How to choose the right herbicide for corn and process it: a review of the best products

Weeds in a field with corn have a detrimental effect on the crop and reduce its yield. Resistance, adaptation to weather conditions, and aggressive growth patterns make weeds “unkillable.” If regular manual weeding is ineffective or impossible, agricultural chemicals - herbicides - are used.

What is herbicide

The word “herbicide” is of Latin origin, literally meaning “killing grass.” In the agricultural environment, this is the name given to a group of powerful chemical reagents for the destruction of various vegetation on the site.

What is it needed for

Treatment with herbicides is called “chemical weeding.” Such preparations are used in large and small areas where it is difficult to remove weeds manually. Herbicides are used in forests, fields and plantations, in vegetable gardens and orchards.

Reference! Chemicals differ in composition, effectiveness, area and features of application. Currently, more than 300 types of herbicides are known in the agricultural environment.

When and how to apply on corn

How to choose the right herbicide for corn and process it: a review of the best products

Many weeds are destructive to crops and the future harvest. U corn weak competition: unwanted shoots take away nutrients and water from it. Due to the increased sensitivity of the cereal, not all herbicides are suitable for its treatment.

The most effective and safest is pre-emergence or early post-emergence (after the formation of 3-5 leaves on the weed) application of chemicals. This allows you to control the growth of weeds.

Features of application depend on the chosen drug. The instructions indicate the proportions of the working solution, consumption rates, and application rules.

There are also general rules for using herbicides for corn:

  • loosening the soil, as the clods contain weed seeds and roots;
  • application of the drug only on wet soil;
  • strict consideration of weather conditions: the procedure is not carried out in rain, strong wind, or heat.

Only treat soil or weeds. Contact of corn with any herbicide is strictly limited (the substance should not fall on the leaves, stems or remain on them).


Types of herbicides and application methods are presented in the table:

Classification criteria Kinds
Method of action
  • continuous - destruction of all elements on the site: weeds, cultivated plants (carried out after harvesting);
  • selective (selective) - destruction of a certain species, no harm to corn.
Application time
  • pre-sowing - incorporation into the ground before sowing;
  • screen - application 5–7 days before emergence;
  • emerging or leafy - during the growing season of corn.
Purpose of application
  • herbicides - against weeds;
  • algaecides - from aquatic vegetation.
  • arboricides - from unwanted trees and bushes.
Ability to move
  • contact - they fall on the weed, cause burns at the point of contact, and almost do not penetrate inside;
  • systemic - they enter through the roots or leaves, spread, and affect the entire plant.

Best herbicides for corn

The range of herbicides approved for corn is extensive. Their only drawback is that they are sold in large volumes for industrial purposes. Almost all drugs are dispensed in bottles or vials of 5–10 liters or kg. Transferring and packaging into smaller containers is not carried out in stores.The shelf life of the products allows them to be used for subsequent years (with proper storage).


Release form: concentrated suspension. It has a selective effect, protects corn from dicotyledonous annuals and some perennials (milkweed, quinoa, thistle, shepherd's purse, nightshade and other types of weeds). The drug penetrates into plants through leaves and roots and has an inhibitory effect.

Cost for 1 liter - 9500–10500 rubles, 5 liters - 50,000 rubles.


Available in the form of water-soluble granules and dry suspension. It has a selective effect directed against annual and perennial cereals and weeds. Penetrates into the plant through the leaves. The first signs of exposure are noticeable on the 5th day, complete death occurs after 15–20 days.

Price per 100 g - from 3000 to 5000 rubles.


Release form: emulsion suspension. It is a post-emergence selective herbicide. The first signs of weed damage are noticeable 3-4 days after treatment, death - after 2-3 weeks. Destroys one- and perennial weeds of the cereal group:

  • ragweed;
  • all types of thistle and bitterweed;
  • field mustard;
  • woodlice;
  • all types of quinoa;
  • dandelions;
  • wild chamomile.

In total, the drug has a detrimental effect on 150 species of dicotyledonous weeds.

The cost for 1 liter is 900 rubles, for a 5 liter canister - from 4000 rubles.


The form of the drug is a dry, flowing suspension. The active substance in the composition penetrates the weed through the leaves and blocks its growth. It is not phytotoxic; 1 treatment is sufficient to completely destroy unwanted flora.

Price for 1 kg - 600 rubles.


Form: granules for dilution in water. This is a universal systemic drug. Use until 3–5 leaves form on the weed.

The price of a 500 g bottle varies from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles.


Available in the form of a suspension. This is a post-emergence herbicide with a broad spectrum of action. The active substance penetrates the weed cells and inhibits their division. The drug is moderately dangerous for humans.

It has a low cost: 1 liter - 300 rubles.


Highly active herbicide for controlling annual weeds. The main substance in the composition is acetochlor. Acts on germinating grass, penetrates tissue, inhibits cell growth and division. The result of treatment is the cessation of growth and death of weeds. The active protective effect of the drug lasts 3 months (the substance remains in the upper soil layer).

Cost for 10 liters - from 10,000 rubles.


Belongs to the group of post-emergence herbicides. Has a systemic effect on all types of plants -pests. Produced in the form of a suspension-concentrate. It features accelerated action and long-term protection of corn crops.

Cost for 1 liter - from 650 rubles.


Pre- and post-emergence herbicide, which is used against datura, quinoa, damselfish, acorn and other weeds. Eliminates difficult to control plants: pigweed, creeping wheatgrass. It has a “double blow”: the substance remains outside and leads to the death of weeds, penetrates inside and deactivates growth processes.

Cost for 1 liter - 5600 rubles.

"Lapis lazuli"

Preparative form - nanoemulsion concentrate. Absorbed by roots and leaves of plants. Most types of cereal weeds are sensitive to the drug. The herbicide is safe for corn and other garden crops. The drug is inexpensive and low-toxic. Under favorable conditions, the protective effect lasts up to 3 months.

Price per package of 1 kg - from 2000 rubles.

Tips for selection and application

When choosing a specific drug, take into account the type of weed, the scale and activity of its growth, the condition of the corn and the site. The method of using most drugs is similar: diluting with water to the desired consistency, spraying weeds or soil. Be sure to read the instructions for the product you choose and strictly follow the dosage.

Important! Chemicals are not used to treat corn that is wet from rain or dew, or that is stressed by drought, waterlogging, or temperature changes.

Main nuances:

  1. Only selective herbicides are suitable for treating areas with corn and any other useful crops.
  2. Carefully read the composition, choosing the most harmless substance.
  3. During the season, only 1 drug is used on the site.
  4. For 2 weeks after the procedure landings don't weed.
  5. The last processing time is one month before harvest.

How to choose the right herbicide for corn and process it: a review of the best products

It is optimal to use herbicides when the weed has 2 to 6 leaves: during this period it is most vulnerable and weak.


Agronomists share their opinions on the benefits and necessity of using herbicides for corn:

Vasily, Penza: «I grow on my plot only corn. In the early stages, the sprouts are not visible behind the weeds. It shades the seedlings and inhibits the culture. I tried weeding and pulling out, but it was labor-intensive and time-consuming. The herbicide “Primadonna” made my work easier. The weeds turned yellow within a day after treatment, and the corn straightened and turned green.”

Anastasia, Voronezh: “We have a small plot - we grow corn for ourselves. Tired of fighting weeds, I decided to try special products. I used Lapis Lazuli. I planted it according to the instructions - the weeds withered away, the corn remained intact.”

Victoria, Orel: “Over the years of agribusiness, we have tried many herbicides. We opted for “Callisto” and “Basis”. The drugs are effective and safe for cultivated plants.”


Proper application of herbicides will protect and rid corn of weeds without causing harm to the crop itself. For treatment, systemic drugs are chosen that are absorbed by leaves, stems and quickly spread throughout the plant. For an effective result, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for use and observe the specified proportions.

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