How to properly grow Claudia f1 cucumbers to break yield records
Among vegetable growers, the Claudia f1 cucumber has been known for a long time. The secret of the popularity of the hybrid lies in simple agricultural technology and a stunning final result. The fruits are just like in the picture: aligned, the same size, presentable.
The taste of cucumbers can compete with many well-known varieties. Those who are forced to purchase cucumbers in the markets due to the lack of their own plot are waiting for supplies of this hybrid, since the taste does not leave even gourmets indifferent.
General description of Claudius cucumbers
In the characteristics and description of the hybrid it is worth paying attention that this culture forms ovaries without pollination. Since all her flowers are of the female type, there is no need to worry about the formation of male barren flowers.
Reference. Cucumbers are a herbaceous annual plant of the Cucurbitaceae family.
Hybrid Claudius developed by Dutch breeders Seminis company. It was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2008 under the name Claudine f1. Based on this culture, similar hybrids continue to be created. One of the youngest and most popular varieties is Claudia Agro f1.
Distinctive features
Russian gardeners value the hybrid for high yield, increased resistance to diseases and universal use of fruits. A characteristic feature is the method of propagating the crop: it is planted directly into the ground and through seedlings.
This is interesting! People have been eating cucumbers for over 6,000 years. India is considered the founder of culture.
The photo shows a Claudius hybrid.
Calorie content, benefits and harm
The calorie content of the product is low - only 15 kcal per 100 g. 95% is occupied by structured water that is beneficial to the body, which flushes the kidneys, removing unnecessary toxins, heavy metal salts and waste. The fruit contains vitamins A, C, group B, folic acid, and minerals - potassium, magnesium, zinc. Green vegetables have no equal in fiber content.
This is interesting! Drinking structured water helps a person stay healthy longer, despite the poor environment.
Cucumbers are included in weight loss diets and cosmetic masks., as they improve complexion, tone and moisturize the skin and have a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect.
But vegetables with such a wide range of beneficial effects can be harmful to people with kidney disease. Don’t forget about this and overuse your favorite vegetables.
Plant characteristics
Claudia f1 - mid-season hybrid of parthenocarpic type. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to full ripening, 50–55 days pass. The yield is high - up to 10 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 m², and in greenhouse conditions this figure doubles.
Reference. The parthenocarpic type are hybrids with female flowers that can form fruits without pollen.
Culture exhibits increased resistance to diseases, takes root well in open ground and protected conditions.
Plant with long vines, easily curling along the support. The leaves are wrinkled and deep green. Each flower forms a full-fledged fruit; the hybrid has no empty flowers.
Fruit characteristics
Fruit length – 9–12 cm, diameter – 3 cm, average weight – 80–95 g. The surface is ribbed, slightly pubescent and rough. The peel is tender, thin and aromatic. The pulp is dense, juicy, without voids, not watery. The taste is pleasant, without bitterness. The seeds are small and do not interfere with eating.
90% of the harvested crop is marketable, the fruits have a long shelf life and good tolerance to long-term transportation. The hybrid has long been in high demand in markets, so it is known to most farmer-entrepreneurs.
We grow cucumbers ourselves
In this section Let's talk about landing in 2 ways: through seedlings and without seedlings.
In an open garden
Claudius cucumber seeds are sown in unprotected soilwhen it warms up to 15–17 °C, and the air temperature rises to 21–23 °C. If you do not plan to install a support along which the plant vines will curl, the distance between the rows is left at least 90 cm. The optimal distance between the holes is 35 cm.
Sowing is carried out in the evening. After sowing, the soil is moistened with warm, settled water.
Planting seeds for seedlings
Timely planting and care ensure healthy seedling growth and rich harvest. Sowing of seeds begins 30 days before transplanting into the ground.
The soil is bought in a specialized store or prepare it yourself by mixing 2 parts humus, 2 parts peat and 1 part sawdust. Purchased soil does not require treatment, but prepared soil yourself must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate to destroy pathogenic flora.
Containers for sowing are suitable only for individual, since the root system of cucumber crops is too vulnerable and does not take root for a long time after planting and transplanting to a permanent place.The best option is to sow the seeds in peat pots, from which the plants are not transplanted, but placed in holes along with the container. Peat dissolves perfectly in the soil, further enriching the roots with useful substances.
It is impossible to prepare seeds of hybrid crops yourself, so you will have to buy them every planting season. Purchased seeds do not need processing; they are already ready for sowing. They are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm and the containers are covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. The containers are left in a room with a temperature of at least 22 °C.
After 5-6 days the first shoots appear. The film is immediately removed, and the room temperature is reduced to 19 °C during the day and 17 °C at night. Otherwise, the seedlings will begin to stretch and look unhealthy.
Watering the seedlings as the top soil layer dries out, use warm, settled water from the shallowest watering can.
As soon as the seedlings grow up and become stronger, the air temperature is raised to 21 °C. The maximum permissible temperature limit is 23 °C.
When 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are fed with nitrophoska: 1 tsp. dissolve in 1 liter of warm water. Fertilizing is combined with watering. After watering, the soil is loosened superficially, improving air permeability.
Transplantation and further care of the hybrid
Seedlings are transplanted into holes 35 cm deep. Before transplanting, the holes are filled with warm water. No more than 4 seedlings are placed per 1 m².
Water the plants only with warm water in the evening.. When watering during the daytime, the leaves may burn. Watering is carried out using a watering can - with this method, the water does not erode the soil above the roots. Each seedling consumes 2.5 liters of water.
After watering, the soil is loosened and weeded. Weeding is a good preventive measure in pest control. Weeds are an undesirable neighbor for any crop, as they absorb many useful substances.
Fertilizing is applied once every 10–12 days. Organic fertilizers are used - mullein infusion, ash, urea. Among the preparations used are azofoska, nitrophoska and sodium humate. Often sodium humate is mixed with ash and urea (5 g of urea, 5 g of sodium humate and 100 g of ash per 10 liters of water), and nitrophoska with mullein infusion (1 liter of mullein and 25 g of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water).
Features of care and possible difficulties
Seedlings send out long lashes, so they are pinched and tied up. The main vine is limited in growth (pinched) when it reaches 1 m in open ground and 1.2 m in closed structures.
The side shoots should not exceed 50 cm, and their shoots should not exceed 15 cm. With this formation of seedlings, the maximum benefit from the hybrid crop is obtained.
Other varieties of cucumbers:
How to grow long Chinese Snake cucumbers
Diseases and pests
The most dangerous and common diseases of cucumbers - bacteriosis, cladosporiosis and root rot. Bacteriosis is also known as angular leaf spot, and cladosporiosis is called cucumber olive spot.
The culture is resistant to the above diseases, therefore, preventive measures are sufficient to ensure that the seedlings remain healthy throughout the growing season. Preventive measures include:
- timely moderate watering;
- loosening and weeding of the area;
- fertilizing;
- spraying plants with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture;
- ventilation of the greenhouse.
Dangerous pests include aphids and whiteflies. These insects can destroy most of the plantings.
In the fight with aphids use the chemical Inta-Vir or use proven folk methods: sprinkle the beds with chopped garlic or cinnamon.
In the fight with whitefly apply a soap solution, washing each leaf of the plant. The solution is prepared simply: a piece of laundry soap is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. Among the chemical preparations used, “Green Soap” is used. It is safe for plants and humans.
Harvesting and application
Fruit ripening is smooth, so harvesting usually does not cause any difficulties. Ripe vegetables are used universally: they are good in fresh dishes and no less tasty in pickles, marinades and preserves.
Due to its long shelf life, the hybrid is often bred on an industrial scale.. Cucumbers are in high demand in markets and retain their presentation well during long-term transportation.
Advantages and disadvantages
Summarizing all the advantages of culture, we can see that the hybrid deserves everyone's attention:
- the possibility of planting in two ways - seedlings and non-seedlings;
- high immunity to diseases;
- no barren flowers;
- easy care throughout the growing season;
- high yield;
- excellent taste of fruits;
- amicable maturation;
- long preservation of presentation;
- long transportation;
- high demand in sales markets;
- universal application.
Disadvantages of culture include:
- inability to independently collect seeds;
- shaping and gartering.
Reviews about the hybrid
Reviews about Claudius do not allow us to doubt the reliability of the culture. Those who planted this hybrid in their beds strongly recommend it to every cucumber lover.
Lydia, Balashov: “I’ve been familiar with the hybrid for 8 years and I’m not going to change it to any other variety. Very productive, cucumbers are not bitter, good for pickling. It’s not difficult to care for the plants, so the desire to grow these cucumbers in your garden never goes away.”.
Raisa, Cheboksary: “This is not the first time I’ve planted Claudia, I’m very pleased with it. I grow seedlings myself, and they usually turn out strong. The seedlings do not get sick, which is good news. The harvest is always delicious.”.
Claudius cucumber f1 has long been recognized as an invaluable crop in the vegetable world. Ease of care, high yield and stable immunity to diseases make the variety a favorite in garden beds.
Thanks to their universal use, cucumbers are great for fresh dishes and all kinds of pickles. The inability to independently collect seeds for the next planting does not prevent gardeners from choosing, and they continue to grow their favorite hybrid on their plots.