What are the benefits of corn starch and how is it different from potato starch?
Starch is a natural thickener; it is used to make jelly and sauces. In Russia, the most popular is potato, but there are other types that differ in chemical composition and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's figure out which starch is better - potato or corn.
Potato starch
Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for humans. Potato starch It is widely used as a thickener, so many housewives have this product in their kitchens. It is also used in cosmetology, medicine, textile and paper industries.
What it is
Potato carbohydrate is obtained from tubers by washing and chopping. It consists of amylopectin and amylose. If you rub it between your fingers, you feel a slight crunch of small particles. Upon contact with cold water, the product does not dissolve, but forms a viscous bulk mass - a paste.
The product belongs to the group of polysaccharides; it contains high molecular weight carbohydrates, which serve as structural components of cells and tissues.
What does it look like
It is a fine, free-flowing white powder. When diluted, it does not change the color of water, juice or sauce, which is why it is most often used as a thickener when preparing clear liquid products. It has a weakly expressed specific taste - this is taken into account when adding to jelly and sauces.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of potato starch:
- Colorless, therefore suitable for preparing lightly colored dishes.
- Forms a paste with high viscosity, thickens at low temperatures.
- Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and removes excess fluid from the body.
- Relieves inflammation in the stomach and envelops its walls, protecting it from the effects of rough food.
- In large quantities it liquefies and can ruin the dish.
- Excessive consumption of the product leads to increased blood sugar levels and hormonal imbalances.
- Potato starch contains gluten, so it is contraindicated for people with celiac disease.
Corn starch
Starch derived from grains corn, more suitable for cooking dishes where high viscosity is not required. For example, creams and soups will turn out viscous and liquid, and adding it to baked goods makes the dough more airy.
What it is
Starch in corn kernels is produced by photosynthesis. 90% consists of complex carbohydrate compounds, also contains proteins, fats and vitamins. Scope of application:
- Add to sauces, dressings, yoghurts, purees, etc.
- Used as an emulsifier in spreads and margarine.
- Added to sausages to reduce moisture.
There are two types:
- simple is obtained by soaking in sulfuric acid, grinding and drying the grains;
- modified - by additional processing of the simple one.
What does it look like
It is a free-flowing, odorless, yellowish powder. A quality product tastes like corn, but without the pronounced taste of the grains. Cornstarch is very similar to flour, so they can be used interchangeably.It swells quickly in hot and cold water and becomes viscous.
Advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of this product still cause heated debate among nutritionists. But still, many experts are sure that consumption in small doses is beneficial for the body:
- Removes toxins and waste from the body, activates the growth of muscle mass.
- Improves the condition of blood vessels, therefore it is recommended for problems with the cardiovascular system.
- It has diuretic and choleretic properties, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- It prevents glucose from being absorbed into the blood for a long time, so it is useful to use for diabetes.
- Causes harm to the body in case of individual intolerance to the product.
- High in calories, therefore contraindicated for obesity.
There are two types of corn starch:
- natural is obtained from fruits and vegetables;
- refined - through chemical processing, so if consumed frequently it is harmful to the body.
How are they similar?
The chemical composition of corn and potato starch is almost the same - they both consist of amylose and amylopectin.
The consistencies are also similar: both products are in powder form with a slight odor and barely noticeable taste. Both form gel-like structures, although potato has more stickiness.
What is the difference between corn starch and potato starch?
Visually, corn starch differs from potato starch in structure and color. Processed potatoes acquire a snow-white color and a fine-crystalline structure, while corn becomes yellowish-white and resembles flour in consistency.
When cornstarch is added to hot water, it produces a cloudy consistency, but potato starch does not change the color of the water.Heating the second produces a thick, sticky paste, while the first remains practically liquid and can restore its structure.
Attention! The absence of gluten in corn starch allows it to be consumed even by those on a gluten-free diet.
Is it possible to replace one with the other?
You cannot replace one type of starch with another. Unlike corn, potato is a strong thickener. For example, if you add it to the dough instead of corn dough, it will turn out too thick and tight.
If you add corn starch to the jelly instead of potato starch, it will be too liquid. The color of these products also varies, with corn coloring clear liquids.
Where is which starch used?
Corn starch is widely used in cooking and confectionery production. When added to the dough, the result is a less dry and more tender sponge cake.
A polysaccharide derived from corn kernels, less viscous than potato, it gives a smooth consistency and is excellent for making thin sauces and desserts.
Potato starch forms a more viscous paste and is used to prepare clear cream soups and jelly. This product also absorbs excess liquid, so it is added when baking fruit and curd cakes.
This is interesting:
Where and how to store corn on the cob at home.
Which one is healthier?
Potato starch is easily absorbed by the body and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The jelly made from it envelops the walls of the stomach and provides the body with energy.
Corn carbohydrate is characterized by the absence of gluten. Therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. If you eat food rich in cornstarch for breakfast, even in the evening there is no increase in blood sugar levels.
Reference. Corn starch is considered healthier, but it is better to use potato starch as a thickener.
Potato starch used to be the most popular, but recently people are increasingly using gluten-free corn starch. When added to water, both of them acquire a viscous consistency. But potato starch is more suitable as a thickener, and corn starch is more suitable for making biscuits, cakes, and sauces.