
Don't throw away watermelon rinds: beneficial properties for the human body

Adults and children love the sweet pulp of watermelon. But we throw away the crusts without hesitation. But they have useful properties, the existence of which not everyone knows. Their use in raw,...

The best remedy for facial skin: homemade parsley masks

Expression wrinkles, age spots and other skin imperfections make the face tired and dull. To restore beauty and freshness to your skin, you don’t have to spend money on expensive professional products. Parsley masks for...

What does the body lack if you constantly crave buckwheat?

Proper nutrition is the key to health and increased performance. A constant lack of certain vital substances can provoke various diseases, and often the body itself tells you what elements it lacks. ...

Potato variety Khozyayushka for growing in the northern regions

The Hostess variety is popular among gardeners due to its ability to grow in almost any climate and to withstand temperature changes, droughts and frosts. Both amateur summer residents and professional farmers will appreciate the high yield and ...

Winter varieties of onion sets for planting before winter

Most gardeners are accustomed to growing onions in the warm season, believing that the winter method is a thankless task and requires professional skills. However, the correctly selected variety, compliance with the rules of planting and care allow...

How to deliciously prepare carrots in Korean style for the winter in jars

Korean carrots are one of the most popular snacks in Russia. It is spicy, crispy, tasty and, when cooked correctly, healthy. It is consumed as an independent dish and added to multi-component salads. ...

What are the varieties of barley, their characteristics and descriptions

Barley is the oldest agricultural crop grown for food, feed, and technical needs. Refers to nutritious cereals. As a result of its processing, flour, pearl barley and barley, and a drink reminiscent of coffee are obtained. It is often used...

How corn grows: photos and stages of cultivation, advice from experienced farmers

Humans have been eating corn for a long time. This plant was first domesticated in what is now Mexico 2000 years ago. This country is considered the world leader in corn consumption. Every Mexican eats...

How to fight aphids on cucumbers: the best folk remedies

Aphids are considered one of the most malicious and voracious pests. If measures are not taken in time to destroy the insect, it will cause serious damage to the future harvest. It is not always possible to use professional insecticides in the garden...

What are the types and varieties of oats?

More than 50 varieties of seed oats are grown in Russia. They differ in a number of parameters, among which grain size, yield and optimal growing conditions are crucial. About the difference between oat varieties...

