10 most delicious melon jam recipes
Melon jam is an original delicacy for those with a sweet tooth. Amber color, dense pieces, rich taste and additives in the form of lime, lemon, mint and spices will not leave true gourmets indifferent. We have collected 10 proven recipes for delicious melon jam.
Selection and preparation of fruits
The standard technology for making jam involves boiling fruits and berries in concentrated sugar syrup. To speed up the process, the prepared product is covered with refined sugar and, after the juice has formed, put on fire. The longer the mixture cooks, the thicker it becomes.
For jam perfect fit ripe melons with sweet and aromatic pulp. According to the technology, the pieces should remain dense and not fall apart, so it is better to set aside fruits with a loose structure for jam and jam.
The best varieties of melon for jam: Torpedo, Collective farmer, Fairy tale, Raymond, Gulyabi.
Rules for selecting and preparing fruits:
- When purchasing, inspect the fruit: there should be no dents, cracks, or brown spots on the surface.
- A ripe melon is identified by a dry tail, a dull sound when tapped, and a pronounced aroma.
- Even fruits that are not too sweet are suitable for jam, the main thing is that the structure is dense.
- Before slicing, the fruits are washed, cut into halves, and the fibrous part and seeds are removed with a large spoon or knife.
- The peel is removed, the pulp is cut into small beautiful pieces.
- Melon peels for jam are soaked in water with soda to soften the structure (1 tsp per 1 liter of water).
Further preparation of the delicacy depends on the technology specified in the recipe.
The most delicious and simple recipes
Tasty and healthy melon jam is made from ripe but not overripe fruits. Lemon, lime, orange, ginger, cinnamon and alcohol enhance the taste. We have prepared the top proven step-by-step recipes for every taste.
Classic recipe
- 1 kg melon;
- 1 kg sugar;
- 25 g citric acid;
- 250 ml water.
Transfer the prepared pulp into a deep basin, add sugar, lemon and leave for 30 minutes. Place the container on low heat, cook for 15 minutes and leave until completely cooled. Then return to the stove and cook for another 10 minutes. Pour hot into 250 ml jars and seal.
With lemon
- 1 kg melon;
- 1 kg sugar;
- 1 large lemon;
- 3 g vanillin or 1 vanilla pod.
Cut the pulp into cubes, place in a bowl and cover with granulated sugar. Wash the lemon, cut into thin slices, add to the melon. We leave the food overnight.
Place the container on low heat and cook for 10 minutes, constantly stirring the mass. Then let it sit for 10 hours and return the basin to the stove for 10 minutes. At the end, add vanillin or natural vanilla beans, mix and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour hot into jars and roll up the lids with a key.
With lime and mint
- 500 g melon;
- 3–5 fresh mint leaves;
- 0.5 lime;
- 180 g sugar.
Cut the prepared pulp into cubes with a curly knife, put it in a bowl and cover with sugar. After half an hour, put the container on low heat and wait for it to boil. Then add mint and juice of half a lime. Cook for 10–15 minutes, pour the mixture into clean jars and seal tightly.
Melon jam “Shock”
The delicacy got its name due to its preparation technology.The pieces are dipped in boiling sugar syrup, due to which they become transparent and maintain a dense structure.
- 1 kg melon;
- 1 kg sugar;
- 250 ml water;
- 0.5 lemon.
Cut the pulp into cubes. We make syrup from water and sugar, immerse the pieces in it and pour in lemon juice. We wait for it to boil and cook for about an hour. Gently stir during cooking. After the sweet liquid thickens, transfer the mass into a clean container and seal it.
- 700 g melon;
- 700 g sugar;
- 15 g citric acid;
- cinnamon sticks.
Cut the prepared product into cubes, put it in a basin and cover with sugar. After 30 minutes, put on low heat, bring to a boil, add citric acid, cook for 15 minutes. Place a cinnamon stick in each jar and spread the mixture. Seal tightly with lids.
With banana
- 1 kg melon;
- 2 ripe bananas;
- 500 g sugar;
- 0.5 lemon.
Cut the pulp into cubes, bananas into circles. Place the ingredients in a deep container and add sugar. After 30 minutes, put it on the stove and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. At the end, pour in lemon juice, boil for 5 minutes and pour into a clean container.
With cognac
- 1 kg melon;
- 1 kg sugar;
- 100 ml cognac (brandy);
- 1 lemon.
Cut the prepared melon into cubes. Prepare syrup from water, sugar, lemon juice and alcohol. Dip the pulp into it and cook for 40–50 minutes until the liquid thickens. Pour the mixture into 250 ml jars and close tightly.
Topaz jam with ginger
- 800 g melon;
- 800 g sugar;
- 500 ml water;
- a pinch of dry ginger;
- 1 lemon.
Cut the prepared pulp into cubes and boil in boiling water for 5 minutes.Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, immerse the melon in it, wait for it to boil, remove from heat and leave for 8 hours. Then return the basin to the stove, add ginger powder and pour in lemon juice. Cook for 15 minutes and pour the hot mixture into jars.
From melon peels
- 800 g melon peels;
- 1 kg sugar;
- 5 g citric acid;
- 5 g vanillin.
Cut the crusts, previously soaked in water with the addition of soda, into strips, put them in a basin and cover with sugar. Leave in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Then put the basin on low heat and wait for it to boil. Turn off the heat and leave to steep for 6 hours. We repeat this step three times. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and vanillin. Place the jam in a clean container and close tightly. The syrup becomes thick and the crusts become transparent.
In a slow cooker
- 800 g melon;
- 1 orange;
- 600 g sugar;
- 5 g vanillin.
Cut the prepared melon into pieces. Remove the peel from the orange and cut the pulp into cubes.
Place the ingredients in a bowl, add sugar and gently stir the mixture. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour, do not close the lid. Stir the mixture periodically, boil if necessary to the desired thickness and pour into jars.
Tips for cooking, rolling and storage
To make melon jam without extra labor and without spoiling the food, use the advice of experienced housewives:
- Be sure to sterilize glass containers and lids before serving hot mixture.
- Additional pasteurization in a water bath is not required, since a large amount of sugar acts as an excellent preservative.
- After sealing the lids of the jar, turn it upside down and wrap it in a thick blanket or blanket until it cools completely.
- Store the blanks in a cool, dark place.
- The classic ratio of fruit pulp and sugar is 1:1. But, given the sweetness of the product, the quantity can be adjusted at your discretion.
- Refined sugar can be replaced with coconut sugar (1 g beet sugar = 10 g coconut).
- To neutralize the sugariness, add citric acid, lemon or lime juice.
- For cooking, use a copper or aluminum basin. Enameled containers are not suitable as food will burn.
- Use a wooden or silicone spatula to stir the mixture. Contact with a metal spoon causes the pulp to oxidize and darken.
- When preparing jam in a slow cooker, do not close the lid to allow the liquid to evaporate freely.
- Turnkey or threaded lids are suitable for sealing jars.
- To test the readiness of the sugar syrup, drop a small amount onto a plate. If the drop freezes quickly, it’s ready.
- At the end of cooking, skim off the foam so that the syrup remains clear.
Melon jam is a real delicacy, as evidenced by positive reviews.
Yana, Krasnodar: “I’ve been making jam from melon peels for a long time. Everyone at home really likes it. I add star anise or cinnamon sticks when cooking the syrup, then remove it. I use it as a filling for open pies.”
Anna, Semiluki: “I tried this extraordinary melon jam for the first time while visiting a friend. Last year I prepared several jars using a simple recipe with citric acid. I came across an unsweetened fruit, but it’s a shame to throw it away. I added more sugar than indicated in the recipe and lemon juice. We ate the jam first.”
Melon jam is a great way to preserve sunny fruits for the winter.When cooked in sweet syrup, the pieces retain a dense structure, and the liquid becomes viscous and aromatic, reminiscent of honey.
The preparation is added to the filling for sweet open pies and used as a topping for cream desserts and ice cream. Lemon or lime juice helps diversify the taste and adjust the sweetness; cinnamon sticks or star anise add spicy notes.