Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

Petunia is considered one of the most popular ornamental cultivated plants. It is distinguished by abundant and long-lasting flowering, ease of care, and ease of reproduction. Petunia fits perfectly into landscape design and harmoniously coexists with other plants.

The appearance of this plant depends on the variety. The market offers hanging, bush, double and cascading varieties. Particularly popular is cascading petunia, which looks beautiful not only in flower beds, but also in hanging flowerpots. How do cascading plants differ from hanging and other varieties? Read on.

Characteristics and description of the plant

Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

Cascade petunia - variety ampelous. It differs from other types of this crop in the shape of its shoots. As they grow, they move first up and then down, cascading down. At the same time, the plant is strewn with a large number of flowers, which is why its top has a spherical shape.

Plant characteristics:

  1. Leaves. They have an oval-round shape and pointed tips on both sides. The maximum length of the leaf blade is 5 cm. The color is rich green, pubescence is present.
  2. Escape. Thick, powerful, durable. The maximum diameter reaches 2 cm. The length varies between 1.5-2 m. At the base, the shoots grow upward, then diverge to the sides and fall down. They do not break even with strong gusts of wind.
  3. Flowers. The bush is densely strewn with them. The flowers are large, 5-7 cm in diameter.The color of flowers does not differ on the lateral and main branches of the same plant.
  4. Bush shape. Ball-shaped with shoots diverging in different directions or falling down.
  5. The best place to grow. Cascading varieties look good in floor and hanging flowerpots. They are used to fill alpine slides. For cascading petunias, it is recommended to choose hills rather than flat areas.

Another variety of petunias is super cascade. Such plants have more powerful lashes, but shorter than those of ordinary cascading ones. The plant is distinguished by large flowers (diameter about 12 cm), multi-flowering and long flowering. Recommended for planting in flowerpots, floor and hanging pots.

Cascade petunias were developed in the mid-19th century. For this purpose, the method of cell hybridization was used. The plant quickly won the hearts of flower growers thanks to its abundant flowering and aesthetic shape of the bush. It is grown everywhere due to its high resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Petunia is a perennial plant, but in our country it is often grown as an annual. After all, the plant is not able to survive harsh winters in open ground. You can save the bush by arranging for it to winter properly at home.

This is interesting! There are annual varieties of the described crop.

Cascade petunia is not a capricious plant. Despite this, it is more whimsical than the bushy upright varieties. Varieties with long vines need proper, fairly frequent watering, protection from diseases and pests, and ensuring adequate air exchange between shoots.

Differences from other types of petunias

Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

Cascade petunia is easy to distinguish from bush petunia. Shoots of bush forms grow upwards or to the sides, and do not hang down.Their whips are quite short, but at the same time powerful. It is the bush varieties that are considered the most unpretentious and hardy. There are options with small simple flowers and large double ones.

Ampelous varieties are often confused with cascading varieties. Let's look at the difference between cascading and ampelous petunia:

  1. Leaves. Ampelous petunia has larger leaves. Their diameter reaches 10 cm. The shape does not differ from the cascade variety.
  2. Escape. In the ampel culture they are less powerful, but quite strong and flexible. The length reaches 2 m. They grow in a downward direction.
  3. Flowers. Often flowers on the same bush differ from each other in color and size.
  4. Bush shape. In this case, the base of the bush does not resemble a ball, but looks quite flat. This is due to the fact that the shoots begin to fall down from the very base.
  5. Best landing spot. Ampelous petunia is not used to decorate flower beds. It looks best in hanging flower pots.

Advantages and disadvantages of this type of petunia

Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

Cascade petunia is popular with gardeners. This is connected with an extensive list of its advantages:

  1. Endurance. Easily adapts to negative environmental factors. Capable of growing even in cold regions of our country. Safely tolerates temporary frosts.
  2. Unpretentiousness. Caring for petunia is easy. The plant needs regular watering and rare feeding, but does not die if the gardener did not take care of it.
  3. Long flowering. The cascade variety pleases with its flowering from May until the onset of frost.
  4. Abundant flowering. The plant produces a large number of fairly large flowers at the same time.
  5. Attractive appearance.Due to the fact that the shoots do not immediately fall down, but first grow upward, the bush has a beautiful shape and looks attractive even at the base.
  6. Versatility. Cascade culture looks equally good in hanging and floor planters, in flower beds. It is considered an ideal option for decorating alpine slides.

Cascading varieties also have disadvantages:

  1. Cascade varieties require more frequent watering than bush varieties.
  2. Due to the fact that the lashes of petunias growing in a flower bed touch the ground, the likelihood of infection increases.
  3. Cascading varieties require more free space than bush varieties.

The best varieties of cascade petunia

There are many varieties of cascading petunias. They differ in the color and size of the buds, the length of the stems, shape and some other characteristics. The most popular varieties are presented in the list:

  1. Double cascade. The main feature is the huge double flowers. The green color is emerald. Has a pronounced aroma.
  2. Ramblin'. At the base, the shoots rise 40 cm, while their length reaches 1 m. Such parameters allow you to create original compositions with the help of the plant. The advantage is considered to be earlier flowering and a large number of buds. Flowers from this group come in different colors. Ramblin Amethyst is especially popular. The variety lives up to its name with flowers of purple and lilac shades.
  3. Blue waterfall. The variety can be distinguished by its large blue flowers that resemble carnations. The advantages include resistance to adverse environmental factors and low maintenance requirements.
  4. Waterfall Pink soft. An annual hybrid with double flowers. The plant grows well and quickly produces shoots. Forms large buds.
  5. Cascade Snow White. Petunia with very large white flowers.Characterized by long-lasting flowering.

Growing technology

Regardless of the variety, technology growing cascading petunia is the same. The culture is considered unpretentious, but requires minimal care. The main thing is to plant it correctly.

Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

Optimal conditions

Petunia is hardy, but if optimal conditions are created, it will bloom more profusely and throw out longer shoots:

  1. Temperature. The plant feels best at a temperature of +15...+26°C. At the same time, it is able to tolerate frosts down to -10°C. Does not tolerate heat well (+40°C). In this case, burns may appear on the leaves.
  2. Humidity. Requires regular watering. Can tolerate short droughts or waterlogged soil. When moisture stagnates, it starts to hurt.
  3. Light. The plant is light-loving. It produces a large amount of greenery in the shade, but sets few buds.
  4. Weather. In strong winds or rain, the shoots may be damaged. To avoid this, plant in pots during bad weather put away under a canopy.

Requirements for pot and soil

Most often, petunia is grown in pots outside or on the balcony.. In this case, it is important to choose a good container so that the plant has enough space.

Only one adult plant will fit in a 5 liter pot. Up to two plants are planted in a ten-liter pot. Containers with a volume of 10 liters to 15 liters can accommodate no more than three plants, provided that the container is wide enough.

It is not necessary to choose deep pots for petunias. The main thing is that they are wide enough.

Note! Terry varieties require more free space than regular ones.

The material of the pot does not matter. Plastic containers are usually chosen because they are lighter and cheaper.Ceramic flowerpots prevent soil from drying out or moisture stagnation due to their ability to absorb excess liquid into the walls and release it. However, they have a higher price and weight.

It is important that there are holes at the bottom of the planting container. They will prevent fluid stagnation.

Petunias prefer sandy and loamy soils, but also grow in black soil. It is important to ensure neutral soil acidity.

When preparing open ground, the soil is dug up in the fall, cleared of plant debris, humus (5 kg per 1 sq. m), dry lime or ash (if acidity is high), and superphosphate (30 g per 1 sq. m) are added. Fertilizers are mixed with soil.

When growing in a pot, the following components are taken to prepare the soil:

  • 2 parts of turf;
  • 2 parts sheet soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part humus.

Drainage is also used. It is poured onto the bottom of the pot.

The soil, containers and drainage are disinfected. To do this, use a solution of copper sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of boiling water) or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing dates and rules

Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

You can buy ready-made petunia seedlings on the market. Some gardeners grow it from seeds or shoots themselves. Usually, by the time of planting, the plant already has blossoming buds.

Petunia is planted in open ground or flowerpots on the street in early May. Holes are dug in the ground equal to the volume of the containers in which the seedlings were located.

The seedlings are removed from the pots along with a lump of earth, after watering and allowing the liquid to be absorbed. It is transplanted into holes, the free space is covered with soil, without deepening the root collar. The soil around the plants is compacted and watered abundantly.

In open ground, plants are planted at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other.It is recommended to plant several plants in a flowerpot to make the composition look more magnificent.

Further care

Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

Petunias require minimal care. The list contains the basic rules:

  1. Trimming. Cascading petunia does not need to be pinched. However, in order to stimulate the formation of new lashes and make the bush more luxuriant, some gardeners prune immediately after the formation of the sixth leaf. To renew bloom and to make it more abundant, they pick off faded buds and seed pods.
  2. Watering. On hot days, petunia is watered daily. In cool weather, two waterings per week are sufficient. On average, 7 liters of water are consumed per plant. Water is poured into the pots until it begins to flow out of the drainage holes.
  3. Feeding. Fertilizers are applied twice a month. Alternate mineral (containing phosphorus, potassium, magnesium) and organic (chicken manure, humus, mullein).
  4. Loosening and weeding. After each watering or precipitation, the soil is loosened to destroy the earthen crust, which interferes with normal air exchange. During the loosening process, weeds are removed from the flowerbed.

Possible problems

Sometimes petunia is affected by diseases and pests. The following problems are considered the most common:

  1. Aphid. Colonies of small black, brown or green insects appear on the shoots and undersides of leaves. The problem is accompanied by the appearance of sticky spots and curling of the leaves. To destroy pests, flowers are sprayed with a soap solution (300 g of soap per 10 liters of water), pepper infusion (1 kg of red hot pepper pods are crushed and poured into 10 liters of water, left for 10 days, then 100 g of the resulting concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water with 40 g soap and used for spraying).
  2. Spider mite. It can be detected by the cobwebs on the underside of the leaves. The pest feeds on the sap of the plant, causing it to wilt. They fight mites in the same way as aphids.
  3. Powdery mildew. White spots appear on the plant. Over time they turn brown. Dry spots appear on the affected areas and leaves fall off. To cope with the disease, fungicides (Quadris, Fundazol) or a solution of iodine with milk are used.

Reproduction methods

Petunia is propagated in two ways - vegetative and generative. In the first case, shoots are used, and in the second, seeds.

Features of cascading petunias and their advantages over other species

Seed propagation

Seeds are sown in February or early May. Usually already processed planting material is sold. Self-collected seeds must first be soaked for half an hour in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then for 12-24 hours with a growth stimulator (in “Epin”, “Solution”).

Seeds are sown in a common container or in peat tablets. The difference between these methods is that in the first case you will have to pick the plants into individual containers, but in the second not.

Rules for growing seedlings:

  1. The container is filled with drainage, soil and watered. Seeds are sown in grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 5 cm from each other. They are sprinkled with soil and sprayed with a growth stimulator solution.
  2. The container with the crops is covered with film and placed on the windowsill. Room temperature is used for cultivation.
  3. The soil is moistened as it dries from a spray bottle. The crops are ventilated daily for 15 minutes.
  4. When shoots appear, the ventilation time is increased. Then the greenhouse is dismantled.
  5. To stimulate growth, seedlings are sprayed with Epin solution or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  6. After three true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in individual pots (disposable plastic cups are suitable).
  7. Petunia can be transplanted into a large pot after six leaves appear.

Vegetative propagation

You can ask your neighbors for petunia shoots or cut them yourself from a mother plant dug up and brought into the house last year. Root cuttings as follows:

  1. Cuttings 10 cm long are cut from petunias. They are cleared of all leaves except the top two.
  2. The cuttings are dipped at the cutting site in a root formation stimulator (“Solution”) for a day. The cut is then dipped into the ash.
  3. The cuttings are planted in sand, which is watered with water at room temperature. The container is covered with film or glass.
  4. When the plant takes root and begins to throw out new leaves, it is transplanted into a pot with soil.

How and when to collect seeds correctly

Collect petunia seeds from the beginning of June until the end of flowering. Planting material is formed in fruits - bivalve boxes that open when ripe.

Terry varieties do not form seeds. To obtain planting material, pollen is collected from double flowers and transferred to ordinary inflorescences. The resulting fruits on an ordinary petunia pollinated in this way will contain the seeds of double plants.


Cascade petunia is one of the varieties of garden flowers popular all over the world. Its shoots rise up at the base and then fall down. Thanks to this, the crop has a beautiful shape and is often used to create original compositions in landscape design.

Growing cascading petunia is not difficult. The main thing is to water and feed the plant in a timely manner.

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