What to do if honeysuckle dries out in the garden and why this might happen

It happens that healthy honeysuckle begins to dry out. The leaves turn yellow, fruiting declines, and various pests and diseases appear. Let's figure out why honeysuckle branches dry out and how to deal with it.

Why does honeysuckle dry out: possible reasons

There are many reasons why honeysuckle dries out. Gardeners determine the source of damage by the appearance of leaves, branches, fruits. This phenomenon hides big problems in the form of pests and infections.

What to do if honeysuckle dries out in the garden and why this might happen

Adverse weather conditions

Honeysuckle is an unpretentious plant, so it can easily tolerate heat, moisture, and windy weather. But during prolonged rains, the root system of the bush is greatly washed out. There is a high level of humidity, which leads to the appearance of powdery mildew and rot.

Extreme heat causes the bush to dry out. Leaves turn yellow, the branches become brittle, the root system does not receive the required amount of moisture.

Errors in care

Beginners often make mistakes in watering, feeding, pruning. The shrub prefers normally moist soil, so it is watered 3-4 times during the entire growing season.

Organic fertilizers are applied only in autumn or early spring. In this case, nitrogen is used during the melting of snow. Potassium and phosphorus - at the root in the fall.

Attention! Many gardeners do not form a bush because they consider this activity pointless.However, if dry branches and leaves are not removed, the infection will spread throughout the honeysuckle.


Honeysuckle is affected by three fungal diseases:

  1. Powdery mildew. Signs are a white coating on the leaves, a significant decrease in fruiting, deformation of the leaf plates followed by drying out of the bush. The reasons are dampness, nearby seedlings, improper care, and the presence of old vegetation.
  2. Ramulariasis. Signs: brown spots with a white center, thick white coating, holes in the leaves, a noticeable decrease in yield, and death of the bush. Reasons: dampness, plant debris, heavy soil.
  3. Sooty fungus. Signs: black sooty spots, black sticky coating, aphids, large spots on the leaves, no ripening of berries, death of the bush. The reasons are dampness, weeds, aphids and improper care.


Honeysuckle is attacked by the following pests:

  1. Leaf roller. It is not the butterfly that harms the bush, but the caterpillars. They curl the leaves and form a web on them. The pest is capable of destroying up to 80% of the crop.
  2. Honeysuckle mite. High humidity causes mites to appear. It attracts sooty fungus and sucks the juices out of the plant. The leaves become deformed and fall off, and the fruits develop poorly.
  3. Honeysuckle aphid. A small bug sucks out the juices. The plant dries out and the leaves turn yellow. Insects destroy most of the crop.

What to do if honeysuckle dries out in the garden and why this might happen

Why does the seedling dry out?

After being placed in a new location, the seedling begins to dry out and the leaves begin to turn yellow. This happens due to poor lighting, lack of fertilizers. Another mistake is choosing the wrong seedling. Small plants (up to 30 cm in height) and too large ones (from 1.5 m) take a long time to take root. Additionally, under bad weather conditions and poor care, the bushes dry out.

Reference. Seedlings purchased from unscrupulous sellers often begin to rapidly wither. This occurs due to damage and drying out of the root system. You should carefully inspect the honeysuckle - it should have healthy green leaves and even shoots.

Mature bush

Mature healthy shrubs dry out due to root damage. Trying to create air flow to the root system by loosening, the gardener accidentally touches it. Another reason for this phenomenon is infection and disease. In addition to the most common, honeysuckle is infected by:

  1. Monoliosis. There is a gradual desiccation of leaf plates, then branches and shoots. Without treatment, the bush dies.
  2. Mosaic. It occurs rarely, but otherwise it becomes dangerous for the plant. Affected honeysuckle is difficult to cure, so it is dug up and burned.
  3. Rust. This disease slows down photosynthesis and reduces yield.

Under the influence of diseases, the bush loses its properties. It gradually dries out, freezes in winter, stops growing, and dies completely.

Honeysuckle branches are drying

This occurs due to damage to the root system. The gardener accidentally touches the roots while weeding and loosening. Also, the root system is often eaten by rodents.

Other causes are infectious diseases. If they are not eliminated in a timely manner, the bush dies completely and infects neighboring crops.

Leaves dry out and turn brown

If the leaves begin to dry out and turn brown, the influence of climatic and agrotechnical factors is excluded. Often the causes of this phenomenon are fungal diseases. The main fungal pathogens are cercospora blight, powdery mildew, ramulariasis, tubercularosis, and rust.

What to do if honeysuckle dries out in the garden and why this might happen

Decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle dries

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle used for landscaping summer cottages. It is distinguished by its aesthetic appeal and subtle, pleasant aroma. The bush is a vine that entwines any supports.

The crop requires timely pruning. This sanitary procedure prevents the leaves from drying out and the bush becoming infected with diseases. This variety not only gets sick, but is also attacked by the fingerwing caterpillar, leaf roller, and scale insect.

Reference. Honeysuckle often dries out due to diseases, pests, and improper agricultural practices. If you carefully monitor the plantings, care for them and treat them with Fitolavin, Gaupsin, and Gamair, such problems will not arise.

What to do when honeysuckle dries out in the garden

Drying leads to the final death of the bush. To completely destroy the source of infection, the removed parts of the diseased bush are burned as far as possible from the site.

Healthy bushes are sprayed once at the end of April 0.2% solution of "Fundazol". Additionally, the area is treated with “Fitosporin”, “Trichodermin”, “Mikosan”. Dissolve 2-3 tsp in 10 liters of water. The resulting composition is suitable for irrigation of 100 square meters. m of land.

Before flowering, during the appearance of buds and fruits, after harvesting The bushes are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate. Dilute 100 g of the substance in 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out four times per season.

What to do if honeysuckle dries out in the garden and why this might happen

Preventive measures

Experienced gardeners say: it is better to prevent the shrub from drying out than to look for methods of control later. Therefore, beginners take into account the following recommendations:

  1. Maintains optimal humidity under the bush. Indicators are not lower than 75-80%. To do this, create a mulch layer of hay or old leaves.
  2. Analyze the area. Before planting a seedling in open ground, choose a place where there are no rodents and moles.Otherwise, they will instantly damage the root system.
  3. Conduct timely pruning. Remove broken and withered branches. If the bush is more than 15 years old, cut off the longest and oldest branches.
  4. Take into account watering rules. One bush requires up to 40 liters of water. Water it 3-4 times throughout the season.
  5. Regularly inspect bushes for pests and diseases. The main reason for honeysuckle wilting is attacks by insects that carry various infections.


Following simple rules and preventive measures will help preserve the harvest and maintain honeysuckle in good condition. Despite the fact that the shrub does not require specific care, it is affected by powdery mildew and sooty fungus. If such a bush is not destroyed, the infection will spread to neighboring crops. It is important to regularly inspect the bushes, water them properly, and maintain optimal humidity.

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