How to lose weight with the avocado diet and why it is good
Avocado can safely be called one of the most satisfying fruits in the world. It contains a large amount of nutrients that benefit the human body. But one of the most important properties of an avocado (or, as it is also called, an alligator pear) is that eating this product helps you lose extra pounds. It is only important to find out how to eat this fruit correctly in order to quickly gain weight without harm to your health.
Is it possible to eat avocado while losing weight: beneficial properties of the fruit for women when losing weight
Alligator pear is native to Central America.. This is an ideal product for those who want to lose weight. It is recommended to be included in the diet of anyone who wants to become slimmer.
Despite the fact that this exotic fruit is very high in calories and contains a lot of fat, it is completely absorbed by the body, and fat is not stored in the form of extra pounds if the consumption norm is observed. All this is thanks to the fiber in the composition.
100 g of avocado fruit contains about 160 kcal. One medium-sized fruit weighs approximately 200 g. Accordingly, it contains about 300 kcal. The numbers are impressive. About the same amount of calories is contained in chicken eggs and meat. But there is no need to be afraid. On the contrary, remember: these are healthy calories.
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The composition of BJU per 100 g is as follows::
- 30 g fat;
- 17 g carbohydrates;
- 14 g fiber;
- 2.5 g protein.
Contains no bad cholesterol. Fats are exclusively beneficial and act as building materials for all cells of the human body. Sugars – only 2-6%. And the list of vitamins contained in avocados is impressive:
- vitamin C;
- vitamin B5;
- vitamin B6;
- vitamin B9 (folic acid);
- vitamin E;
- vitamin K.
This fruit is one of the main natural sources of potassium. Potassium lowers blood pressure, thereby minimizing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Reference. Also, one fruit provides half of the daily fiber requirement. Dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the body as a whole.
Avocados are rich in monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acids that are easily digestible.. They are extremely important for the human body. In particular, they help reduce cholesterol.
Let's find out why this tropical fruit is considered a natural fat burner:
- Promotes the production of insulin in the blood, which gives a signal that it is time to convert glucose into energy. Thus, fats are burned and excess weight goes away.
- A large amount of protein in the composition saturates for a long time and reduces the feeling of hunger.
- Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes toxins and harmful substances, restores metabolism. This is facilitated by dietary fiber, which the fruit is so rich in.
- L-carnitine affects fat metabolism and helps with weight loss.
- The amount of sugar in the composition is minimal.
This tropical fruit can be consumed by almost everyone.. It has a small list of contraindications. So, you should give up the juicy green fruit if you have:
- individual intolerance;
- allergy to tropical fruits;
- regular excessive physical activity;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sample menu
Oily fruit quickly satisfies hunger. It goes well with shrimp, squid and other seafood. You can safely add low-fat cottage cheese, herbs, nuts, and chicken to the avocado diet menu.
You can cook dishes exclusively from avocados. For example, various cocktails with the addition of lemon juice and seasonings. The fruit is useful not only for those losing weight. It is often eaten by vegetarians and adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
We present a simple daily menu based on avocado. It will help you lose weight in a short time and improve your well-being:
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, half an avocado, muesli, a spoonful of honey.
- Dinner: cold avocado puree soup with cucumber and herbs. For the main course - boiled chicken or turkey breast, for a side dish - boiled buckwheat.
- Snack: Avocado smoothie with berries.
- Dinner: avocado salad with seafood (squid, shrimp) and herbs. You can use lemon juice, olive or corn oil as a dressing.
For drinks, you can drink pure still water., as well as tea or low-fat kefir.
Stick to this menu for three days, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.
Another menu option is more strict and effective. It allows you to get rid of excess fluid in the body in 2-3 days. Main list of permitted products:
- avocado;
- fresh cucumber;
- boiled chicken (quail) eggs;
- cottage cheese with a fat content of less than 9%;
- boiled lean meat (any);
- lettuce leaves.
An approximate daily diet of these products looks like this:
- Breakfast: Finely chop half an avocado and mix with 1-2 tablespoons of cottage cheese.
- Dinner: salad of one boiled egg, one cucumber and one avocado.Season with vegetable oil and add some herbs.
- Dinner: boiled meat with lettuce and half an avocado.
Such a strict diet should be used to quickly cleanse the body. It is better to stick to it for no more than three days.
Fasting days
Not everyone can withstand fasting days on avocados. However this is an effective way to move weight. The essence of the fasting mono-diet is simple. For one or two days, only avocados are eaten.
You can eat no more than 5-6 pieces per day. In between meals, you are allowed to drink green tea without sugar and clean water.
How many kilograms can you lose weight
On a mono-diet you can easily lose 3 kg in 2 days. Of course, this is accompanied by a feeling of hunger. Green tea and plenty of clean, filtered water will help you cope with discomfort.
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How to get out of a diet correctly
It is impossible to leave the diet abruptly and immediately return to your usual diet.. Otherwise, the numbers on the scales will again disappoint. You should gradually, during the first days, increase the caloric content of food by 200 kilocalories per day. The first two days after the mono-diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. And don’t forget about taking vitamin complex supplements.
Advantages and disadvantages of the avocado diet
There are many benefits to the avocado diet.:
- removes toxins;
- normalizes cholesterol levels;
- reduces appetite;
- contains a lot of vegetable protein;
- enriches the body with essential elements - potassium, magnesium;
- removes excess fluid from the body.
There are also disadvantages to this power system.. There are few disadvantages, but they are certainly worth noting:
- Strict restrictions on food can cause stress and, as a result, lead to a breakdown;
- the diet is contraindicated for allergies, weakened immunity and people with vascular diseases;
- This diet is not recommended for teenagers.
Reviews of those losing weight
Despite the calorie content of the fruit, there are many positive reviews about diets with it. We invite you to consider some comments from girls and women who chose avocados to fight excess weight.
Marietta, Astrakhan: “I gain excess weight just by looking at something high in calories, be it a donut or a delicious slice of fresh pizza. Avocado has become a real salvation. I found many interesting and simple recipes with this fruit and am happy to replace one full meal with an avocado dish. The result surprised me. I lost 3.5 kg in a month.”.
Lyudmila, Moscow: “I tried the avocado mono-diet. It was hard, but I managed. I drank a lot of water and tea. In two days I lost 3 kg on this diet and my digestion improved. Therefore, I can confidently recommend this diet. She became a real lifesaver. This is such an express way to lose weight when you need to get in shape before some important event.”.
Avocados are a treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients. This tropical fruit can hardly be called exotic - it can be found in almost any supermarket or market. If you have no serious contraindications and you want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, try the avocado diet. You will definitely appreciate its effectiveness in losing weight.