Carrot hybrid for long-term storage Canada f1
Carrots are a popular garden crop in Russia. Summer residents especially value mid-late and late high-yielding hybrids that can be stored for a long time. Canada F1 carrots have exactly these qualities. In a short time, the new hybrid managed to earn the recognition of many vegetable growers due to its stable yield and reliability.
We’ll tell you what features the variety has, how to grow it, and whether difficulties may arise during the growing process.
Description of the carrot hybrid Canada
The crop is a mid-late crop, characterized by high productivity and excellent keeping quality. Suitable for growing in difficult climatic conditions and heavy soils.
In the photo - Canada F1 carrots.
Origin and development
Carrot Canada F1 is the result of the work of Dutch breeders from Bejo Zaden B.V. The hybrid was obtained by crossing the Flakke and Chantane varieties.
The culture was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2001. Today it is grown throughout Russia.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins, beneficial properties
Canada F1 is a leader in the content of nutrients and nutrients. The hybrid is rich:
- Carotene in the amount of 21 mg. For comparison: the average is 8-9 mg.
- Sugars - glucose, fructose and sucrose - 8.2-9.85%. However, their quantity depends on the composition of the soil and agricultural cultivation technology.
- Iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, boron, sulfur and many other trace elements.
- Vitamins of group K, B (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9), E, C, A.
The combination of substances and vitamins has a beneficial effect on the human body:
- metabolic processes are normalized;
- blood is purified;
- energy appears;
- vision improves;
- skin aging slows down, hair and nails become stronger and healthier;
- The functioning of the nervous system improves, headaches and insomnia stop.
Scientists have proven that beta-carotene in boiled carrots is absorbed much better than in raw ones.
Attention! Not recommended use root vegetables for people who are allergic to any components.
Ripening period
The hybrid belongs to the mid-late varieties. This means that 120-130 days should pass from germination to full ripening of the crop. Selective harvesting occurs at the beginning of July.
The hybrid is characterized by stable yield indicators. A vegetable grower can collect from 3 to 7 kg of root vegetables from 1 square. m. If the soil is light, the amount of harvest increases.
Disease resistance
The culture has excellent immunity. It is resistant to flowering, alternaria and cercospora.
Characteristics and description of appearance
Distinctive features of Canada F1 carrots:
- Bush. The ground part of the plant is a powerful semi-spreading rosette. The leaves are dark green, medium-dissected, moderately pubescent.
- Roots. They can be medium or long - 15-25 cm. They are slightly ribbed, have a cone shape and a slightly pointed tip. The pulp is dense, without voids. The color is rich, dark orange. Weight varies between 95-110 g and 350-400 g.
- Taste qualities. Experts gave the hybrid 4 out of 5 points according to tasting scores. The core is very juicy and sweet.
The weight of root crops depends on the quality of work on preparing the seeds for sowing and subsequent care of the seedlings. The largest carrot was grown in Siberia, and it weighed 390 g.
Growing regions
The hybrid is actively grown throughout Russia. It is especially popular in the middle zone and Central regions. The variety is unpretentious to the climate. It is not afraid of frost, rain, as well as prolonged drought and scorching sun.
Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid
By purchasing original seeds from Bejo, a gardener will see only advantages. This is due to the fact that the planting material undergoes special preparation with partial germination using the innovative B-MOX technology. It provides:
- guaranteed seed germination - seedlings develop quickly and amicably;
- there is no need to use special growth activators;
- plant resistance to various diseases and adverse weather conditions;
- excellent taste and presentation.
The only drawback is the high cost of seeds.
Differences from others
Carrot Canada F1 is a unique hybrid with strong immunity. Reliability and guarantee of a rich harvest in any growing conditions are its main distinguishing features.
Features of planting and growing
Canada F1 shows good results on different soils, even those where other varieties cannot grow. The following recommendations and tips will help novice vegetable growers properly plant and grow carrots.
The creators of Canada F1 claim that planting material does not require preliminary preparation. However, hybrids do not always live up to expectations, and this one is no exception.
Experienced gardeners recommend soaking the seeds in warm, clean water for 2-3 days.This will speed up germination. Additional procedures for disinfecting planting material do not need to be performed. The hybrid showed excellent immunity to all types of diseases.
Soil requirements
It should be recalled that the variety is undemanding to soil. But the best yield is observed when carrots are grown in clay and sandy soils with low density. In this case, the soil should warm up to +6°C.
The best predecessors in the beds for carrots are onions, tomatoes and potatoes. After tomatoes and potatoes, it is better to carry out additional measures to disinfect the soil. Sometimes various viruses and fungi can live in it.
Dates, scheme and rules of planting
The time for sowing seeds is mid-April or early May. The seeding pattern is as follows:
- I’m going to water the ridge and apply complex mineral fertilizers.
- Make grooves 1 cm deep. The distance between them should be 20 cm.
- Bury the seeds in each furrow. The interval between plantings is 0.5 cm.
- Then mulch with peat and cover with agrofibre.
Planting rules include maintaining density - 90-100 seeds per 1 square meter. m. It is important to avoid overly dense plantings, otherwise you may lose most of the harvest.
Features of cultivation
Growing Canada F1 carrots is not difficult. If the norm for sowing seeds has been observed, the gardener will be able to get rid of labor-intensive activities for caring for the plantings.
Caring for seedlings includes watering, weeding, thinning, fertilizing, pest and disease control. But first things first.
Watering mode
Carrots do not require frequent watering. Excessive humidity leads to stagnation of water in the ridges and rapid rotting of root crops. Watering frequency – 2-3 times a week in the evening.
Important! The need for water procedures can be determined by the top layer of soil. If it quickly hardens and dries out, it is recommended to increase the frequency of watering. If the soil does not have time to dry out, this number should be reduced to a minimum.
Thinning and weed control
After the sprouts have 2-3 true leaves, the first thinning is required. At the same time, try to maintain a distance between plants of up to 2 cm. A repeated procedure is necessary after 5-6 true leaves appear. Here the distance must be increased to 6 cm.
Attention! Thinning is the main event on the way to a rich harvest. If you ignore this point, the root crops will stop developing (each plant will inhibit the other).
Weeds are the enemy of carrots. Root crops do not form well when there is a strong accumulation of weeds in the garden bed. Therefore, it is important to carry out weeding in a timely manner and throw the removed grass outside the site.
Top dressing
Canada F1 carrots do not need feeding. If a vegetable grower wants to fertilize the plantings, it is better to apply complex mineral fertilizers. In this case, the last fertilizing should be done 30 days before harvest.
Reference. Organic fertilizers in the form of manure or humus spoil the taste of root vegetables. They give them bitterness and make their appearance unattractive.
Disease and pest control
The crop can be damaged by carrot flies and mole crickets. To get rid of insects, you should treat the areas with insecticides strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. In this case, the last treatment should be performed a month before harvest.
Harvest and storage
The process of collecting root vegetables involves following some recommendations and tips.
How and when to collect
Harvesting of the first fresh root crops begins at the end of July.For winter storage, carrots are harvested in mid or late September. The process involves extracting root crops from the ground by hand. Then you need to let the carrots dry in the sun for 3 hours. Afterwards, remove the tops and send the harvest for storage.
Storage features and shelf life of the hybrid
The excellent keeping quality of the hybrid is its main advantage. Therefore, it is suitable for long-term storage. To prevent root vegetables from spoiling in temporary storage, it is important to take into account some nuances:
- You can't wash vegetables.
- It is better to store them in canvas bags. But each bag should contain no more than 5 kg of crop.
- Can be stored in a box with sand. Sort out the vegetables, leaving only the strong and beautiful ones.
- The room temperature should not exceed +3°C.
If you follow the recommendations, the harvest will last until next spring. Carrots are suitable for fresh consumption, canning, and all types of heat treatment.
Advice from experienced gardeners
Experienced farmers advise observing seeding standards, taking into account predecessors, and planting dates. It is also recommended not to rush into harvesting if subsequent long-term storage is intended.
Harvesting too early has a negative impact on the shelf life of root crops.
Read also:
Mid-season carrot variety Niiokh 336.
The hybrid has been highly praised by farmers throughout the country. They note the rich taste of root vegetables and ease of care.
Eduard Plotnikov, St. Petersburg: «The Canada F1 carrot hybrid was sown in the beds last year. I was pleased with a very decent harvest. The root vegetables were healthy, strong, juicy and full of flavor.I sent part of the harvest for storage - it lasted until next spring without any problems. A very good variety, I recommend it to everyone.”
Oleg Borozdin, Sverdlovsk: “I decided to purchase carrot seeds of several hybrids. Of all of them, I liked Canada F1. I didn't have any problems growing it. The taste and abundance of the harvest are the main reasons why I will recommend this hybrid to all beginners. I am very pleased with my purchase."
Carrots Canada F1 are a new product in the world of vegetables. Its main advantages are ease of cultivation, resistance to major types of diseases, ease of care, excellent taste and rich harvest. Root vegetables are distinguished by their large size, juicy pulp, and high content of nutrients.
Anyone can grow a hybrid on their own plot, regardless of their region of residence and personal experience. And the advice and recommendations of experienced gardeners will help turn the labor-intensive process of growing into an interesting and exciting activity.