A review of the new hybrid tomato Lyubasha will introduce the characteristics and description of the variety, reveal the secrets of productivity, and provide photos and reviews for illustrative examples. Opinions about the variety of those who planted indicate a high...
One of the most popular questions from overweight people is: how to lose weight quickly and effectively? There are many different diets and ways to lose weight. Some of them are more effective, others less...
Tomatoes are one of the favorite crops of gardeners. Juicy, aromatic, tasty fruits contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, B. In addition, it is a rich source of potassium, which is so necessary for heart health. So, ...
Pancreatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas, leading to disruption of its exocrine and intrasecretory function. The disease manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen, right or left hypochondrium, intensifying after...
Cucumbers are very often exposed to a disease such as gray rot. If you find light brown spots on your plantings, you should be wary - perhaps this is rot. In this article we will understand...
Pumpkin is not only a healthy vegetable, but also an indispensable ingredient for preparing sweet and spicy dishes. It goes well with honey, apple, cinnamon and ginger. So as not to waste time searching...
Pickled cucumbers are a classic winter preparation. For gardeners, this is not only a delicious snack for the table, but also an excellent way to preserve excess harvest. People who do not have their own summer cottage often...
Dome-type tomatoes have an unconventional appearance for a tomato: they have a dome-shaped shape rather than the usual round one. One of these types is the Ob domes. This is an early ripening hybrid with a high fruiting rate...
Often pregnant women have a question: what can you eat while pregnant? Opinions about the permitted list of products are very contradictory. First of all, you need to understand that food should be varied, and...