How beet juice is useful for oncology and how to prepare and take it correctly

It's hard to believe, but it is possible to defeat cancer not only with radiation and chemicals. There are known cases where people who use beet juice with oncology, we were able to get rid of this disease forever.

In the article you will learn everything about the treatment and prevention of cancer using beetroot drink: from preparation to recipes and dosage regimen.

Composition and beneficial properties of beet juice

The energy value of 100 g of fresh beetroot is 42 kcal. 100 g of beet juice contains 1 g of protein, 0 g of fat and 9.9 g of carbohydrates.

It is rich in a large number of vitamins and beneficial elements (A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP, betaine and beta-carotene). It also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc.

In addition, beet juice contains a lot of organic amino acids such as pantothenic, folic, oleanolic, lysine, valine, arginine and histidine.

The main beneficial properties of beetroot drink:

  1. Helps remove toxins, uric acid, and gallstones from the body.
  2. Helps cure sore throat and runny nose.
  3. Increases the performance of the liver, kidneys and heart, reduces the risk of blood clots.

In addition, beet juice is recommended for people with sleep disorders, low hemoglobin and diseases of the female reproductive system.

In combination with other juices, it promotes weight loss, relieves hangovers, relieves heartburn and increases iron levels in the blood.

How beet juice is useful for oncology and how to prepare and take it correctly

Benefits for oncology

In addition to the listed beneficial properties, fresh beetroot helps in the fight against such a complex disease as oncology. By consuming this juice, it is much easier to bear the side effects of various medical methods of fighting cancer.

Thanks to its constant use, patients experience pain relief, an increase in hemoglobin, strength to fight the disease, and the general condition of patients improves significantly.

Beetroot drink contains a coloring substance - betaine. It is thanks to him that beets have such a rich red color. It fights malignant tumors in the body. In addition, the amino acid arginine prevents the growth of cancer cells.

Beetroot juice is usually prescribed to patients during radiation therapy. There are many stories where people managed to overcome cancer only thanks to beetroot drink, without using any other treatment methods in parallel.

Important! People with cancer and those who have already recovered from this disease must consume beetroot juice throughout their lives, otherwise a relapse of the disease may occur.

What types of cancer does it fight?

Beetroot juice is useful for any form of oncology, this benefit has been scientifically proven. At the same time, the most significant result can be achieved with the help of fresh beetroot in lung cancer.

The drink is of great benefit in the fight against cancerous formations in the rectum, bladder and stomach. This juice can help with cancer of the liver, prostate, uterus, breast and pancreas.

How beet juice is useful for oncology and how to prepare and take it correctly

How to cook

To prepare fresh beet juice, choose fresh, bright red root vegetables, small in size (but not the smallest), and always grown without the addition of chemical fertilizers with a large amount of nitrates.

First, wash and peel the beets. Next, there are two options for preparing the drink:

  1. Pass the vegetable through a juicer.
  2. Squeeze the grated beets through cheesecloth.

Important! Under no circumstances should you drink freshly squeezed beet juice. After spinning, it needs to sit for 2-3 hours.

The shelf life of such a drink is 2 days if stored in the refrigerator, but, of course, it is better to drink fresh juice and prepare a new one every day.

Recipes for juice mixes for oncology

Doctors recommend drinking fresh beetroot in combination with the juices of other vegetables, fruits or herbs. We present to you recipes for mixes that are most suitable for patients with oncology.

Beet and carrot juice

For oncology, the proportion in this mixture should be 1:2 (where, for example, for one glass of beet juice there should be two glasses of carrot juice). This combination is great for patients who cannot tolerate the taste of beets.

Beetroot, carrot and apple juice

A mix of the following juices is also excellent for the prevention and treatment of cancer: beetroot, carrot and apple (proportion 1:10:10, respectively). Apples, carrots and beets must first be chopped and mixed in a blender, and then passed through a juicer.

Treatment with this drink is carried out for three months. Drink one glass every day on an empty stomach in the morning.

How to drink beet juice

You need to drink the drink fresh, but remember that it must sit for the first 2-3 hours after spinning.You should not immediately start drinking it in the prescribed volumes - you need to accustom your body to it gradually. Start with small portions (1-2 tsp per day) and gradually increase to the required volume.

Drink beet juice at least 30 minutes before meals. Warm the drink slightly before drinking. Drink it in small sips, hold it in your mouth, and then swallow slowly.

Do not eat fresh beetroot with yeast bread and do not mix it with sour drinks.

How beet juice is useful for oncology and how to prepare and take it correctly

Treatment regimen

To treat oncology, you need to drink 600 ml of beetroot drink every day. For five meals a day, drink 100 ml of juice 30 minutes before meals and another 100 ml at night. In this treatment option, discipline is important, since fresh beetroot must be consumed without fail, every day.

The beet juice treatment itself takes at least a year. It is important to consume it every day throughout your life. The dosage is subsequently reduced to 250 ml per day.

External use

Beetroot juice is suitable not only for internal but also for external use.

It has a powerful wound-healing effect and is able to fight abscesses, ulcers and other skin diseases.

A compress for the external treatment of tumors is made from boiled beets. It must be grated and applied to the tumor site. After this, you should keep it for two hours. Then soak gauze in hydrogen peroxide and apply to the same place for an hour. Repeat three times a day.

For oral cancer, instead of toothpaste, use the following mixture: beets, hydrogen peroxide and soda.


Fresh beetroot has a powerful laxative effect, so it is contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diarrhea and serious intestinal diseases.

In addition, the drink has the ability to lower blood pressure, which is perfect for hypertensive patients, but at the same time it will create a risk for people with low blood pressure - hypotensive people. It is highly not recommended for them to drink beet juice.

Beetroot juice contains a large amount of glucose, which should alert people with diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to use juice with great caution, and it is better to abandon it altogether.

If you have urolithiasis, you should beware of oxalic acid, as it leads to the appearance of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Unfortunately, this acid is also present in beet juice. It also has a negative effect on the stomach gastritis.

In addition, the juice is contraindicated in osteoporosis due to the obstruction of calcium absorption. It should also be used with caution by people prone to allergic reactions.

How beet juice is useful for oncology and how to prepare and take it correctly


Doctors recommend using beet juice not only for treatment, but also to prevent the formation of cancerous tumors.

When preventing oncology, you do not need to drink juice in such quantities as when treating the disease: it is enough to drink one glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

You can try taking a three-week course and preparing a beetroot drink for cancer prevention using the following recipe:

  1. Cook 2 kg of beets for 5 hours.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the boiled vegetable.
  3. Mix it with the broth.

This drink also needs to be introduced into the diet gradually. For the first 7 days, take it three times a day, 50 g each. The next 7 days - 100 g each. Further (the course can be extended) - 150 g each.

Tips and tricks

During oncology treatment using beet juice, it is also recommended to eat 200 g of boiled beets every day.

Beets and their juice can have completely different effects on each individual person. In some cases of oncology this will have a significant effect, in others it will not help at all. Be sure to consult your doctor before treating cancerous tumors with beetroot drink.

Although medicine knows a variety of cases associated with this method of treatment, you should not treat cancer with vegetables alone, while neglecting traditional medicine. Beetroot juice also works well against the background of medical intervention (chemo- or radiation therapy).

Carefully study the contraindications for drinking beet juice, otherwise it can cause irreparable harm to your body. Follow only a proven treatment regimen, as excessive use of beetroot drink can be harmful to your health.


Medicine has proven the healing effect of beet juice in the fight against cancer. Doctors prescribe this drink during radiation and chemotherapy, as it helps to better tolerate the side effects of treatment.

Science also knows cases of complete relief from cancerous tumors thanks to beet juice. But remember that all this is very individual, so it is impossible to predict in advance what effect a particular patient will be able to achieve with this drink. Be sure to consult your doctor and do not refuse medication treatment.

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