How to prepare pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter: the best recipes

Pickled cucumbers in slices are a favorite type of preservation for most adults and children. This vegetable was brought to our regions around the 9th century from East Asia, and during this time it has taken root so much that it is now served with meat, potatoes, cereals and other side dishes. Cucumbers are preserved with various additives: garlic, onions, herbs, carrots. Each of them gives its own unique taste.

Features of pickling cucumbers in slices

The main feature of canned cucumbers in slices is that the vegetables are not pickled whole, but cut into pieces, but at the same time remain just as crispy, juicy and elastic.

Before canning a green vegetable, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Cucumbers will acquire a piquant taste if currant, oak, cherry leaves, allspice or mustard beans are added to them.
  2. Umbrellas and sprigs of dill are considered ideal additional components.
  3. Garlic, horseradish leaves and root, as well as red pepper will help make the vegetable spicy.
  4. All additives should be added in moderation, otherwise they will make the cucumbers soft or interrupt their true taste.
  5. You can preserve cucumbers for the winter without sterilization, but the jars must be washed and steamed to kill bacteria that provoke fermentation.
  6. It is better to cut vegetables into slices or circles 2-3 cm thick so that they retain their characteristic crunch.

Another distinctive feature of harvesting green vegetables for the winter in pieces is the possibility of using large fruits. They fit well in both large jars and 0.5-1 liter containers.

What cucumbers can be pickled in pieces?

For canning, it is recommended to take vegetables grown in your own garden that have not been treated with chemicals. Salad varieties of cucumbers are not suitable for pickling and long-term storage. But the photo shows a winter preparation in the form of lard with onions.How to prepare pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter: the best recipes

It is better to pickle ground cucumbers, since vegetables grown in greenhouse conditions do not store well. It is recommended to give preference to cucumbers with pimples, as they are denser.

Selection and preparation of vegetables

You can pickle cucumbers of any size. It is not recommended to use vegetables with yellow spots on the skin for preservation. There is a high probability that they already contain coarse seeds, and the pulp has acquired bitterness.

Before placing the vegetable in a jar, be sure to prepare:

  • sort through and put aside spoiled or “sick” ones;
  • if the fruits near the stem have turned yellow, this part needs to be cut off;
  • Be sure to wash the vegetables, changing the water several times.

After the cucumbers have been carefully selected and washed, they are placed in a deep bowl and filled with water. In this form, vegetables should stand for 4 hours, after which they are completely ready for preservation.

The best recipes for the winter

Cucumber pieces, preserved for the winter, in almost all recipes have a subtle piquant flavor of spices and additional components. The preparations are consumed as an addition to a side dish or used to prepare salads, soups or hodgepodge.

Classic simple recipe

How to prepare pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter: the best recipes

There is a classic recipe for pickling cucumbers, which are tasty and crunchy, but do not require much time to prepare.

The following ingredients are required:

  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • ground black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil – 85 ml;
  • vinegar 9% – 100 ml;
  • finely chopped garlic - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking begins by cutting off the ends of the vegetables. Each cucumber is then cut into 4-6 pieces, depending on size, and placed in a bowl, then the remaining ingredients are added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and left to marinate for 4 hours.

Advice. It is better to sterilize the jars together with the lids (they are placed on the neck).

Then the vegetables are placed in 0.5 or 1 liter jars, poured with the resulting juice and placed in a saucepan to sterilize for 25 minutes. After this, the containers are taken out and rolled up with lids. The preservation cools upside down, wrapped in a blanket, at room temperature.

In Korean

One of the most common recipes for preserving cucumbers is Korean. The snack is spicy and refreshing at the same time.

For preparation take:

  • gherkins – 4 kg;
  • salt – 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • sunflower oil – 250 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass;
  • chopped garlic – 2 tablespoons;
  • hot pepper – 2 small pieces;
  • allspice and black peppercorns - 10 pieces each.

Cucumbers are cut into slices or strips (thin slices), mixed with spices and other ingredients and left to marinate for 3 hours. Then the mass is laid out in small jars and placed in a pan for sterilization for 20 minutes. The jars are rolled up and the preserves are allowed to cool under a warm blanket.

Salad of cucumber slices “Winter King”

Pickling, which combines pickled cucumbers and green onions, will appeal to many.

To prepare it you will need:

  • cucumbers – 5 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • dill – 300 g;
  • sunflower oil – 0.5 l;
  • vinegar 9% – 150 g;
  • sugar – 5 tablespoons;
  • salt – 3 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.

Cucumbers are thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces. Chop the dill, cut the onion into half rings and mix with vegetables. Let the mixture sit for half an hour. Add vinegar, oil, salt, sugar and spices, vegetables to the pan, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil.

After the cucumbers become a little darker, they are laid out in pre-prepared jars (pre-sterilized in a convenient way). The vegetables are laid out quickly while they are still boiling, pouring in the available juice. Finally, roll up the lids, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to cool.

How to prepare pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter: the best recipes

Spicy cucumber slices with tomatoes

In winter, you often want something unusual. At such moments, canned spicy cucumbers in slices with the addition of tomatoes will help out.

Pickles are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 60 ml;
  • dill.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into pieces. Garlic and pepper are twisted in a meat grinder, dill is finely chopped. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a bowl and placed into liter jars. The juice is poured on top of the vegetables and left to sterilize for 15 minutes. After this, the jars are rolled up with lids and allowed to cool in a warm place upside down.

This is interesting:

How to grow “Courage” cucumbers on your plot and why they are good.

How to deliciously prepare Chinese cucumbers for the winter: recipes and useful tips.

With onion

An excellent addition to meat dishes are canned cucumber slices with the addition of onions.

To prepare you need:

  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • small onion heads – 300 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 60 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • black and allspice pepper, garlic.

Small cucumbers are cut into 4 parts, the onion is peeled and cut in half. Spices are first placed at the bottom of the jar, then onions, and filled to the top with cucumbers. Pour boiling water over the vegetables and leave for 15 minutes. After this, the liquid is poured into a pan, salt, sugar and vinegar are added to it. Pour the resulting marinade into the jars and roll up the lids, leaving at room temperature until completely cooled.

Cucumber slices “Georgian style”

Georgian cuisine is rich in recipes for spicy dishes. Among them there are cucumbers preserved for the winter.

How to prepare pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter: the best recipes

For pickles you will need the following ingredients:

  • gherkins – 2 kg;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • sunflower oil – 125 g;
  • salt, sugar and vinegar 2 tablespoons each.

The cucumbers are cut into slices, and the garlic and pepper are minced in a meat grinder. All components are mixed in a saucepan, then placed in jars and left to sterilize for 20 minutes. Then roll up the lids and leave to cool. For lovers of greens, it is recommended to add a bunch of parsley or cilantro to the main ingredients.

Without sterilization

Many housewives love recipes that do not require sterilization, which saves time on preparation.

To do this you will need the following components:

  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • vinegar 9% – 60 ml;
  • water – 1200 ml;
  • garlic, black and allspice, dill.

Cucumbers are cut into slices or slices, spices are placed at the bottom of the jar, and then the container is filled with vegetables. Place the water on the fire, and after boiling, pour it into jars. Leave the cucumbers in this form for 15 minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan and the marinade is prepared, adding salt, sugar and finally vinegar. Pour the brine over the vegetables, roll up the lids and leave the preserves in the house for a day.

Useful tips

How to prepare pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter: the best recipes

Thanks to these tips, even a young housewife can preserve cucumbers in pieces so that they are crispy:

  1. Jars with vegetables should be filled as tightly as possible.
  2. To ensure that vegetables are evenly soaked, they must be cut into pieces of equal thickness.
  3. Be sure to place a leaf of horseradish at the bottom of the jar so that the brine does not become cloudy.
  4. To prepare barrel cucumbers, add a sprig of tarragon to the jar.
  5. If you do not want to get soft cucumbers, you should not put a lot of garlic.
  6. For pickles, it is better to use coarse, non-iodized salt.
  7. Preservation will be better stored in the apartment if you do 2-3 pours before seaming.
  8. Empty jars and lids must be sterilized.

Use the recommendations given as basic rules for preserving cucumbers. If you follow them, you can be sure that the whole family will enjoy delicious preparations in winter.

Read also:

How to prepare pickled cucumbers with aspirin is simple and tasty.

Is it possible to preserve bitter cucumbers?

How to grow a cucumber for seeds and correctly collect the seed.


To prepare pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter, you can take vegetables of any size, but it is better to give preference to small ones. In this form they are prepared for winter salads, which have a subtle piquant taste.All recipes are easy to follow, so even an inexperienced housewife can make them.

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