We fight extra pounds easily and simply by using boiled beets for weight loss
Often on television programs or on the Internet they offer weight loss courses using overseas berries, which can only be purchased from them, or they recommend diets based on pineapples and other exotic fruits and vegetables. Such techniques are extremely expensive and difficult to access for most of the population of our country.
However, you shouldn’t be upset and say goodbye to the opportunity to acquire a slim figure. After all, there are easier ways to lose weight. By consuming boiled beets for weight loss, you can not only lose extra pounds, but also receive invaluable benefits for the body.
The benefits and harms of boiled beets for weight loss
Eating boiled beets is a real way to get a beautiful and toned body. The fact is that this vegetable has a complex effect:
- accelerates metabolism, resulting in weight loss;
- if you eat beets before eating meat, the substance betaine contained in it will help accelerate and complete absorption of proteins, which is very important for building muscles;
- thanks to the inclusion of beets in the diet, the liver is cleansed, toxins and wastes leave the human body, which also helps to lose extra pounds;
- the vegetable contains curcumin, a substance that prevents the formation of fat cells;
- boiled beets promote detoxification, having an alkalizing effect and promoting natural cleansing of the body, thereby reducing body weight;
- eating beets helps increase the body's endurance, so it is recommended to consume it before physical activity;
- helps remove excess fluid from the body, thus reducing body volume.
Reference. For maximum benefit from beets, it is necessary to choose fruits with an intense and rich color - this indicates an increased content of useful substances.
Operating principle
Beets contain antioxidants and betaine, which slow down aging and help burn excess fat.. Such components are used by manufacturers of dietary supplements. Nutritionists recommend consuming the root vegetable in combination with meat and grains: such combinations help improve the appearance and rejuvenate the body.
Fiber in the composition will help get rid of the feeling of hunger and process accumulated fats, as well as remove toxins from the body and prevent constipation. In combination with pectin, dietary fiber swells and regulates blood glucose surges, which helps control appetite.
Eating boiled beets can reduce cravings for sweets.. About 50 g of root vegetables per day will help get rid of the desire to eat dessert. Weight loss experts recommend replacing a serving of sweets with beetroot salad.
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Benefits of beet juice for the human body
Composition and properties
Beets contain many beneficial components:
- vitamins B, C;
- due to the content of citric, oxalic, malic and lactic acids, the root vegetable helps speed up the digestion process;
- betaine helps break down and absorb proteins, in addition, it produces choline, which stimulates fat metabolism;
- manganese promotes cellular metabolism and, as a result, weight loss;
- zinc ensures the absorption of foods and weight loss;
- magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and increases resistance to stress;
- copper ensures normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which has a positive effect on getting rid of extra pounds;
- chlorine has a cleansing effect on the body and helps get rid of fat deposits on the surface of organs;
- iron stabilizes hemoglobin levels, thereby reducing cravings for sweets;
- pectin helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate metabolism;
- Fiber helps eliminate toxins and keeps you feeling full.
100 g of boiled beets contains 49 kcal. In the same amount of cooked root vegetables:
- proteins – 1.92 g;
- fat – 0.11 g;
- carbohydrates – 10.55 g.
Rules of use
Despite the benefits of the vegetable, it should be consumed wisely. After all, a beetroot dish with the addition of fatty pork will not help you lose excess weight at all.
First of all, it is important to cook the root vegetable correctly:
- Beets should only be cooked unpeeled and thoroughly washed;
- the cooking process should not exceed an hour;
- after boiling, the fruit must be poured with cold water until it cools;
- You can bake a whole root vegetable in the oven, wrapped in foil.
Besides, To lose extra pounds, you must fulfill the following conditions::
- It is better to eat the root vegetable boiled, raw, stewed or steamed. You can prepare salads with beets and add them to various drinks;
- Days of normal nutrition should be alternated with fasting days. During unloading, you need to consume up to 2 kg of beets and drink at least 2 liters of water;
- We must not forget that root vegetables contain sugar, so to lose weight on a beetroot diet, it is important to exclude sweets in any form;
- Dishes prepared from beets cannot be salted, since salt retains water in the body and causes an increase in body volume;
- The beetroot diet can be repeated only after a month if there are no negative consequences.
Diet options
For those who want to lose weight using the root vegetable, you should familiarize yourself with the types of diets based on beets. Below are their most popular options. If you follow all the recommendations, you can lose up to 7 kg in a month.
Diet for a week
During this diet, in food other than beets, it is allowed to include other fruits and vegetables:
- celery;
- carrot;
- tomatoes;
- cabbage;
- apples.
It is important to eat protein foods: fish, beef and low-fat kefir. For cereals you can eat rice and buckwheat. In seven days of eating this way you can lose up to 7 kg.
During the week you should eat as follows:.
- breakfast – a mug of tea or coffee with milk and two pieces of toast;
- lunch – beet salad and boiled rice;
- dinner - vegetable soup and a small apple.
- breakfast – yogurt with cereal flakes;
- lunch - beetroot salad and boiled white chicken meat;
- dinner - kiwi and two baked potatoes.
- breakfast – tea or coffee and two toasts;
- lunch - beet salad and boiled fish;
- dinner - vegetable soup.
- breakfast – low-fat yogurt;
- lunch – beet salad and a portion of boiled chicken;
- dinner - vegetable casserole with herbs.
- breakfast - tea or coffee with two toasts;
- lunch – beet salad and boiled rice;
- dinner – grilled vegetables.
- breakfast - coffee with milk and two toasts;
- lunch – beet salad and a piece of hard cheese;
- dinner – stewed vegetables.
- breakfast – a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir;
- lunch – beet salad and boiled chicken;
- dinner - boiled rice with tomato and boiled egg.
Ten day diet
The 10-day diet is designed not only to fight excess weight, but also to remove toxins and waste from the body. In addition to beets, it is allowed to eat fresh vegetable salads, lean meat and dairy products. At the same time, the amount of fat is significantly limited. A teaspoon of any vegetable oil is allowed per day as a salad dressing.
20 minutes before lunch and dinner, be sure to drink a glass of beetroot-orange-carrot juice for all 10 days. For its preparation it is used:
- one medium-sized beet;
- two small carrots;
- one orange.
Important! In case of high acidity and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such a diet is strictly prohibited.
The menu varies according to personal preferences within this scheme:
- For breakfast A salad of boiled carrots and beets is eaten. After it, you can eat an omelette made from two proteins or low-fat cottage cheese. Rye toast or whole grain bread is allowed.
- For lunch you can eat brown rice, oat porridge and a piece of boiled meat.
- In the evening You should eat boiled, steamed or baked vegetables and fish.
Reference. To enhance the effect, you can drink green tea, herbal infusions, and berry juice.
Fasting days
On fasting days you should eat up to 1.5 kg of beets. You can make salads with the addition of herbs and olive oil. It is important to drink enough liquid. In addition, you can add 1% kefir to the unloading, but then you are allowed to eat up to 1 kg of boiled beets.
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Dietary recipes
For a fasting day, you can prepare a delicious cocktail.
- 200 g boiled beets;
- a glass of 1% kefir.
Preparation: Grate the boiled root vegetable, pour in kefir and beat in a blender.
There are many options for salads with beets, here is one of them.
- 4 small boiled beets;
- greens (cilantro, parsley, green onions);
- 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
- ground black pepper and salt.
Preparation: Grate the beets on a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens and add to the vegetable. To make the dressing, mix the oil with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Pour the mixture over the salad.
Reference. This salad is good to eat at night, especially when you want junk food.
Don't forget that Eating this vegetable may be harmful to your health., especially for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as people with:
- inflammatory diseases;
- ulcer or gastritis;
- kidney diseases;
- hypersensitivity to the product;
- high acidity;
- low blood pressure.
Which beets are better for weight loss: raw or boiled?
To lose weight, it is better to eat raw root vegetables.. The fact is that when cooked, the amount of vitamins in a vegetable decreases and the glycemic index increases. In fresh beets it is 30, but in boiled beets it is already 65. This indicator means that boiled root vegetables can cause surges in blood glucose, which causes the release of insulin and hunger.
Reviews of those losing weight
You can find different opinions about beet diets: for some they are easy and effective, while others did not notice much result, but experienced many side effects.
Svetlana, 47 years old: “I gained a lot of weight after giving birth, I was very worried about it. I accidentally found out about the beetroot diet for 10 days. I decided to try it. It should be noted that I didn’t feel hungry at all. However, the monotony of the diet was extremely unnerving. Nevertheless, in 10 days I lost as much as 7 kg and normalized my bowel movements. This diet is good for cleansing the body and helping the intestines. At the same time, it is important to follow the recommendations and not keep this regime longer than prescribed.”.
Oksana, 32 years old: “Despite the fact that I lost 2 of the extra 5 kg, I really do not recommend this diet. I was able to hold out for only a week. I had a severe stomach ache and nausea all the time. Moreover, on the fifth day severe diarrhea appeared, which did not stop. I had to see a doctor. It turns out that I have severe stomach problems, although I have never had anything like this before. It’s better to stick to proper nutrition and exercise, I’ll be healthier!”.
Boiled beets are very useful for weight loss, but strict diets can be dangerous. Before you start following this diet plan, it is better to consult your doctor. Otherwise, you can harm your health and worsen your condition. It is best to follow proper nutrition and include beets in your diet - this way you will be able to get all the benefits of this product and maintain your health.