
Decorative variety of honeysuckle Honeysuckle

When laying out a garden, they try to select plants so that they harmoniously combine with each other, the flowering of one gives way to another. There are plants that look great in any garden and are undemanding to the location...

Frost-resistant high-yielding pear variety Cathedral

The early-growing, mid-year variety of Cathedral pear pleases gardeners with fragrant, regularly shaped fruits. Their pulp is sweet, oily, fine-grained, contains 8.5% sugar and only 0.3% acid. Pears are not easy to keep and are suitable...

The benefits and harms of orange peels, rules for their preparation, storage and use

Orange, like other citrus fruits, is one of the best remedies for boosting immunity and improving the general condition of the body in winter. The pulp of this fruit is eaten raw and added to...

What is a tangerine: where does it come from, how and where does it grow?

The bright yellow or orange fruits of the tangerine tree come from wild trees native to the southeast of modern China. Today, tangerines are grown in many countries (where there are suitable conditions for this) - they are part of ...

Medicinal properties and contraindications of gooseberry berries and leaves

Gooseberries are widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various painful conditions. Its berries and leaves contain important health and wellness...

Health benefits and harms of tangerines, energy value and rules of consumption

For those whose childhood was in the 70-90s, tangerines smell like New Year.Bright yellow, pimply, sweet and sour fruits with seeds inside were given along with chocolates as part of a New Year's gift. An era of scarcity...

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Honeysuckle diseases are increasingly attacking plants in gardens across the country. This is due to the growing popularity of the bush. Infections enter the site along with planting material and are spread by insects and weeds. Important...

Review of the best winter-hardy cherry varieties and criteria for their selection

It is quite possible to grow cherries and get a rich harvest in the Moscow region, Siberia or the Urals. If you choose the right variety and take into account the timing of flowering, the tree will withstand a frosty winter and maintain productivity. Let's consider...

Raspberries: beneficial properties of the berry and possible harm

Tasty, aromatic and incredibly healthy raspberries are among the most popular berries all over the world. This is facilitated by low calorie content, a rich vitamin-mineral complex, and the ability to be consumed fresh or canned. Fruits...

Unpretentious high-yielding variety of Victoria pear

Victoria pear is a late-summer ripening variety with excellent varietal characteristics. The trees bloom profusely, the flowers do not fall off, forming 100% of the ovaries. The culture has enviable frost resistance and is suitable for cultivation in regions with...

