
Is it possible to eat onions with gastritis with high or low acidity?

Gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract require diet. The stricter it is, the faster the recovery will come. The article will tell you how onions fit in one form or another into the menu of a patient with gastritis...

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems and how to do it correctly

The key to obtaining a bountiful tomato harvest is competent and timely feeding of seedlings. Thanks to the use of fertilizers according to special schemes, the stems will become more powerful, which will subsequently have a beneficial effect on the quality of the fruit. What to feed...

How to grow onions in a plastic bottle at home

When it’s winter outside, there’s a lack of vitamins and juicy fresh herbs. Many housewives try to grow parsley, cilantro, basil and mint on the windowsill. The most common “home” crop is onions. ...

The best potato diet options

The potato diet is one of the most accessible and inexpensive ways to lose those annoying pounds. The product is available for consumption all year round, contains 77 kcal in raw and 82 kcal in baked and boiled ...

The best sauerkraut recipes without salt and sugar

Sauerkraut without salt and sugar is a tasty and dietary snack, good for the body and a convenient way to quickly process the harvest. To prepare it, no special culinary skills or...

High-yielding potato variety with excellent taste Sonny (Bogatyr)

Potato Bogatyr is a high-yielding variety with excellent tuber taste that does not require special agrotechnical efforts when growing. Each bush brings from 20 to 40 even tubers of medium and large size at ...

What type of worms is the onion nematode, and how to fight it

The nematode is a dangerous pest that inhibits the development of plants and leads to their death. This tiny worm causes great damage to both private gardens and large farms. Onion nematode causes rotting of onion heads...

Instructions for buyers: how to choose buckwheat correctly

Buckwheat is one of the healthiest and most commonly consumed cereals. It contains many minerals and vitamins, is easily digestible and is suitable for nutrition at any age. For a beneficial effect...

Features of planting onions before winter: after what crops can they be planted?

Planting onions before winter allows you to harvest an early harvest. And the body really needs vitamins after a long winter. In this article we will reveal the nuances of autumn planting onions, and also tell you after what ...

How to prepare delicious sauerkraut for the winter

Pickling is the oldest method of preserving vegetables. The main preservative in this process is lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation process. The compound prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora, gives vegetables a specific smell and...

