What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

The Moscow region is generally a favorable region for growing garden crops. The soil here is loose and light, nutritious and fertile, subject to sudden frosts or weather changes.

Let's consider which varieties and hybrids of carrots are best suited for growing in this region and what recommendations for planting and care are given by experienced gardeners.

Features of climate and soil in the Moscow region

What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

The climate and soil of the growing region determine the yield, care requirements, regularity of watering and fertilizing.

The Moscow region is characterized by the following features:

  • summers are warm and long;
  • daylight hours - 15 hours;
  • average air temperature is about +20°C;
  • There are no seas or oceans nearby, so the humidity is moderate;
  • the soil is light, a mixture of loamy and sandy loam soils, differs in nutritional composition;
  • Undeveloped lands are rare in the region, so the Moscow region is ideal for growing basic vegetable crops, including carrots;
  • The best soils for cultivation are found in the southern part of the region - black, with a granular structure and neutral acidity.

On the northern border of the Moscow region there are gray forest soils with high acidity. Before planting carrots, they are limed and fertilized with liquid and organic fertilizers. These procedures guarantee a rich and tasty harvest.

Which carrots are best to plant in the Moscow region?

What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

For fresh consumption, choose early carrots, the ripening period of which is no more than 70-80 days. If vegetables are used for processing and winter pickles are prepared, then mid-season varieties are planted in the garden, which ripen in 90-100 days. They are distinguished by elasticity, crunch and rich taste. Only healthy and ripe carrots are used for preparations, without damage or defects. Late carrots are grown for long-term storage.

If the soil is acidic and does not contain minerals and vitamins, then hybrids are planted. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and strong immunity, rarely get sick and are resistant to insect pests.

Attention! Sweet carrots are grown for culinary use and are high in sugar and beta-carotene. Carrot casseroles, jams, juices and jams are prepared from vegetables. These carrots are suitable for baby and diet food.

Early varieties and hybrids

Due to their short ripening periods, early varieties and hybrids do not have time to become infected with fungus or infection, show stable yields, and are unpretentious in care. They are planted on any soil.

What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

Carotel Parisian

The original variety of carrots, the vegetable is small and round, looks like an orange bun. Weight does not exceed 60 g, the greens are fluffy, rich green in color. The vegetable is valued for its juicy and sweet taste, attractive appearance and high yield - up to 6 kg is harvested from 1 m².

Ripening period is from 60 to 75 days. For rapid development, the beds are fertilized with manure and compost before planting. The harvested crop is consumed fresh, used for canning and pickling. Compact balls look delicious in a jar.

Lagoon F1

The ripening period is 2 to 2.5 months and depends on climatic conditions and the amount of fertilizer applied.The roots are even and smooth, with a beautiful orange color. Length up to 20 cm, weight - about 80 g. Up to 7 kg of crop is harvested from 1 m².

The hybrid is resistant to diseases and pests, has a juicy and rich taste. Carrots are grown for fresh consumption and for preparing vegetable summer salads. It is not suitable for long-term storage - it loses its benefits, taste and commercial qualities.


The productive and popular Alenka variety ripens 95 days after planting and is suitable for central Russia. To get a rich harvest, carrots are planted according to the 20X20 pattern, watered in the morning or evening with warm water.

Carrots are distinguished by their tasty pulp and versatility of use. Root crops are long - up to 20 cm, do not crack, and retain elasticity. Up to 10 kg of crop is harvested from 1 m². He shows good results not only in the Moscow region, but also in the Urals and Siberia.


Early carrots, ripen in 80 days. Grow Touchon for fresh consumption, freezing, salting and other processing. The flesh is crispy and tasty, the core is small. The shape of the root crops is cylindrical, up to 20 cm in length.

The surface is smooth, the peel is dense, with dark “eyes”. The weight of carrots varies from 80 to 160 g. The greens are moderately fluffy and bright. Up to 5 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 m². The variety is valued for its unpretentiousness in cultivation, rapid ripening and versatility.

The Bureau

The early ripening variety Bureau ripens in 60-70 days from the moment of planting. The weight of the root crop varies from 150 to 250 g, the shape is cylindrical, the surface is flat and smooth. According to gardeners, carrots are resistant to bolting and do not cause any trouble in cultivation. Suitable for fresh consumption and storage for up to 4 months. The flesh is bright orange, tender and juicy. Productivity up to 5 kg per 1 m².

Mid-season varieties and hybrids

Carrots with average ripening times grow in 3-3.5 months. It is valued for its strong immunity and taste. Gardeners identify the following best varieties and hybrids of carrots for open ground in the Moscow region.

What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

Vitamin 6

The ripening period varies from 75 to 105 days, harvesting occurs in mid-late August. The root crops are large, cylindrical in shape, weighing up to 180 g. The peel is dense, uniformly orange in color. The taste is carroty, classic, the core is crispy. Productivity Vitamin 6 - up to 8 kg per 1 m².

Attention! To get a rich harvest, it is recommended to follow agrotechnical rules: water the beds every 5 days, apply organic and mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks, loosen the soil and remove weeds. The development of carrots is favorably influenced by liquid bird droppings, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Moscow winter A-515

Compact root vegetables of rich orange color reach 10 cm in length. Average weight is 150 g, cylindrical in shape, thickened, with a rounded nose. Up to 5 kg of crop is harvested from 1 m²; carrots are suitable for long-term storage and transportation. The pulp is juicy and sweet, universal in use.

Ripening period Moscow winter - up to 100 days.

Chantenay Royal

An easy-to-care variety, suitable for growing on any soil, ripening period up to 120 days. The vegetables are an attractive orange-red color, cone-shaped, reaching 15 cm in length. The surface is even and smooth, the peel is thick, and the taste is sweet. Chantenay Royal can be stored for up to 9 months and is resistant to diseases and pest attacks.

Late ripening varieties and hybrids

Late-ripening varieties and hybrids are stored for a long time, the average ripening period is 4-5 months. They are planted in May and harvested in September.

What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

Moscow late

From the day of planting to harvest, 140-150 days pass. The root vegetables are conical in shape, reach 16 cm in length, and are light orange. Productivity - 6 kg per 1 m². It is stored until spring, without losing its taste and benefits. The average weight of carrots is about 130 g, the core is large and crispy. The taste is sweet, with a pleasant aroma. Moscow late is consumed fresh, nutritious vegetable snacks and side dishes are prepared.

Queen of Autumn

Beautiful fruits ripen in 135 days, carrot weight is up to 250 g, length is from 15 to 30 cm. The shape is cylindrical, elongated, the tip is sharp. The rosette is large, the leaves are fluffy. The variety is recommended to be planted on loose and nutritious soils. Harvest in September. One part is consumed fresh, the other is frozen or stored in a cellar or basement.

Attention! Gardeners recommend not washing carrots before storing, shaking them off the ground and cutting off the foliage. Vegetables are placed in a dry bag or wooden box and covered with dry newspaper. The basement should be well ventilated, with air humidity no more than 80%.

Autumn King

Ripens Autumn King 140-150 days from the moment of mass germination. The weight of the root crop is about 230 g, its length reaches 25 cm. The color is rich orange, the surface has small tubercles. The pulp is tender and pleasant to the taste, with a pronounced carrot aroma. From 1 m², gardeners harvest up to 5 kg of vegetables; the variety is valued for its keeping quality, stable yield and versatility in use.

Winter candied fruit

Sweet and appetizing carrots ripen in 140 days. The vegetables are cylindrical in shape, weight about 200 g, length 18 cm. The pulp is dense and tasty. Winter candied fruit rarely gets sick, is immune to insect pests, and is immune to weather changes.Productivity - from 4 to 5 kg per 1 m².

The sweetest varieties of carrots for the Moscow region

Sweet carrots delight any gardener - salads and soups, desserts and juices are prepared from the vegetable. These carrots are juicy and their flesh is tasty and pleasant.

What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

Children's joy

Ripening period is from 90 to 100 days. The pulp contains a lot of sugar and fiber, which is useful for preparing delicious vegetable dishes. Children's Joy is grown in warm and hilly beds and fertilized with organic matter to obtain a rich harvest. Average weight 100 g, length up to 20 cm. The pulp is red-orange, sweet. Productivity is about 3 kg per 1 m².

Attention! To protect plantings from diseases, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures. Gardeners spray the beds with garlic solution, disinfect the seeds and dig up the soil before planting. It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation - carrots are planted after cabbage, tomatoes, and herbs. It is not recommended to grow vegetables in the same place for more than two years in a row.

Beauty maiden

Carrots grow in 120 days, root vegetables of different sizes - from 15 to 25 cm. Average weight is about 140 g, cone-shaped, with a sharp tip. The color is bright orange, the taste is sweet and juicy. The harvest is used to make carrot soufflé, vegetable cutlets or jam. From 2 to 4 kg of juicy and beautiful carrots are collected from 1 m².

Sugar gourmet F1

The hybrid is unpretentious and grows in 100 days. The juicy pulp is suitable for making freshly squeezed juices. Weight up to 200 g, length about 25 cm. Color deep orange. Sugar gourmet is valued not only for its taste, but also for its high commercial qualities. Productivity is about 6 kg per 1 m².


For fresh consumption choose early- and mid-season varieties. Their ripening period ranges from 60 to 100 days.For long term storage Late carrots are suitable for transportation; they ripen in 4 or more months.

When choosing a variety, pay attention to the care requirements and area of ​​application. To get a rich harvest, gardeners follow the regime of watering and fertilizing, and carry out preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests. For long-term storage, carrots are placed in a cellar or basement.

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