Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?

Dill is a healthy herb that no kitchen in the world can do without. It seems easy to grow. However, experienced gardeners do not think so. This plant is capricious and requires attention and proper care. First it grows and develops, then it turns yellow, the leaves curl, and aphids appear.

Why does dill turn yellow in the beds and what to do in such situations? We will answer these and other questions, reveal all the secrets of growing, and introduce planting schemes. You will learn how to feed plants using only organic fertilizers. Advice from experienced gardeners will help you grow crops without loss.

Causes of yellowing dill and how to eliminate them

Don’t know why the dill in the garden turns yellow and what to do? There are many reasons for this. Experienced gardeners have noticed that this the plant grows well next to potatoes, sown on its own. However, when it is planted in separate beds, it often gets sick and disappears. This is due to violations of agricultural technology: improper planting, lack of fertilizers, non-compliance with crop rotation and many other factors.

Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?

Dry or excessive soil moisture

Dill does not tolerate dryness, but excessive moisture is also harmful to it.. In extreme heat, the leaves curl - this is the first sign that the dill lacks moisture. From the heat, the plant weakens and gets sick. In such cases, abundant watering is required.

Rainy weather and overwatering can cause root rot.You need to water dill in the evening at the root. The soil should be moist and loose.


The main pest of dill is aphids. If you notice that the dill is curling, you need to check it for the presence of aphids. These insects live on the upper shoots. They cause great harm to the plantation by feeding on plant sap.

When starting to fight aphids, get rid of the ants first.. These insects feed on the sap that aphids secrete and carry it from plant to plant.

Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?There are traditional methods for pest control:

  1. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. baking soda in 1 liter of water, add 2 g of laundry soap. Process leaves and stems on all sides.
  2. Spray the bushes with Coca-Cola drink.
  3. Infuse nettle leaves in water for 5 days and treat the bushes 2 times a week.

Attention! Chemicals cannot be used, since the above-ground part of the plant is eaten.

The fight against ants must be carried out throughout the season.. To destroy anthills, they dig up the ground in the fall. If the insects do not leave, apply the following measures:

  1. Dry mustard or cinnamon powder is sprinkled on the anthill.
  2. Fill the ant tunnels with soapy water.
  3. Place rags soaked in kerosene in the anthill.

Read also:

Review of the best varieties of dill for greens and umbrellas

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Exposure to sunlight

Dill is a light-loving plant. However, in hot weather, direct sunlight has a negative effect on it. The leaves turn yellow, curl, begin to dry out and disappear. To avoid this problem and get lush greenery on hot days, the beds are darkened with agrofibre or old tulle.

Planting density

In pursuit of a harvest, remember that dense planting will not bring benefits. Seeds are sown in rows at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. If the planting is denser, the young shoots will stretch out and become thin and weak. The lower leaves will begin to turn yellow, red and dry out. Dill is constantly thinned out as it grows, leaving a distance of 20 cm between the bushes for the seeds to ripen.

Advice. Dill seeds have poor germination, so they are soaked before sowing.

Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?

Soil acidity

Soil acidity is important. Dill turns yellow in a bed with acidic or alkaline soil. The plant cannot absorb phosphorus, begins to starve and gets sick. He needs neutral soil.

Important! You cannot add ash for fertilizing to acidic soils - this can harm the crop.

You can feed with humus, compost or any organic fertilizer.

The acidity level is determined by what grows in the garden. For example, the presence of biting midge indicates that the soil is acidic.

To deoxidize the soil, add:

  • slaked lime;
  • chalk;
  • dolomite flour.

It can be useful:

How to properly dry dill

How to pickle dill for the winter in jars

Fertilizer shortage

Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?Can dill disappear due to insufficient nutrition? The answer is unequivocal - yes. If the plants have thin stems and a pale yellowish appearance, they are lacking nitrogen.

How to feed dill so that it does not turn yellow:

  1. Rotted manure or grass compost laid out under bushes and between rows. Add 1/3 of a bucket per 1 meter of bed.
  2. Also used superphosphate. It is dissolved in water in a proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons into a bucket of water. Water in the evening after watering 0.5 liters per bush.

Attention! Fresh manure must not be introduced.

Due to lack of nutrition, the dill immune system weakens, and the plant begins to hurt. Main diseases:

  1. Root rot. Appears as a wet spot at the base of the plant. Such bushes should be removed immediately, as the disease cannot be treated. To prevent root rot, you need to regularly loosen the soil and avoid dense planting.
  2. Verticillium wilt. This disease is caused by a fungus that attacks the vessels of the plant. Without adequate nutrition and moisture, dill leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off. Fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers will help against verticillium wilt.

Is it possible to eat this dill?

Eating dill affected by aphids or diseases is prohibited.. If the leaves have turned red or yellowed due to lack of nutrients or weather conditions, the plant is edible. It can also be used for preservation.

Prevention measures and rules for growing healthy dill

Don't wait until the dill starts to turn yellow and disappear. Start taking preventive measures immediately.

Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?

The main rule is to follow agricultural practices. Each gardener has his own growing secrets. Let's look at the most important of them:

  1. Soil preparation. It’s better to start with autumn digging, check the acidity, add rotted manure or humus. Add lime or dolomite flour to acidic soil to adjust the pH balance.
  2. Variety selection. To harvest at the end of May, use early varieties: Gribovsky, Umbrella. Later harvests are produced by the varieties Kibray, Lesnogorodsky, and Salyut.
  3. Hardening of seeds. Before planting, the seeds are heated on a radiator or filled with hot water for 30 minutes. Then cool it by placing it in the refrigerator and dry it. For disinfection, a crystal of potassium permanganate is added to the water.
  4. Landing dates. Dill is sown in late autumn or early spring, as soon as the snow melts. Plant with dry seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm in holes 10–15 cm wide. If planting is carried out at the end of April, the holes are pre-watered and covered with humus. Dill can be sown again every two weeks until the end of August. Choose bright places for planting; it is good to use the area next to potatoes or beets.
  5. Maintain crop rotation. It is impossible to sow dill in one place every year, as it is susceptible to fungal diseases. It is not recommended to plant after parsley, carrots, and celery.
  6. Crop care includes watering, weeding and fertilizing. Water 1-2 times a week. Weeds are removed and the ground is constantly loosened. It is important to remember that dense plantings negatively affect the harvest: plants stretch out, become thin and stop developing. The distance between the bushes should be 15–20 cm. Fertilizing is carried out every two weeks with organic fertilizers and superphosphate.
  7. Pest Control. Before planting, the ground is examined for the presence of ants and measures are taken to destroy them using folk remedies. Nettle helps get rid of aphids. This preventive remedy not only repels insects, but also nourishes and strengthens the plant.

Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?

Other problems with dill in the garden and ways to solve them

You can often see curled, dry or red dill leaves in the garden.. Inexperienced gardeners do not pay attention to this until the plantation begins to disappear. Let's figure out why dill turns red, curls and dries out.


The reason why this happens is night frosts. Although dill is a cold-resistant plant, its leaves turn red at low temperatures.Early sowing is considered the only method of control. If you decide to grow fresh herbs in September, cover the beds with film.


Why does dill curl? The ants are to blame for this. These insects feed on the milk of aphids, which they “graze” on young shoots of dill. Aphids serve as a kind of “cow” for them. The fight against aphids and ants must begin at the same time.

Important! Use traditional methods to fight aphids: baking soda, tincture of wormwood or hot pepper, dusting with ash, mustard powder.


Another problem that gardeners encounter is dill drying out. Why is this happening? There may be several reasons:

  • improper watering;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • dry soil.

Why does dill turn yellow in the garden and what to do to prevent it?

Advice from experienced summer residents

The dill in the garden is turning yellow and you don’t know what to do? People's experience will help cope with this.

Maria, Moscow region: “Test the soil for acidity. Dill grows poorly in acidic soil; it needs neutral soil. Soil acidification occurs due to stagnant water, excessive application of mineral fertilizers (ammonia, potassium), and mulching with pine needles.”.

Anatoly, Ryazan: “If the dill is curling, check for pests. The main one is aphids. To combat it, I use a decoction of orange peels with the addition of red pepper. I water the leaves from all sides. The aphids die quickly".

Ivan, Tyumen: “I noticed that dill is yellow, dries out and does not grow well with an excess of organic fertilizers. You need to feed it in moderation. He also doesn’t like clay soil, waterlogging and cold weather.”


Why does dill turn yellow, red, dry and curl? This occurs primarily due to violations of growing technology.Acidic soils, heat, excessive or insufficient watering negatively affect plants, provoking the development of diseases. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology will help you get a bountiful harvest and not harm your health.

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