What is good about the hybrid cucumber "Bjorn" and why it is worth trying to grow it
Bjorn F1 cucumbers were developed by Dutch breeders. Despite the fact that this hybrid appeared in Russia recently, it has already gained great popularity among vegetable growers due to its advantages. This plant produces a tasty and healthy harvest, successfully resists diseases of the pumpkin family, and even a novice gardener can cope with its cultivation.
Description of cucumbers
Hybrid Bjorn (aka Bjorn F1) grown throughout the Russian Federation in closed ground conditions, where the crop produces two revolutions in one season (spring-summer and summer-autumn). In regions with a favorable climate, cucumbers are successfully grown in open beds.
The hybrid has high stress resistance and successfully withstands temperature changes, errors in watering and maintenance. The ovaries of plants develop quickly. They do not fall off due to temperature changes or insufficient lighting.
Distinctive features
Cucumber Bjorn F1 belongs to the indeterminate plant type. This parthenocarpic a hybrid, that is, its fruits set without pollination. Weather conditions do not affect the development of ovaries. Cucumbers are grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.
Composition properties, benefits, calorie content
Cucumber has a complex composition and includes many vitamins and microelements important for humans. The vegetable retains its beneficial properties even when pickled or canned.100 g of product contains only 10-15 kcal, so if you eat even a kilogram of cucumbers, you will not gain excess weight.
Cucumber contains such vitamins:
- vitamin A;
- vitamin B1;
- vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
- vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid);
- vitamin B6 (pyridoxine);
- vitamin B9 (folic acid);
- vitamin C;
- vitamin E (TE);
- vitamin K (phylloquinone);
- vitamin PP (niacin equivalent);
- beta-carotene;
- choline
More Fresh vegetables contain microelements such as:
- magnesium;
- selenium;
- copper;
- phosphorus;
- zinc;
- iron;
- calcium;
- potassium;
- sodium.
Cucumbers consist of 90-95% structured water. This the product improves the functioning of the digestive system and thyroid gland, acts as a vasoconstrictor and diuretic.
Vegetables contain alkaline salts that prevent the formation of sand and kidney stones. They also contain iodine compounds and fiber, which stimulate proper intestinal function.
On a note. Cucumbers slow down skin aging.
This product considered absolutely dietary. It can be used with virtually no restrictions. Nutritionists recommend spending a fasting day on cucumbers, during which you can eat up to 1-1.5 kg of vegetables.
The culture is not limited in growth, the root system is well developed. The hybrid is characterized by weak climbing. The amount of foliage is average. The hybrid has a female type of flowering, there are no barren flowers. Each node contains from two to four ovaries, from which cucumbers are formed.
For your information. The hybrid does not undergo the stepson procedure. Also, plants do not require blinding of the lower leaf axils.
Throughout the entire fruiting period, the shape and size of the fruit remain one-dimensional. Vegetables do not overgrow or turn yellow.Björn's type of cucumber is gherkin. Smooth greens have a cylindrical shape. The length of the vegetable is no more than 12 cm. The average weight of one fruit is 100 g.
Cucumbers have an attractive appearance. There are no spots or light stripes on dark green vegetables. The flesh is dense and crispy. There is absolutely no bitterness in vegetables.
Bjorn F1 belongs to one of the earliest cucumbers. The fruits ripen 35-40 days after sowing. The culture bears fruit within 60-70 days. Some vegetable growers grow the hybrid in greenhouses twice a season.
Cucumber Bjorn popular due to its high yield. When growing vegetables in open ground from 1 sq. m, summer residents collect about 13 kg, in greenhouse conditions - 20 kg.
Fruits are universal in use. Cucumbers are used to prepare fresh salads, winter preservation. During transportation, they do not lose their external and taste characteristics.
How to grow this variety yourself
Bjorn F1 cultivated both through seedlings and direct sowing into the ground. Planting with seeds is mainly carried out for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse; seedlings are used if the plants are planted in open ground. To increase productivity, the crop is grown in seedlings.
Direct seed planting
The packaging with seed material most often indicates whether their preparation manufacturer. If not, then the seeds are kept for 20-30 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, then washed under running water.
Next, the seeds are soaked in warm water (+35-40°C) for 2-3 hours and wrapped in damp cotton cloth for a couple of days. The gauze is periodically moistened, but so that the seeds do not float in the water. This way they will swell and sprout quickly.
Seeds are planted so that the distance between them is at least 35 cm and no more than 60 cm. Approximately 150 cm is left between the rows. The depth of seed placement is 3 cm.
Attention! Hybrid producers in most cases disinfect seeds in the factory. This material is covered with a bright shell.
Seedling method
Seeds are planted in peat cups or tablets to a depth of 3-4 cm, moisten and cover with film to create greenhouse conditions before emergence. When sprouts appear, the film is removed to allow the seedlings to breathe.
Plants are kept at air temperatures from +14°C to +20°C. On days 20-24 after sowing, cucumbers are planted in a permanent place of growth in a greenhouse or open ground. The culture is replanted together with a peat pot, slightly damaging it for better access of moisture to the roots. Peat becomes limp over time and dissolves in the soil.
Seedlings are planted at the same distance as with direct sowing. seeds into the ground.
Read also:
Hybrid "Cedric" for growing in greenhouse conditions
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Growing in stages and care
Hybrid Björn F1 is low maintenance, but It is still necessary to follow simple agricultural rules.
During the entire growing season, the crop is fertilized at least four times. The first feeding is carried out two weeks after planting in a permanent place, the second - at the beginning of flowering, the next - during the ripening period of cucumbers.
Mineral and organic fertilizers alternate. Special preparations are used as mineral supplements, for example, “Master”, “Agricola” or superphosphate.As organic fertilizers, take an infusion of herbs, chicken droppings or mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1:15. The following fertilizing is applied to extend the fruiting period.
Humidification is carried out exclusively with settled water at room temperature. in the evening or morning. Watering with cold water leads to rotting of the roots. The crop is moistened under the bush, preventing drops from getting on the leaves and stem.
Also The soil around the plants is loosened 2-3 times per season.. The event is carried out 12-24 hours after watering. Thanks to this, oxygen penetrates better to the roots. Along with loosening, weeds are removed, which takes away nutrients and moisture from the crop.
In greenhouse conditions, cucumbers are tied to a trellis. They begin to form bushes from the moment they have about 10 leaves. All excess leaves and stepsons are removed. When the plants reach a height of 2 m, they are pinched. Proper formation of cucumbers will ensure a larger harvest.
Important! The crop is tied up carefully so as not to crush or limit the growth of the stem.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
Hybrid Bjorn f1 is grown in open and closed ground conditions, but in greenhouses the yield level increases and maintenance is reduced to a minimum. The technology for its cultivation is practically no different from the cultivation of other cucumbers.
Diseases and pests
Cucumber Bjorn has strong immunity to disease, but the risk of disease remains. In such cases, special preparations are used to protect the bushes from diseases and pests. When using the products, follow the dosage indicated on the packaging.
The most common diseases of cucumber crop:
- Cladosporiosis. The disease manifests itself as brown ulcers on bushes and fruits. In order to combat the disease, they stop moistening the plants for five days and treat the crop with Fundazol (10 g per 10 liters of water). The affected areas are removed.
- Powdery mildew. White spots appear on the leaves, which later spread to the entire plant, the leaves dry out, and fruiting stops. The infected parts are torn off, and the bushes themselves are treated with fungicides (10 g per 5 liters of water). If the disease has spread to the entire plant, it is removed.
- Downy mildew. The foliage becomes covered with small yellow spots and dries out. Over time, the disease affects the entire plant. For 3-4 days, stop feeding and moistening the plants and treat the bushes with “Polycarbacin” (10 g per 5 liters of water).
- White rot. A white viscous consistency covers the bushes and fruits themselves. The infected parts of the plants are removed and the culture is treated with the prepared solution - 50 g of copper sulfate, urea and zinc sulfate per bucket of water.
On a note. Diseases are treated in the first stages of development, otherwise the plants will die. There is also a risk of damage to neighboring bushes.
Plants are often attacked by insect pests.. Most often this happens during the fruiting period.
Most common pests:
- Aphid. Small green bugs that settle on the foliage in whole colonies and eat it, which leads to the withering of the green mass. These insects reproduce very quickly. Pests are destroyed by spraying plants with an ash solution (200 g of ash and 100 g of laundry soap are mixed in 10 liters of water).
- Whitefly. Small white midges. The pest sucks the sap from plants and leaves behind sooty fungus and wilted leaves.The pest is exterminated by treating the bushes with garlic infusion (200 g of grated garlic or onion is stirred in 10 liters of water and infused for a day).
- Spider mite. The pest prefers greenhouse conditions and is located on the underside of leaves, where it leaves its web. The insect spreads infections and eats green mass. The pest is destroyed by spraying the back of the leaves with a soap solution (200 g of grated laundry soap per bucket of water).
Harvesting and application
Fruiting of cucumber crop is extended. It begins after about 35-40 days. Harvesting is carried out every two days.
From hybrid cucumbers make delicious summer salads, winter preservation and salting.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Advantages of the Bjorn F1 hybrid:
high productivity;
- the possibility of growing in open and closed ground, even with slight shading;
- early fruit ripening;
- ease of care;
- long-term fruiting and storage of vegetables;
- disease resistance;
- transportability.
The hybrid has few disadvantages:
- seeds from ripened fruits are not suitable for further sowing, since this is a hybrid, not a variety;
- demands of plants in gartering to support;
- high cost of seeds.
Bjorn f1 has more positive qualities than disadvantages, which is why many gardeners prefer this particular hybrid.
Summer residents appreciate this hybrid for a long list of advantages.. Cucumbers are actively grown in the vast majority of regions of the country. The opinions of some gardeners are below.
Ruslan, Voronezh: “A neighbor in the country advised me to grow Bjorn F1 cucumbers. The hybrid was cultivated in seedlings and then planted in a greenhouse. I liked the early fruiting.Caring for plants is not difficult, but you need to feed the crop regularly. The vegetables look beautiful, as in the photo of the package with seeds. The cucumbers are the same size, so you want to preserve them for the winter. The vegetables taste sweet and have no bitterness. The pulp is dense and elastic, salts well, remains crispy and without voids. Next time I plan to grow this hybrid in a greenhouse in two stages – in early spring and early summer.”.
Anna, Rostov: “I tried growing many different varietal and hybrid cucumbers on my plot, until I came across Bjorn F1 in a gardening store. Now I plant only this cucumber for salads and always in seedlings. Planting and care does not require much time and effort. The crop bears fruit for a long time. The vegetables are tasty, aromatic, dense and homogeneous inside with small seeds. Suitable for pickling and marinade. Even for the winter I can preserve salads with the addition of these cucumbers.”.
The ultra-early hybrid Bjorn F1 allows you to harvest tasty and healthy fruits already 35-40 days after sowing. During transportation, they do not lose their external and taste characteristics. These vegetables are included in the diet in fresh and canned form.