Domestic hybrid of cucumbers “Garland”, which will delight you with a rich harvest
Garland is a popular and early hybrid of cucumbers, which is grown in greenhouses and even on a balcony or loggia. These vegetables contain only 15 kcal per 100 g, which makes this product dietary. Read more about the peculiarities of cultivating the hybrid, its advantages and characteristics below.
Description of the hybrid
Garland refers to early ripening hybrids. Plants self-pollinate, which simplifies the cultivation of cucumbers in greenhouse conditions. The culture is characterized by powerful growth and bouquet formation of ovaries. The hybrid does not require special attention to care and produces a high yield.
Important! Do not confuse Garland with the hybrid Siberian Garland. Although the names are similar, the plants themselves differ in characteristics.
Distinctive features
Cucumber The garland has a female type of flowering. The culture has strong immunity to characteristic diseases of cucumbers. When growing greens in warm regions, the harvest is harvested before the end of September.
Reference. Garland is a hybrid, not a variety, so seeds from your own harvest are not collected for further sowing. Such grains have a poorly developed structure.
Composition properties, benefits, calorie content
Nutritional value per 100 g of product is:
- proteins – 0.9 g;
- fats – 0.1 g;
- carbohydrates – 2.7 g;
- fiber – 0.7 g.
These vegetables also contain a small amount of vitamins C, PP, E and group B.Cucumbers consist of 90-95% structured water; they perfectly quench thirst and remove toxic substances from the body.
The fruits contain natural organic acid. This is the connection performs a number of useful functions:
- dissolves sand and kidney stones;
- flushes out free radicals;
- removes cholesterol plaques from blood vessels;
- removes salts from joints;
- improves blood counts.
This healthy vegetable can be consumed in large quantities on fasting days, you won’t gain excess weight.
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The fruits ripen in 40-50 days after emergence. During the period of active fruiting, up to 35 vegetables are harvested from one bush at a time.
Cucumbers are cylindrical in shape, dark green in color.. The length of the fruit is 12-14 cm, the diameter is 3-3.5 cm. The weight of one vegetable reaches 130 g. The fruits have large pimples with white pubescence. The leaves are medium-sized, heart-shaped, with serrated edges.
These cucumbers have a pleasant taste and aroma. Vegetables are universal in use. They are used to make summer salads and winter preserves.
In the central and northern regions The garland is grown indoors. From 1 sq. m, vegetable growers harvest 14-16 kg of cucumbers.
How to grow cucumbers yourself
The timing of planting seeds depends on the method of growing cucumbers.. Direct sowing of seeds into the ground is carried out at the end of May–beginning of June, if the ground has warmed up to +15°C. Grains are planted for seedlings in the last ten days of April.
Interesting! The record cucumber was grown by a British gardener named Alfo Cobba. The length of the fetus was 91.7 cm.
The hybrid is recommended for growing in greenhouses. Garland is also successfully cultivated on balconies and loggias.
Direct planting of seeds into the ground
With the seedless method, the seeds are planted immediately in a permanent place of growth. The main advantage of this method is that you don’t have to waste time and effort growing seedlings. But there is a risk that not all seeds will sprout. In this regard, the seedless method is inferior to the seedling method, where the seedlings have already grown and take root in the ground without any problems. Also, cucumbers will begin to bear fruit later than when seedlings are planted.
On the quality of the harvest influences the location for growing cucumbers. Seeds are sown in non-acidic loamy or sandy loam soil. Crop rotation plays an important role. Good predecessors for cucumbers:
- beans;
- beans;
- garlic;
- onion;
- peas;
- cabbage;
- corn;
- potato;
- tomato.
cucumbers do not grow again in the same place or after melons. Before sowing, the soil in the greenhouse is properly prepared. The soil is dug up and organic fertilizers are added to it. For this, rotted manure is used at the rate of 20 liters per 1 sq. m plot. The holes are dug at a distance of 30 cm from each other. 70 cm is left between the rows. The seeds are deepened into the soil by 2-4 cm.
Growing seedlings
For hybrid Garland The seedling method of growing is more suitablethan seedless. The relative disadvantage of the method is that it is labor intensive and time consuming.
The best container for seedlings is peat tablets. Ready disinfected soil stimulates the development of seedlings. The tablets are placed in a container and filled with water. When they absorb water (after 15 minutes), the seeds are planted.
The seeds are deepened into the tablets by 1-2 cm, the latter are placed in a common box, which is covered with polyethylene or transparent glass and placed in a dark place. The substrate is periodically moistened from a sprayer.
When the seedlings germinate, the cover is removed. The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent location in late spring or early summer. The planting scheme is the same as with the seedless method: 30 cm are left between plants, and 70 cm between rows.
Growing and care
Cucumber is a moisture-loving plant. Especially it is important to provide the crop with moisture in hot weather. In the first stages of development, when the plants have not yet formed a powerful root system, cucumbers are watered at least 2 times a week, using 4-5 liters of water per 1 square meter. m. During the period of flowering and fruit set, the amount of water is increased to 10-12 liters.
If there is not enough water for irrigation, mulch the soil. This will significantly reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil. The bed is mulched with a layer of 7 cm. For this, compost, peat, manure, pine needles or straw are used. Over-watering the crop is not allowed - this will lead to the development of infectious diseases.
The soil around the bushes is loosened and at the same time gets rid of weeds, which takes nutrients and moisture from plants. The event is carried out 12-24 hours after watering the cucumbers.
The frequency of loosening depends on the type of soil. When growing cucumbers on light sandy soil, loosening is not necessary. If the ground contains clay, then this procedure is carried out regularly. This will provide oxygen access to the root system, which will have a positive effect on the yield of cucumbers.
During the entire growing season, cucumbers are fertilized up to 6 times. For this purpose, mineral and organic fertilizers are used.The first feeding of plants is carried out at the beginning of flowering, subsequent ones - every three weeks.
Fertilizer methods:
- ash infusion (200 g per bucket of water);
- a solution of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water);
- infusion of chicken manure or mullein (in a ratio of 1:15).
At the initial stage they add nitrogen fertilizers. Subsequently, the concentration of potassium and phosphorus is increased. Many gardeners alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied at the roots on moist soil. In cool weather, plants are not fed, as the crop does not absorb nutrients well.
The garland is grown vertically. To do this, the bushes are tied to a regular net or trellis. This makes caring for plants easier, and the crop receives more sunlight.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
The agricultural technology for growing Garland cucumbers is practically no different from caring for other cucumber crops.
Did you know? In some cities, monuments to cucumbers were erected (Lukhovitsy, Nizhyn). And on July 27, vegetable growers celebrate International Cucumber Day.
Diseases and pests characteristic of cucumbers
Since the Garland cucumber is a hybrid, the culture is little exposed to diseases, but a certain risk always remains. In such cases, plants are treated with special preparations. In order not to harm the cucumbers, the products are used strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging.
The most common diseases of cucumbers:
- Powdery mildew. The disease manifests itself as white spots on the foliage, which later spread to the entire plant. The leaves begin to dry out and fruiting stops.The damaged parts are torn off, and the bush itself is treated with fungicidal preparations, such as Ridomil Gold or Previkur. If the disease has spread to the entire plant, it is removed.
- Cladosporiosis. Brown cankers appear on bushes and fruits. To combat the disease, stop watering for 5 days and treat the crop with Fundazol (10 g per bucket of water). Infected areas are torn off.
- White rot. This is a viscous white consistency, due to which fruits and bushes begin to rot. Plants are treated by removing the affected parts and treating them with a special solution (10 g of copper sulfate, urea and zinc sulfate per 2 liters of water).
- Downy mildew. The foliage becomes covered with small yellow spots and begins to dry out. Subsequently, the disease spreads to the entire bush. Moisturizing and fertilizing are stopped for 3-4 days and the crop is treated with “Polycarbacin” (10 g of product per 5 liters of water).
On a note. The disease is fought in the first stages of its development, otherwise the plants will die and the diseases will spread to neighboring crops.
In the process of growing Cucumbers are often attacked by pests. This mainly occurs during the fruiting period.
The most common pests:
- Aphid. Tiny green insects that eat foliage, causing the green mass to wilt. These bugs multiply quickly. Spraying plants with an ash solution helps against the pest (200 g of wood ash and 100 g of soap are mixed in 10 liters of water).
- Whitefly. Small white midges that suck the sap from plants and leave behind sooty fungus and wilted leaves. Midges are destroyed using garlic infusion (200 g of grated garlic or onion are stirred in 10 liters of water and allowed to brew for a day).The entire plant is treated with the prepared product.
- Spider mite. The pest is located on the back of the leaves, where it leaves behind a web. Small spiders bring various infections and eat foliage. The mite is destroyed by spraying the back of the leaves with a soap solution (200 g of grated laundry soap per bucket of water).
When pests are detected on plants, they are destroyed immediately, since insects multiply quickly and move to neighboring bushes.
Harvesting and application
For high and long-lasting yield, cucumbers are harvested on time. Timely harvesting of vegetables stimulates the setting of new fruits. The first green plants are harvested approximately 40 days after germination.
Mainly cucumbers used to prepare summer salads, but their scope of application is wide. Small green vegetables are perfect for pickling or winter preservation.
Important! At temperatures below 0°C, cucumbers become soft and spoil quickly. In the refrigerator, fruits are stored away from the freezer.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of cucumber Garland:
high productivity;
- independent pollination of plants;
- quick yield of the crop;
- long fruiting;
- the culture has strong immunity to diseases;
- cucumbers are good for the body;
- excellent taste;
- transportability of vegetables;
- attractive presentation of cucumbers;
- culture does not require much attention.
Disadvantages of a hybrid:
- high cost of seed material;
- the impossibility of collecting seeds from one’s own harvest for further sowing.
Summer residents who have already grown Garland speak mostly positively about the hybrid.The culture has gained stable popularity for a long list of advantages.
Anastasia, Moscow region: “I have been growing a garland for 3 years in a row and only through seedlings. The germination rate of the seed material is high, and many ovaries are formed. The taste of cucumbers is excellent, the peel is hard and crispy.
The greens grow beautifully, as in the photo of the package with seeds. I use this cucumber for winter preparations; it looks very appetizing in a jar.”.
Svetlana, Shakhty: “My husband and I recently purchased a summer cottage. I've never grown cucumbers before. A neighbor advised me to plant Garland.
I cultivated the hybrid using seedlings. She devoted little time to the plants, watering and weeding the soil as needed. I fed the crop with mullein several times. I collected a lot of harvest, I didn’t even know what to do with it. Delicious vegetables were eaten fresh and used for preservation. My family liked the Garland cucumbers. I will continue to grow it".
The Garland hybrid has strong immunity to diseases and shows high yields regardless of the growing method. The plant self-pollinates, bears fruit for a long time and grows even on window sills or loggias. The garland does not require careful care, so even an inexperienced vegetable grower can cope with growing these cucumbers.
You will learn more about the Garland hybrid from the video below: