. The flowers are large, light yellow.
History of origin and distribution
Breeders developed modern watermelons from wild varieties, which still grow in the deserts of Botswana and South Africa.
Initially, they were not so juicy, sweet, beautiful and aromatic, but, on the contrary, had a bitter taste, white or creamy flesh. The wild fruit was barely larger than a large apple.
These African berries were the only source of moisture in hot, desert latitudes, and passing travelers collected the fruits to quench their thirst.
In Europe, the berry began to be grown in the 16th-17th centuries; the taste and external characteristics of watermelons were very different from modern varieties and hybrids, but breeding work continued and bore fruit. Now in the beds there are not only green, but also black watermelons. In the Russian Federation, these fruits are grown only in warm regions.
Features of the fruit
The large black berries are mainly grown in Japan, they belong to the premium class. This is the most expensive watermelon in the whole world: in Japanese stores it costs about 20-30 thousand yen, that is, 12-17 thousand rubles. Its average weight reaches 5-7 kg, maximum – 11 kg. The exotic appearance of the fruits is given by their appearance, namely the black-glossy color of the shell.
Black watermelon - a delicacy and luxury. Its fruits are very sweet, sugary, and some varieties contain virtually no seeds.
Composition and properties
The chemical composition of black berries is the same as that of classic watermelon, but the black fruit tastes much sweeter than its counterparts. This is explained by the fact that the pulp contains large amounts of glucose, fructose and sucrose. These elements greatly increase the sugar content of the fruit.
The calorie content of the product is 25 kcal per 100 g. The berry contains ascorbic acid and carotene, which strengthen the immune system, folic acid, vitamins E and PP. Berries are rich in microelements: potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.
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Benefits and harms
Black watermelon is used as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diuretic.. The low calorie content of the berry is a reason to include it in the diet even with diabetes, since the sugars contained in the pulp are easily absorbed by the body.
Watermelon also has other beneficial properties:
strengthens the immune system;
- normalizes metabolism;
- removes toxins from the body;
- lowers cholesterol levels;
- normalizes intestinal microflora;
- improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system;
- prevents the formation of malignant tumors due to the high content of lycopene;
- improves brain activity;
- acts as an antioxidant.
Watermelon is used in cosmetology: The most popular remedy made from the berry is a face mask. Its vitamin-rich composition rejuvenates the skin, tones and makes it smoother and softer.
Prepared from watermelon seeds and peel useful decoctions that are taken for diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, and even to remove parasites from the body.
But there are people for whom watermelon may be contraindicated. Those who are suffering should refrain from eating treats:
- atherosclerosis;
- kidney stones;
- colitis and diarrhea;
- congenital diseases of the genitourinary system;
- flatulence;
- intolerance to the product.
Once cut, watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.. If the berry has lain for the same amount of time at room temperature, then it is better to avoid eating it so as not to be poisoned.
Varieties of black watermelon
The main region for growing sweet watermelons is the Astrakhan region. It is there that the weather conditions and soil are most suitable, which allow the berries to reach full ripeness, and farmers to collect the maximum harvest: 120 tons per hectare.
New varieties can grow in harsher climates and even in Siberia. The classification of watermelons includes varieties with different ripening periods, which make it possible to harvest in several stages. The fruits are stored for up to 2.5 months, which allows you to enjoy them even in winter.
Interesting. The largest watermelon grew in the USA in 2005. The weight of the fetus reached 120 kg. Variety - Carolina Cross. The record was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The largest berry in Russia weighed 61 kg. Variety – Russian size.
The variety is grown on the island of Hokkaido. The average weight of the Japanese Densuke berry is 5-7 kg. Some fruits reach 10-11 kg. The shape of the watermelon is round. The stripes on the peel of the fruit are almost invisible. The berry has a black glossy surface and rich red flesh.
Watermelon is rare, so gourmets are willing to pay a high price for this extraordinary fruit.. The cost of such a berry is unpredictable. In 2008, the price of an exotic watermelon reached $6,300 and it weighed 8 kg. It achieved such a record value thanks to constant resales at various world auctions.
Black Prince
One of the available varieties of Japanese selection. The crop is grown in the North Caucasus region. The growing season is 85-95 days. The weight of the berries ranges from 3 to 10 kg. The shape of a watermelon is identical to a melon - oval-elongated. The peel is dark green, with longitudinal, almost black, stripes on it.
Scarlet medium-dense pulp has a juicy and sweet taste, despite the low sugar content (within 10%). The advantages of the variety are the possibility of transportation and preservation of commercial qualities for three months from the date of harvesting. The culture is resistant to temperature changes. From 150 to 350 centners are collected from 1 hectare.
Early ripening variety. Small berries have a spherical shape. Thin peel of black-green color, without stripes. The weight of one fruit is 2-3 kg. The structure of the red pulp is granular.
Watermelon fruitsOgonyok“They are consumed fresh; they are not used for preparations.The culture tolerates spring coolness.
Berries ripen in 70-85 days. In the southern regions, watermelon seeds are planted in open ground in April-May. 150-300 kg of crop is harvested from 1 hectare. Cleaning is carried out in August-September. The culture is resistant to fusarium and anthracnose.
Did you know? In South Africa's Kalahari Desert, wild berries the size of tennis balls are still found. The Egyptians were the first to grow watermelons, more than 4,000 years ago.
Black excellent
Excellent Black variety is a domestic analogue of Densuke. The berry is round in shape. Narrow black stripes are slightly visible on the dark green peel. The largest fruits gain weight up to 10 kg. The pulp is bright red with a slight raspberry tint.
The sugar content of this variety is slightly higher than that of the Black Prince - 12.5%. Pros: resistance to diseases and temperature changes.
Black Tyrant
Of all the varieties, the rind of this watermelon is closest to black.. The shape of the fruit is round. The average weight of black berries is 10 kg. The grainy, raspberry-colored pulp has a rich aroma. Sugar content level – at least 12%.
Many summer residents prefer the Black Tyrant variety for its resistance to temperature changes, good transportability and long shelf life.
The crop is grown in open and closed ground. This watermelon is mainly cultivated in the middle zone, but it is able to withstand low temperatures and even short frosts. The harvest is harvested 100-110 days after germination. The fruits are suitable for winter harvesting.
Medium late variety, begins to bear fruit 90-110 days after planting. Watermelons "Icarus"Have an elliptical shape. There is a barely noticeable mesh on the dark green shell. Skin thickness is medium.The pulp is tasty, grainy, and has a raspberry tint. The weight of the fetus reaches 3-5 kg.
Anthracnose is a threat to plants if they are grown under film. But Icarus doesn’t get sick at the melon patch.
The crop is drought resistant. From 125 to 165 centners are collected from 1 hectare. The fruits of this variety are consumed fresh and used for processing.
Siberian lights
Early cold-resistant melon crop. The variety has excellent commercial and taste qualities. The pulp is sweet. The fruits gain weight from 2 to 5 kg. There are narrow stripes on the thin dark green peel. The color of the juicy pulp is bright red. Watermelons are consumed fresh.
The fruits ripen in 80-90 days. The variety is grown under film cover and in open ground. The berries tolerate transportation well. Up to 370 centners of crops are harvested from 1 hectare. The culture is resistant to fusarium.
Early ripening universal variety. The fruits are consumed fresh and salted. The shape of the berry is spherical, the color is black-green. The pulp is tender, red. Montenegrin is drought resistant. The weight of one watermelon reaches 2.5-3 kg. The culture grows well on light fertile soils.
Features of cultivation
Cultivating watermelons requires agrotechnical knowledge. Despite the unpretentiousness of the crop, there are nuances that affect the quality and quantity of the harvest.
To grow sweet and juicy fruits, a number of conditions are observed:
- Provide the culture with the necessary temperature conditions and lighting. The southern berry does not grow well when there is a lack of sunlight, so choose a site on the sunny side. Black watermelon seeds are planted when the soil warms up to +15°C and the air temperature is at +25°C...+30°C.
- Follow watering rules. The area is moistened evenly and the soil is not allowed to dry out or become waterlogged.When the fruits begin to ripen, stop watering.
- Follow the fertilizing schedule. The crop is fertilized 3 times per season, the soil is pre-moistened.
- To tie up the lashes, install a trellis.
The harvest is harvested as the fruits ripen. Signs of watermelon ripeness: dry stem, yellow spot where the berry touches the ground, a characteristic crunch when squeezed. The harvest is harvested by hand and sent to storage.
Important! They try not to store the fruits for more than a month, as the watermelon loses its sugar content and the pulp loses its density.
After harvesting, apply to the soil wood ash, humus or mineral complex fertilizers.
Black watermelons are selected for planting based on the photo and characteristics of the variety. Not only the appearance of the berry is important, but also the ripening time, yield and taste.
Elena, Tula: “I have loved watermelons since early childhood. Every year in August and September I cleanse my body with a watermelon diet. I used to buy it at the market. But one day I got seriously poisoned and decided to grow them myself. I tried and made mistakes, but in the end I developed the optimal planting technology. They recommended me a proven watermelon, the Ogonyok variety. Satisfied with both taste and size. Every year I collect seeds from my own harvest for further planting.”.
Vasily, Stavropol: “I liked the Icarus variety from the first cultivation. I collected 8 large berries from the garden, the weight of each fruit was approximately 4 kg. My wife and I eat it fresh. Some were put away for storage. I cultivate watermelons in open ground, fertilize them with urea and herbal infusions.”.
Domestic watermelons are practically in no way inferior to their foreign exotic counterparts and are quite accessible for cultivation.Sweet and juicy black berries from your own garden will delight you with their fresh taste and will be perfectly preserved in homemade preparations!