Review of winter wheat variety Alekseevich: characteristics and description

In 2015, the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture developed a new variety of winter wheat, which broke all yield records. The variety called Alekseevich successfully passed state tests. Read more about the characteristics of this culture in our article.

Description and characteristics of winter wheat Alekseevich

Alexeyevich - mid-season winter wheat variety with high yield.

Plant height reaches 81 cm, the variety is classified as semi-dwarf. Resistant to lodging. Mid-season, ripens about a day earlier than standard varieties. The shape of the bush is intermediate, the leaf is not drooping, the color is green. The ear is white, medium density, pyramidal in shape. The grain is medium in size and ovoid in shape. The base of the grain is bare, red in color.

The main feature of the variety is its highest yield., as well as the ability to maintain high taste qualities, even when growing in conditions of mineral deficiency.

Review of winter wheat variety Alekseevich: characteristics and description

Besides all of the above Alekseevich wheat has the following properties:

  • frost resistance;
  • high baking qualities;
  • resistance to most common diseases and pests.

The variety is intended for cultivation in regions with warm climates. Approved for cultivation in the Central Black Earth and North Caucasus regions of the Russian Federation.

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Review of the best varieties of winter wheat

Stages of sowing winter wheat and caring for plantings

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Features of cultivation

Recommendations for growing technology are similar to those for growing other varieties of winter wheat.

Sowing technology

The best predecessors for Alekseevich – perennial plants, peas, rapeseed, corn, early ripening potatoes, it is also permissible to sow wheat after oats. Seeding rate: 5 million seeds per 1 ha.

The soil must have optimal density and structure and be well leveled – this will ensure uniform seed placement depth. The field prepared for sowing must have a dense subsowing layer with a predominance of soil particles with a diameter of 1-3 mm. Sowing depth - 3-5 cm. Sowing method - ordinary row with row spacing up to 15 cm, with tramline.

Important! Rolling the field after planting the seeds is mandatory.

Optimal sowing dates: September 10-20. By wintering, the plants should reach the age of 55-60 days and form 2-4 developed sprouts.


A set of wheat care measures is aimed at safety of crops and, as a result, high yields.

Review of winter wheat variety Alekseevich: characteristics and description

Wheat care begins even before sowing. To do this, carefully examine the level of soil moisture, the presence of pests and weeds.

The culture needs feeding. The fertilizer rate is calculated taking into account the composition of the soil and the predecessor. As a rule, the average rate of organic fertilizers is 20-30 tons per 1 hectare. A sufficient supply of wheat with nutrients has a positive effect on yield, frost resistance, and lodging.

The crust that forms on the field after precipitation is broken by harrowing before germination.. To do this, use rotary hoes or light furrows to destroy weeds that are in the early stages of development.

In winter, monoliths are selected and grown from crops, based on the condition of which they draw conclusions about the condition of the plants, plan measures to prevent diseases and death of the crop.

In spring, crops are harrowed. This makes it possible to remove dead parts of plants and destroy weeds. Dense crops must be harrowed in two tracks.

Alexeyevich is highly resistant to most common diseases and pests wheat crops. The variety is most susceptible to septoria and fusarium head blight.

Read also:

Fertilizers for winter wheat: what to feed in the fall

Using wheat as green manure in autumn and spring


Breeders managed to achieve record yields - Alekseevich is twice as ahead of his predecessors. Productivity potential – 120 centners per 1 ha. For other varieties this figure is 40-50 centners per 1 ha.

Reference. In greenhouse conditions, you can get a yield of 132 centners per hectare.

Collection technology and timing

Harvesting is carried out when the crop reaches wax ripeness – during this period, the spikelets and grains acquire a yellow tint. At least 75% of crops must reach this degree of maturity.

The optimal time for harvesting the variety is July 15-30. The harvesting campaign is carried out in a short time - no more than 8 days.

Review of winter wheat variety Alekseevich: characteristics and description

Direct and separate combining methods are used for harvesting.. Harvesting is carried out before the ears are completely dry and begin to crack.

After threshing the grain is delivered to the elevator, where it undergoes further processing, which includes:

  • filtration from weeds and insects;
  • calibration;
  • drying;
  • cooling.


Store wheat in a well-ventilated, ventilated area at a humidity of 65-70% and temperature no more than +8°. Before laying grain, the premises are disinfected. The grain in the storage is periodically stirred to avoid self-heating and spontaneous combustion.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Winter wheat Alekseevich has a number of advantages:

  • high yield rates;
  • resistance to common diseases and pests;
  • high baking qualities.

The disadvantages of this variety include the following::

  • suitable for cultivation only in southern regions;
  • high price.

Review of winter wheat variety Alekseevich: characteristics and description


The cost of 1 ton of wheat of the Alekseevich variety is from 30 to 35 thousand rubles.


Alekseevich winter wheat is one of the most productive varieties, suitable for cultivation in the southern regions. It belongs to the mid-season variety and shows record yields, significantly exceeding those of similar varieties. Other advantages of Alekseevich include unpretentiousness, resistance to diseases and pests, good baking and taste qualities of grain.

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