The Incredible Benefits of Celery for Men
Celery is characterized not only by nutritional, but also medicinal properties. Regular consumption of celery improves overall well-being, heals the body, and prevents the development of diseases.
Traditional medicine recommends the plant for men to maintain sexual health. In the article we will tell you what the benefits and harms of celery are for men, how to take it and whether there are any contraindications.
Unique properties of celery
Celery is a source of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, proteins, essential oils and other compounds, without which the full functioning of cells, tissues and organs is impossible. This vegetable contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which protects against colds, infections, and strengthens the immune system.
One of the most important effects of celery - cleansing the digestive system of accumulated waste and toxins, removing excess fluid from the body. The composition contains plant fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility, normalizes metabolism, improves digestion, and helps cope with constipation.
By regularly consuming celery, you don’t have to worry about the state of your nervous system.. All parts of the plant are rich in B vitamins, which have a positive effect on brain activity, stimulate thinking, improve memory, and increase physical and mental performance.
Celery helps the cardiovascular system get rid of excess sugar and “bad” cholesterol, which serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes. The vegetable supports heart function, increases the strength and elasticity of vascular walls, regulates blood flow, normalizes blood viscosity, and dilates blood vessels.
In folk medicine, celery is used as anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic, antipyretic, antispasmodic, diuretic. The vegetable is good for joints, relieves the condition of people suffering from osteochondrosis, gout, rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.
Attention! Celery is a popular cosmetic product. It contains vitamin H, which prevents flaking and dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Retinol slows down the aging process as a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, preventing the formation of wrinkles.
Chemical composition, vitamins and microelements
Chemical composition of celery depends on the part of the plant (roots, stems, leaves), growing conditions, terms and conditions of storage.
On average, 100 g of edible part contains:
Organic acids | 0.1 g |
Alimentary fiber | 1.8 g |
Water | 94 g |
Ash | 1 g |
Vitamins | |
Vitamin A | 750 mcg |
Beta carotene | 4.5 mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0.02 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0.1 mg |
Vitamin B3 | 0.4 mcg |
Vitamin B4 | 6.1 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0.246 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.08 mg |
Vitamin B9 | 21 mcg |
Vitamin C | 38 mg |
Vitamin E | 0.5 mg |
Vitamin H | 0.65 mcg |
Vitamin K | 29.3 mcg |
Vitamin PP | 0.5 mg |
Macronutrients | |
Potassium | 430 mg |
Calcium | 72 mg |
Silicon | 2.9 mg |
Magnesium | 50 mg |
Sodium | 200 mg |
Sulfur | 6.9 mg |
Phosphorus | 77 mg |
Chlorine | 26.8 mg |
Microelements | |
Aluminum | 129.8 mcg |
Bor | 72.2 mcg |
Vanadium | 24.2 mcg |
Iron | 1.3 mg |
Iodine | 7.5 mcg |
Cobalt | 0.86 mcg |
Lithium | 8.2 mcg |
Manganese | 0.103 mg |
Copper | 35 mcg |
Molybdenum | 5.4 mcg |
Nickel | 14 mcg |
Rubidium | 153 mcg |
Selenium | 0.4 mcg |
Strontium | 69 mcg |
Fluorine | 4 mcg |
Chromium | 2.1 mcg |
Zinc | 0.13 mg |
Digestible carbohydrates | |
Starch and dextrins | 0.1 g |
Mono- and disaccharides | 2 g |
Saturated fatty acids | 0.042 g |
Polyunsaturated fatty acids | |
Omega-3 fatty acids | 0.018 g |
Omega-6 fatty acids | 0.079 g |
What are the benefits of celery for men?
Celery contains zinc, phosphorus, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids. These biologically active components stimulate the production of male sex hormones, improve sperm quality, increase sexual activity, and reduce the risk of infertility.
Traditional medicine recommends using the plant for maintaining libido and sexual health, as well as for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the urinary system and genital organs.
Effect on fitness and muscles
If you want to increase muscle mass, it is important to organize your nutrition correctly.. Professional athletes recommend including fresh celery in your daily menu. The plant solves several problems at once - it provides a set of muscle mass, increases strength, and burns subcutaneous fat.
With low calorie content (13-34 kcal depending on the part of the plant) and low fat content, celery has a rich carbohydrate composition. Most of these macronutrients are absorbed over a long period of time, providing the body with energy and not turning into fat reserves. Celery normalizes metabolism and creates favorable conditions for the synthesis of hormones that regulate metabolism.
Carbohydrates supplied to the body from celery provide skeletal muscles with glucose during training and during the recovery period.And only then glucose is used to produce glycogen in the liver. When there is a deficiency of glycogen in the muscles, its reserves in the liver are consumed, and after they are depleted, muscle protein is consumed. Therefore, if there is insufficient carbohydrate intake, muscle growth is impossible.
An important condition for increasing muscle mass is having enough protein in your diet.. This is the main plastic material for building cells, organs and tissues. Celery is a source of high-quality vegetable protein (100 g contains 1-1.5 g).
Celery is recommended for consumption by those who want to get rid of extra pounds. Useful properties of the product when losing weight:
- stimulates intestinal motility;
- removes waste and toxins from the body;
- removes excess water, relieves swelling;
- activates metabolism;
- facilitates the process of bowel movement;
- enhances the production of food enzymes.
Weight loss based on celery carried out in different ways: include in the daily diet, observe fasting days based on drinks, salads and celery soups, or maintain mono-diets for 5, 7 or 14 days.
Effect on potency
Celery has a beneficial effect on the condition of the male body, in particular on erectile function:
ascorbic acid protects against genitourinary infections, increases the strength and elasticity of small capillaries and vascular walls, improves blood supply to the genitals, regulates the synthesis of serotonin, testosterone, dopamine;
- B vitamins strengthen the immune system, improve the passage of nerve impulses in the tissue of the penis, and activate blood flow to the genital organ;
- Vitamin E enhances the production of testosterone, which is responsible for the development of bone and muscle tissue, sexual health, and libido;
- zinc is involved in the process of sperm formation, increases sperm motility, minimizes the risk of prostatitis;
- selenium improves the composition of sperm; its deficiency in the body can cause infertility;
- potassium is involved in the synthesis of proteins and steroid hormones, strengthens vascular tone, maintains normal magnesium concentration in the body;
- magnesium stimulates the process of neuromuscular transmission, slows down the aging process, has a restorative effect on the nervous system, reducing the risk of psychogenic and neurogenic impotence.
Celery not only improves men's health in general, but also affects factors that underlie the development of impotence: heart and vascular diseases, obesity, neurogenic pathologies, thyroid dysfunction, mental disorders, inflammation of the prostate gland.
Celery stimulates sexual activity and desire to some extent. It is believed that regular consumption of the vegetable increases attractiveness to the opposite sex.
Celery regulates androsterone synthesis. This is a male sex hormone responsible for the body's ability to have sexual intercourse and libido.
For reference. Previously, a bunch of celery greens were hung at the head of the newlyweds' bed to increase sexual pleasure and arousal.
Increased fertility
Urologists recommend that men over 30 years old pay special attention to celery.. With age, especially under conditions of constant stress, sperm quality deteriorates, fertility decreases, and the risk of infertility increases accordingly.
How does celery affect men? He provides the body with vitamin C and zinc, the deficiency of which negatively affects the ability of males to reproduce offspring. Experts advise increasing the amount of celery in the diet if sterility is associated with obesity. With a low calorie content and a rich vitamin and mineral composition, the plant helps to get rid of unnecessary kilograms and cleanse the intestines of toxins.
Testosterone synthesis
Vitamins and minerals contained in celery regulate hormone synthesis, including stimulating testosterone production. This is a male sex hormone that has a specific effect on the body: it stimulates the development and function of the external genitalia and prostate, takes part in the formation of male behavior, and stimulates spermatogenesis.
Effect on the heart and blood vessels
Celery is most valuable as an antioxidant.: neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on cells. Vitamins and minerals support the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevent diseases, and in the presence of pathologies, speed up recovery and prevent complications.
What are the benefits of celery for the heart and blood vessels?:
strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases their strength and elasticity;
- improves blood microcirculation;
- normalizes blood viscosity;
- inhibits inflammatory processes;
- relieves swelling;
- stabilizes blood pressure;
- reduces blood cholesterol levels;
- prevents the formation of blood clots;
- regulates neuromuscular transmission and excitability of the heart muscle.
Regular consumption of celery reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack, serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, prevents exacerbation and progression of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Interesting things on the site:
In what form and how to properly consume celery for men
All parts of the plant are eaten fresh or after heat treatment.. Root vegetables are also used in dried form. Leaves, stems and root vegetables are added to first and second courses, salads, seasonings, drinks, sauces, and processed into juice and smoothies. Seeds are used as medicinal raw materials. On their basis, infusions and decoctions are prepared for oral and external use.
Healing recipes with celery for men
Important cook celery correctlyto preserve its taste and beneficial properties, I felt full after eating the vegetable. You can improvise with recipes depending on your taste preferences.
A light vitamin salad is suitable for a snack. It fills you with energy for a long time, but does not overload your stomach.
- celery stalks - 2 pcs.;
- large sweet and sour apple - 1 pc.;
- medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;
- juice from ½ lime;
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
- salt, spices - to taste.
- Wash the celery, remove any remaining water with a paper towel, and chop into small pieces.
- Cut the apple into cubes.
- Peel the carrots and grate on a Korean grater.
- Prepare a dressing from lime juice, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.
- Place all ingredients in a salad bowl, add dressing, stir. If desired, garnish with parsley or dill.
Next recipe: celery smoothie. A serving of this drink contains a strong dose of fiber, vitamins, protein, and microelements.
To prepare it you will need:
- green apple - 2 pcs.;
- celery stalks - 2 pcs.;
- fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- unsweetened yogurt - 200-300 ml;
- mint - 2-4 leaves.
- Rinse all ingredients with running water, peel carrots.
- Chop the vegetables into small pieces, place them in a blender bowl, add yogurt and mint leaves. Beat until smooth. Serve chilled.
In addition to eating, different parts of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials.. Particularly popular is celery tincture with vodka. It is used to treat and prevent exacerbations of prostatitis and maintain erectile function.
- Rinse two medium-sized root vegetables with running water and chop into small pieces.
- Place root vegetables in an airtight container, 1 tbsp. l. celery seeds, pour 1 liter of vodka or alcohol.
- Infuse in a dark place under a lid for 7-10 days.
- Drink the strained infusion twice a day, 20 ml. The course of treatment depends on specific problems and is discussed individually with a urologist. Store leftover medication in the refrigerator.
Possible harm and contraindications
Eating celery within normal limits will not cause harm if There are no individual intolerances or allergies. Nutritionists recommend that an adult eat 200-300 g of vegetables per day or drink 200-300 ml of juice.
An excess of celery in the diet can cause allergies, skin diseases, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the digestive system.
Despite all the beneficial properties for men, celery should be excluded from the diet in the presence of diseases and conditions such as:
- allergy;
- dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
- low stomach acidity;
- epileptic seizures;
- severe urolithiasis;
- pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of an erosive-ulcerative nature in the acute stage;
- anemia;
- disorders of hormonal activity of the thyroid gland;
- anemia.
According to nutritionists, celery is a valuable food product that should be present in the diet of people of different ages and genders. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, nervous and urinary systems, gastrointestinal tract, and endocrine glands.
Celery is especially useful for the health of men: it increases potency, protects against the penetration of infections into the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems.