Why do you need to treat cucumbers with brilliant green and how to do it correctly
Cucumber is one of my favorite vegetables. Its cultivation is fraught with certain difficulties, since the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases and requires compliance with certain conditions.
We will tell you how to solve the problem without using pesticides. Let's learn all about the safe method that is used when growing this handsome green plant - treating cucumbers with brilliant green.
Why treat cucumbers with brilliant green and what does it give?
Zelenka has long been used as an antiseptic and disinfectant; it is used in medicine for cuts and ulcers. Brilliant green solution has an antimicrobial effect, destroying spores of pathogenic fungi.
Gardeners use the product for the following purposes:
- Fungal control and prevention diseases.
- Plant fertilizers.
- Improvement of soil structure.
Indications for use
The solution of brilliant green is saturated with useful substances, the main one of which is copper.
The deficiency of this substance manifests itself as follows:
- the root system is disrupted;
- plants don't grow;
- the upper shoots wither and die;
- the color and shape of the leaves changes.
The antiseptic is used as:
- feeding to compensate for the lack of copper;
- for soil disinfection;
- in the fight against diseases.
For the development and fruiting of crops, foliar and root fertilizers are used. Cucumbers in open ground are fertilized with brilliant green several times a season.
How to prepare the solution
In order not to harm the cucumbers, you need to maintain the proportions. We will tell you how to prepare a solution to fight diseases.
Attention! The proportions of the solution depend on the degree of damage to the plant.
Cooking instructions:
- If the bushes are severely damaged, use a larger dose: 10 ml per 1 liter of water.
- If the disease is in the initial stage, a weak solution is sufficient: 1 liter of water - 5 ml.
- When root rotten mix 1 liter - 1 drop. Treat 2-3 times at weekly intervals. For prevention, prepare at the rate of 5 drops - 5 liters of water.
- To combat powdery mildew, use whey: 1 liter of whey, 5 ml of brilliant green, a tablespoon of urea. To prevent the disease, add 25 g of urea.
- Helps against late blight: 40 drops of brilliant green per bucket of water.
- As a preventive measure, plants and soil are treated with a solution of 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
Formulation options
Treating cucumbers against diseases with brilliant green is a fairly safe method, provided the proportions are observed.
Important! Treatment should be stopped five days before harvest.
There are many recipe options. Let's look at some of them:
- Serum solution. The lactic acid bacteria that are found in it kill pathogenic fungi of late blight, powdery mildew, and gray rot. Recipe: half a liter of whey, 10 drops of brilliant green, 5 liters of water.
- Based on rotted hay. It is prepared like this: pour water over the hay and leave it in a warm place for a week. Strain, add 1 ml of antiseptic per liter of hay tincture.
- With added iodine: liter of water, 2 drops of iodine, 5 drops of brilliant green. There should be less iodine in this solution.
- With the addition of laundry soap. For feeding seedlings: a bucket of water, 30 drops of brilliant green, 20 g of laundry soap.
- Recipe with a loaf of white bread. Soak the loaf in warm water for a day, knead until a paste forms. Add a bucket of water, 30 drops of brilliant green.
How to process
Treatment includes watering and spraying.
Water the cucumbers with a solution of brilliant green to fertilize them and disinfect the soil. For feeding, use 10 drops per bucket of water.
Fertilize three times per season:
- The first time is after the appearance of the fourth leaf.
- The second time - at the beginning of flowering.
- The third time - after the appearance of the first ovaries.
Seeds are also disinfected before planting by soaking for 3 days in a solution: 2 drops - 1 liter.
The soil is disinfected in early spring or late autumn after harvesting: 10 l - 5 drops.
Important! Dilute the brilliant green in cool water.
The spraying procedure is carried out for the purpose of foliar feeding, as well as the prevention and control of diseases.
Treatment of stems and leaves saturates plants with chlorophyll, accelerates the growth of greenery and fruit development. As a preventative measure, spray every week with a solution of weak consistency: a drop of brilliant green - a liter of water.
Features of use in greenhouses and open ground
When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, you must remember that violation of the watering regime can lead to root rot. To prevent this problem, carry out preventive spraying and fertilizing of cucumbers in the greenhouse with brilliant green.
If powdery mildew appears in the greenhouse, it should be treated every three days.
In open ground, treatment is carried out in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather.
Recommendations from experienced summer residents
Our ancestors began using brilliant greens in gardening. Some tips for beginners:
- To prevent cucumbers from turning yellow in the greenhouse, spray them periodically.
- Prepare the soil for next year by treating with an antiseptic solution immediately after harvesting.
- Store the remaining solution in the refrigerator.
- To prevent the disease, use: 5 drops of antiseptic - a bucket of water.
- For severe damage: 10 drops per bucket of water.
Let's present a few responses about this folk remedy.
Mikhail, Udmurtia: «I start treating cucumbers with brilliant green when the first signs of the disease appear. I water and spray at the same time with a solution of 10 drops per 10 liters of water. I process the plants carefully from all sides. The cucumbers are recovering."
Fedor, Kaluga: “I have been using a solution of brilliant green to combat diseases of cucumbers for a long time. Every year I water the soil in the greenhouse with a solution: five drops of brilliant green per bucket of water. After the seeds sprout, I spray the cucumbers every two weeks. Thanks to this tool, I always have a harvest.”
Olga, Tatarstan: “I spray and water my cucumbers with greenery all season long. I begin processing immediately after the first shoots appear. I do root feeding: 5 drops per bucket. A week later I spray all the bushes with the same solution. The main thing is that the product gets to all parts of the plant.”
Read also:
How to prepare fragrant and crispy cucumbers with mustard for the winter.
Top 10 best varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill in winter.
How to prepare pickled cucumbers with chili ketchup for the winter: recipes and tips.
Now we know why cucumbers are sprayed with a solution of brilliant green: the product is an effective fertilizer that saturates cucumbers with essential substances, as well as a strong antiseptic in the fight against pathogens. To enhance the effect of brilliant green, iodine, whey, laundry soap, and urea are added to the solution.
The huge advantage of the product is that it is safe for human health; it can be bought at any pharmacy. Zelenka is available to everyone, as it is inexpensive, and you do not have to spend money on expensive drugs.