How to properly water beets with salt water - the proportions of the solution and instructions for processing the vegetable for its sugar content
Beetroot began to be grown as a vegetable crop even before our era. For the first time, this vegetable was cultivated and began to be cultivated on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. This partly explains the fact that this vegetable loves to be fed with salt water.
In coastal areas of the Mediterranean, sea winds have been saturating the soil with small crystals of sea salt for centuries. Over time, the presence of salt in the soil became a necessary condition for the normal growth and maturation of root crops. Surprisingly, but true - in order for beets to grow sugary and tasty, they are periodically watered with water and salt. We’ll tell you in this article about when and how to pour salt water on beets to make them sweet.
The benefits of feeding with salt
To obtain a good harvest of root crops, plants are fed throughout the entire period of their growth. The most effective way to apply fertilizer is by watering with water in which mineral mixtures are dissolved. This way plants get the nutrients they need faster.
Beet root vegetables experience an increased need for sodium during growth and development. This chemical element is often lacking in heavy, dense soils in central Russia. Therefore, growing beets here does not produce the best yields.
What does watering beets with salt and water give?
All beet varieties are sensitive to sodium deficiency in the soil. This chemical element is the main component of ordinary table salt.Regular application of saline solution to the soil replenishes the sodium content in the soil.
It is important to know. The presence of red veins on the beet tops and redness leaves indicates a lack of sodium.
The excellent taste and sugar content of root vegetables are determined by the presence of sufficient nutrients in the soil. When growing beets in open ground, well-organized watering, including watering with salt water, allows you to grow large and tasty vegetables.
In addition, spraying the tops with saline solution is an excellent preventive measure in pest control.
Proper preparation of saline solution
Regular inspection of the appearance of beet tops will help you find out in time about the lack of sodium in the soil. When the beet leaf begins to turn red and red veins appear, this means it’s time to water the beet beds with salt water.
Attention. When watering with salt, it is important to observe moderation. The principle “you can’t spoil porridge with butter” does not work here. Excess sodium, as well as other elements, is detrimental to root vegetables.
Instructions for preparing a solution for irrigation
When watering beet plantings with salt water, the proportions for the salt solution are determined based on the appearance of the tops. If the beet greens look healthy, do not make a strong solution. 1 teaspoon of table salt per 10 liters of warm water is enough. This amount of liquid is used to water 1 m² of bed.
If the leaves turn red, indicating a lack of sodium, the dose of salt is increased to 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. This amount of solution is used to water 1 m² of plantings.
The given proportions are designed for preparing a mixture of coarse rock salt.When using fine “Extra” salt, its amount is reduced by 2-3 times.
The salt feeding recipe includes only two ingredients: water and salt.
The procedure for preparing a solution for irrigation is as follows:
- heat a glass of water in a small container;
- add salt;
- Stir thoroughly until the salt crystals are completely dissolved;
- dilute the resulting mixture with the remaining volume of water.
Water used for irrigation is collected in a container in advance so that it has time to warm up to ambient temperature. For watering beets, like other garden crops, do not use cold liquid. Violation of this rule inhibits plant growth and provokes the development of diseases.
If you use chlorinated water for irrigation, pour it into a suitable container in advance and let it sit for several days. Then carefully drain the water, being careful not to disturb the chlorine that has settled at the bottom.
What is the best way to water vegetables? Experienced gardeners rightly believe that soft rainwater is best suited for watering garden crops. To collect rainwater, several special containers are installed on the site. If rainwater cannot be collected, then hard tap water is softened by adding wood ash (approximately 50–60 g per 20 liters of water).
Application of salt fertilizing and processing of beet tops
The first watering with a salt solution is carried out when 4-5 young leaves develop on the plant. The optimal amount of salt fertilizing is two or three per season. The beets are watered for the last time about 30 days before the root crops are removed from the garden.
In addition to watering, another known method of applying salt fertilizer is spraying. The same solutions are used for the procedure.
In addition to enriching the soil with nutrients, the salty liquid protects plantings from insect pests, fungal diseases and infections. For preventive purposes, plants are sprayed with a weak salt solution.
If pests or fungi have already appeared, treating the leaves with a strong salt solution (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) will help. When processing, not only the top but the bottom side of the leaf, as well as the soil around the plants, are wetted.
To carry out the procedure, conventional spray equipment is used. This can be an electric or manual sprayer, or various home-made devices.
Salt is not a dangerous toxic substance, but can cause irritation of mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, it is recommended to use safety glasses and gloves.
Frequency and intensity of irrigation
To obtain a good beet harvest, fertilizing root crops is combined with the correct irrigation regime. Soil moisture is of particular importance at the time of germination. seeds and until sprouts appear. At this time, drying out of the soil will lead to the death of the crop.
After the emergence of seedlings, the crops are watered as the top layer of soil dries. Deep soil moisture is not required during this period.
When a rosette of several green leaves appears, carry out the first feeding with salt water. If there are no obvious signs of sodium deficiency, then watering is done with slightly salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per 10 liters of water).
During the period of development and formation of root crops, beet beds are watered abundantly once every 7-10 days. Grown plants absorb moisture at a depth of 10-15 cm, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil is deeply moistened. For irrigation, use 2-3 buckets of water per 1 m².
The second time the saline solution is applied about a month before harvesting, when the diameter of the fruit reaches 5-6 cm. Depending on the severity of the sodium deficiency, a weak or strong solution is used.
Watering the beet beds is completely stopped about 3 weeks before the root crops are removed from the beds. This will make the beets more sugary and dry out before harvesting.
Tips and tricks
Periodic inspection of beet tops will help determine whether the roots need sodium, boron, potassium or other trace elements. With a lack of nutrients, the leaves become small, flat and acquire a red tint.
Important. Healthy beet leaves are large, slightly wavy, and a rich emerald green color. Depending on the variety, only the leaf petiole or also the veins may be red.
You can feed root crops with special complex fertilizers for beets. The manufacturer indicates the proportions in the instructions for the drug. But periodic watering with salted water also gives good results.
Salt dissolves slowly in cold water. If you use cool water for irrigation, make sure the salt is completely dissolved in the water. When watering, do not allow salt crystals to get on the plants.
Too high a salt solution concentration is dangerous for beets, especially for young plants. Therefore, when preparing liquid for feeding, observe the ratio of salt and water.
In addition to adding sodium to the soil, it is useful to feed beets with boron, potassium and phosphorus. To enrich the soil with boron, 10 g of boron fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water.
Wood ash will help improve the soil composition. It is sifted, filled with water, infused and the resulting solution is watered on the ground.
To saturate the soil with potassium and phosphorus, necessary for the formation of root crops and the accumulation of sugary substances in it, complex fertilizers are used. Fertilizer is applied in accordance with the instructions for the drug.
Read also:
The best recipes for pickled beets for the winter in jars.
Periodic use of salt water when watering beet beds gives the fruits sweetness and improves their taste. When calculating the salt concentration, they are guided by the severity of sodium deficiency. If the plants look healthy, water with a slightly salted solution. If the beet tops are small and red in color, use a concentrated composition.
It is important to maintain proportions when applying the composition for watering. Excess sodium is just as bad for beets as too little sodium.
Thank you! It's a pity that I missed the first watering.
Never mind, don't forget next time)