How does melon affect the intestines: does it weaken or strengthen?
Juicy melon pulp is an ideal remedy for natural cleansing of the body. Due to the high content of inulin and fiber, the product improves intestinal motility and normalizes microflora. The fruits are used as part of a dietary menu designed to remove excess fluid from the body and reduce fat deposits. The mild laxative effect allows the use of melon to relieve constipation in children and adults.
We will talk about the principle of the effect of melon on the intestines and methods of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract below.
The effect of melon on the intestines
Nutrition experts recommend consuming melon separately from other foods., enjoying its unique taste and aroma. This principle of introducing melons into the diet is explained by the peculiarities of the absorption of pulp in the digestive system and its effect on the intestines.
Melon pulp is rich in minerals and vitamins. It contains a large percentage of fiber, which normalizes intestinal function, improves the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Melon also has a beneficial effect on the process of digestion of food.
Melon is prescribed as part of therapeutic diets for stool retentionas it can act as a mild laxative. The unique component composition of melon dissolves toxins that accumulate on the intestinal walls and heals the gastrointestinal tract.
When the product enters the stomach, it does not linger there, but immediately penetrates the intestines.. This is where the process of digesting melon and absorbing nutrients occurs. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend eating fruit as a dessert after the main meal. The pulp lingers in the stomach, waiting for the digestion of protein products to complete, and begins to ferment.
Hence all the unpleasant reactions in the stomach: heartburn, belching, flatulence. Knowledge of such nuances allows you to correctly introduce melon into the diet and distribute its use depending on the time of day and meal.
Answering the frequent question about whether melon weakens or strengthens, we can answer unequivocally: due to increased intestinal motility, melon pulp has a mild laxative effect. Therefore, the product is especially useful for constipation in children and adults.
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Can the pulp be used as a laxative?
Is melon a natural laxative or not? Undoubtedly it is included in the list of products with a laxative effect and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body as a whole, because all systems in it are interconnected.
The gastrointestinal tract affects the condition of the skin and hair, quality of sleep, immunity, mental abilities, mood and performance. Therefore, it is so important to improve the functioning of the digestive system, and for this it is not necessary to drink handfuls of pills.
When consumed correctly, melon normalizes intestinal motility and softens stool.. But before you start a diet, consult your doctor and undergo an examination to determine the state of the gastrointestinal tract, since it is undesirable to consume melon in the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the stomach.
As a colon cleanser
Modern medicine allows the use of melon as a means to cleanse the intestines and reduce excess weight.. A few slices of aromatic pulp will remove accumulated harmful substances and excess fluid from the body from the digestive tract, improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and cleanse blood vessels.
Doctors recommend eating two medium-sized pieces of melon every day in the morning or in between meals.
Important! Cleansing the body with melon pulp is carried out no more than once a week.
When and how to use
Melon on an empty stomach miraculously cleanses the intestinal walls and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
To combat excess weight, especially with deposits in the so-called fat traps, use melon juice in combination with apple and tomato juice.
To remove waste and toxins from the body, nutritionists recommend consuming up to 4 kg of melon per day. The total amount of product is divided into four doses.
To facilitate the process of defecation Eat up to 2 kg of melon throughout the day. In one go, you can consume 400 g of pulp and still not give up your usual diet.
Fasting days on melon help to “drain” excess water, reduce body weight, improve its quality. Take advantage of the most popular options and choose the best way for yourself:
- In the morning, eat 400 g of pulp on an empty stomach and go without food until lunch. The feeling of hunger will not come immediately, since melon saturates perfectly.
- For breakfast and lunch, eat your usual foods, and instead of dinner, enjoy 400 g of melon.
Use one of the options or combine both at your discretion for seven days. This will cleanse and improve the intestinal microflora and lose 2-3 kg.
It will be interesting:
In order to consolidate the effect, nutritionists recommend using cleansing diets on an ongoing basis. Wherein you should adhere to certain rules of balanced nutrition so as not to harm the body:
- Add seasonal vegetables and fruits, fresh or boiled, to your menu.
- Avoid dairy and dairy products, meat and fish.
- Do not eat melon on an empty stomach or immediately after your main meal. The melon pulp is best absorbed between breakfast and lunch.
Pediatricians allow melon to be introduced into the diet of children no earlier than 2-3 years, starting from 50 g per day. This amount is gradually increased to 200 g per day, observing the reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.
Cleansing diets are contraindicated for children, but to improve the movement of feces, melon is allowed. This is not only one of the safest laxatives, but also one of the most delicious. Children will definitely not refuse such a delicacy!
Important! Try not to mix melons with starchy vegetables. This leads to excessive gas formation. Maintain a period of 2.5 to 3 hours and proceed to lunch or dinner.
Like any food product, melon has both beneficial and negative effects on the body.
Doctors recommend refraining from using it when:
- ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
- gastritis;
- pancreatitis;
- allergies to the component composition of the pulp.
Introduce melon into your diet with caution if you have diabetes.. The sugar contained in the pulp is pure fructose. It is not contraindicated for diabetics, but it is not advisable to exceed the consumption rate of the product.
Reference. Melon has a high glycemic level of 65, which makes you want to eat again.
The juicy pulp of melon has many beneficial properties, including a mild laxative effect. In this case, intestinal cleansing occurs gently and without harm to the health of adults and children. A few pieces of melon on an empty stomach help improve intestinal motility and actively remove waste and toxins from the body.