Mid-early hybrid of cucumbers “Real Man” with stable strong bushes and large fruits
The unusually long cucumbers of the hybrid “Real Man” will not fit in a canning jar, but fresh and in salads, including winter ones, they will be ideal. The fruits are crispy, strong and almost without seeds, the yield is 10 kg per square meter.
How to raise a real man, in what conditions he feels good and bears fruit effectively - we will tell you in the article.
Description of the hybrid
Cucumber hybrid Real Man F1 recommended for cultivation in the European part of Russia, both in open and closed ground. Refers to mid-early. Requires pollination by insects.
Distinctive features
Distinctive features of the hybrid: A real man:
- shade tolerance uncharacteristic for cucumbers (gives a good harvest in the shade);
- resistance to cool and cloudy weather.
Another feature is the size of the fruit.. Their average length is 30-35 cm, while they are narrow and prickly.
Composition properties, benefits, calorie content
In summer, cucumbers are the most common vegetable on our menu. It consists of 95% water, but at the same time it has a fairly rich and healthy composition:
- vitamins B1, B2, B9, C, H, PP, E, A;
- magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium;
- alimentary fiber;
- essential oils.
Cucumbers are rightly called a low-calorie dietary product. They contain only 14 kcal per 100 g.
Useful qualities of cucumbers:
removal of waste and toxins from the body, which is especially important for residents of megacities;
- getting rid of radionuclides - useful for those who have been exposed to radiation;
- supporting heart function, strengthening blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure;
- prevention of thrombosis;
- regulation of the gastrointestinal tract - acceleration of metabolism, cleansing of the intestines;
- strengthening the immune system;
- normalization of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
- support the nervous system, protection from stress;
- moisturizing, skin whitening;
- fight against excess weight.
Despite the obvious benefits, it is recommended to consume no more than 1.5 kg of cucumbers per day and not at one time.
Other long-fruited cucumbers:
Caring for cucumbers Chinese miracle for a rich harvest
The bush is long, climbing, with large dark green leaves. From one to three ovaries are formed in one node. It is better to place the hybrid vertically on trellises or mesh to obtain straight fruits.
Cucumbers are long, up to 40 cm, weighing 300-400 g. They are smooth and narrow at the base, pimply and prickly in the middle. Therefore, they harvest with gloves. The pulp is juicy and dense, containing almost no ripe seeds.
8-10 kg are collected from one square meter. A mid-early hybrid allows you to harvest all summer. Cucumbers with a pronounced taste and aroma are intended for salads, but are also suitable for pickles when sliced.
How to grow your own
cucumbers A real man is grown with seedlings and seeds. The first method allows you to get earlier harvests. The second is suitable for warm climates.
Planting by seeds and seedlings
We grow seedlings:
- We fill the pots with disinfected soil (potassium permanganate or in the oven), peat ones work well.
- Sow 1-3 seeds in each to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
- Before sprouting, we moisten the soil well. We maintain the temperature +21°C. The Real Man's germination rate is approximately 70%.
- If these conditions are met, sprouts will appear in 1-2 weeks. Shoots need full lighting.
- Do not overuse fertilizers. When the plants grow to the first two leaves, they are picked and left one at a time in the pot.
- Before transplanting seedlings into open ground, they are taken outside for hardening. Until acclimatization is complete, she should avoid direct sunlight, cold and wind.
Planting seeds in open ground:
- Sowing is done in previously prepared and fertilized soil. This is done after the threat of frost has been eliminated.
- 4-6 seeds are placed in each furrow at a distance of 7-10 cm. They are sprinkled with earth on top. Leave 50-70 cm between furrows.
- Before germination, the soil is moistened, but not flooded.
- Shoots appear in seven to 14 days.
- Then they are thinned out, leaving 3-4 of the strongest shoots in the furrow.
Growing and care
During growth and fruiting it is necessary:
- fight weeds by weeding them out and using mulching;
- Water regularly, especially during hot weather, but do not flood - it is recommended to use drip irrigation.
Important! Water the cucumbers with warm, settled water.
During bush growth, cucumber vines should not be moved.so as not to damage them. Proper fertilization is important. Experienced summer residents recommend alternating organic fertilizers (mullein) and mineral mixtures (superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium nitrate).
For getting high yields carry out preventive treatment against pests and diseases.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
Growing hybrids is not difficult - as a rule, they are unpretentious and resistant to most common nightshade diseases.
Weeding and loosening of the soil is carried out carefully so as not to touch the fragile roots. To grow these cucumbers, it is advisable to use a vertical net. This will allow the fruits to grow evenly and beautifully. If the lashes remain on the ground, the cucumber may become bent and other defects may occur.
To increase productivity Sunflower, zinnia, oregano or lavender are planted next to bee-pollinated cucumbers. They attract bees.
Read also:
Diseases and pests
The hybrid is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, olive spot, powdery mildew. Weakly resistant to downy mildew (downy mildew). A symptom of infection is the appearance of oily spots on the leaves. To prevent this disease, the soil before planting is treated with potassium permanganate (1%), copper sulfate (3%). For treatment, the drugs “Alirin B” (2 tablets per 10 liters of water), “Oxychom” (15 g per 5 liters of water), “Quadris” (0.2%, 0.1%) are used.
The most dangerous hybrid pests:
- Aphid. Main signs: falling of leaves and flowers, curling of leaves. If the number of insects is small, then it is enough to sprinkle the beds with ordinary wood ash and treat the plants with a soap solution. If the infection is severe, the drug "Decis" will help.
- Sprout fly larvae can cause enormous damage to seeds and young plants. Treatment is carried out with insecticides “Hurricane Forte” and Iskra.”
- Spider mite may appear in persistently hot and dry weather. Symptom: cobwebs on vines and leaves.Prefers greenhouse conditions. Treatment: “Fundazol”, “Aktofit”, “Fufanon”.
- Nematode. Small worms living underground cause damage to the root system of plants. Cucumbers become limp, the leaves are curled. If infection is detected in a timely manner, treatment with Fostfamide and Mercaptophos will help. If the roots are severely damaged, you need to get rid of the plant.
The likelihood of disease is reduced if you follow the rules of crop rotation. Cucumbers are planted in the place where carrots, zucchini, and melons grew last year. Their neighbors can be tomatoes, radishes, peppers, and legumes.
Harvesting and application
Subject to all growing conditions, a real man gives an excellent harvest. First of all, it is used to prepare daily summer salads.
They have proven themselves well in cooking lightly salted snacks in chopped form. They also make winter salads with tomatoes and other vegetables and spices.
Advantages and disadvantages
Main advantages:
- shade tolerance;
- long fruiting;
- immunity to disease;
- high taste qualities;
- marketable condition;
- germination and fruiting in unfavorable conditions.
- do not tolerate hot weather well;
- difficult to keep fresh.
Reviews of Real Man cucumbers are definitely positive. Inexperienced gardeners are somewhat confused by the length of the cucumber, but everyone praises their taste.
Oksana, Bor: “We planted three seeds of the hybrid Real Man in a greenhouse. Unfortunately, only one sprouted, but this did not stop us from eating unusually sweet cucumbers in the summer. The only negative is their prickliness, children don’t like them. I had to collect it myself and wash it thoroughly, removing the thorns.”
Marina, Kanash: “I planted cucumbers in the greenhouse, they all sprouted.But all the flowers turned out to be without ovaries. Then I found out that bees are needed for their pollination, and this was probably the reason for the lack of cucumbers.”.
Artem, Kirov region: “I liked the hybrid. A real man, I planted it straight into the ground. The bushes withstood the cool June well. Three quarters of the seeds have sprouted. He lifted the whip and tied it up. But some of the fruits remained on the ground and were slightly distorted. Used for both food and salting".
A real man - a mid-early hybrid of cucumbers with many advantages. The plant can be grown by seed and seedlings. In any case, the yield will be high. The culture is unpretentious in care and resistant to diseases. The fruits are characterized by sizes up to 40 cm and excellent taste.
Cucumbers are giants, grow up to 52 cm. They bear fruit in July, August and until the end of September. Not at all whimsical. Because of their size, you have to tie them up so that the lashes don’t fall under the weight. The taste is average. The downside is that it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week; very large ones can begin to deteriorate while still on the branch.
Thank you for your feedback, I think many readers will find it useful!
I want to buy varieties of cucumbers: A real man; gherkin green avalanche; Diva F1; Multifruit.