Dill is a unique plant material that has a strong spicy, refreshing taste and smell, a rich composition and has a beneficial effect on many body systems. It is widely used both in cooking and...
Tomato pests can destroy the crop both in open ground and in greenhouses. Experienced vegetable growers have learned to recognize types of pests and know how best to destroy them. How to save a crop from a worm, what methods to use if the roots are damaged, ...
Beetroot began to be grown as a vegetable crop even before our era. For the first time, this vegetable was cultivated and began to be cultivated on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. This partly explains the fact that this vegetable...
Tomatoes can die from whitefly infestation within 12-14 days. Knowledge of the biology and weak points of the pest will help save your crops from a small insect that is dangerous for many crops. Detailed description of the pest...
Melon jam is an original delicacy for those with a sweet tooth. Amber color, dense pieces, rich taste and additives in the form of lime, lemon, mint and spices will not leave true gourmets indifferent. We have collected 10...
Gout is a chronic disease caused by the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints and kidneys. It develops due to a violation of purine metabolism: the synthesis of uric acid increases and at the same time its excretion in the urine decreases. ...
Watermelon seeds are usually not eaten. However, in Asian countries they are popular and sold as a separate product, like sunflower or pumpkin seeds in our country. It's all about them...
To grow a rich harvest of cucumbers, you don’t have to have your own garden plot. It is enough to find a variety that can be grown at home on a windowsill or balcony, and select suitable containers and soil. Most varieties...
Melon is a fragrant and tasty delicacy. However, ripe fruit is stored in the refrigerator for about 5 days, and cut into pieces - up to 3 days. To please yourself longer with your favorite taste, sweet...