Instructions for young mothers: how to brew dill for newborns for colic and use it correctly

Intestinal colic in children in the first months of life is a fairly common occurrence. It is associated with the immaturity of the digestive system and is accompanied by paroxysmal abdominal pain. Treatment of intestinal colic in an infant involves the mother's diet, the correct selection of infant formula, adherence to feeding techniques, taking probiotics, carminative and antispasmodic drugs. One of them is a herbal remedy - dill water. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself at home.

In the article we will talk about the benefits and harms of dill for the gastrointestinal tract, learn how to prepare and take a decoction of dill seeds for a baby, as well as storage conditions and periods.

Does dill help newborns with colic?

In folk medicine, dill is used as a medicinal raw material, which can be used to improve intestinal function and reduce the accumulation of gases in infants.

To prepare dill water, use ripe fennel fruits or herbs. All parts of the plant contain flavonoids, essential oil, pectin, carbohydrates, a set of mineral salts, vitamin A, ascorbic and nicotinic acids. Together they improve the functioning of the digestive organs, eliminate and alleviate painful cramps in the stomach, regulate gas exchange, and relieve irritability.Fennel fruits are offered to children both during an attack of intestinal colic and to prevent their occurrence.

Positive reviews from a large number of parents confirm the effectiveness of fennel in the treatment of intestinal colic in children in the first months of life. However, to achieve a positive result, an integrated approach is important: the diet of a nursing mother, abdominal massage to relieve gases and improve intestinal motility, the correct choice of infant formula and adherence to feeding techniques.

Negative reviews are rare and are mainly due to the fact that the medicine turned out to be ineffective and difficult to give to a newborn.

Instructions for young mothers: how to brew dill for newborns for colic and use it correctly

Operating principle and benefits

Thanks to a diverse set of biologically active components, consumption of dill normalizes metabolism, improves motility of the digestive tract, and enhances the secretion of the digestive glands.

All parts of the plant have expectorant, antispasmodic, choleretic, antibacterial and sedative effects. In addition, fennel is used to normalize appetite and digestion, and is recommended for lactating women to improve lactation.

Side effects if you follow the dill water preparation technique and application regimen are extremely rare. In isolated cases, skin rashes, itching, and urticaria are possible.

Use of dill herb

Dill grass is often considered as a valuable food product. Its use can satisfy the body's need for ascorbic and nicotinic acids, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and other useful elements.

In cooking, the herb is used fresh, dried or salted, in various spice mixtures, for cooking, pickles And conservation.

Reference. The leaves contain phytoncides, which, when salted, not only impart a specific taste to the product, but also prevent spoilage and mold.

Uses of dill seed

In folk medicine, dill fruits are used as a medicine. They are part of sedatives, laxatives, carminatives and choleretic preparations. Dill seed is processed into oil, which is the main component of such drugs as “Dill Water” and “Anetin”.

In addition to the diuretic and antispasmodic effect, dill seeds are used as a powerful antioxidant for prevention and treatment diseases digestive system and upper respiratory tract.

The fruits of the plant have a beneficial effect on the general condition and function of the myocardium, increase the elasticity of vascular walls, and stimulate hemodynamic processes. Due to this, they are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, ischemia and heart failure.

Instructions for young mothers: how to brew dill for newborns for colic and use it correctly

Store-bought dill water

It can be difficult to find dill water on sale, especially in small towns: it is prepared where there is a prescription department. The average price of a 100 ml bottle varies between 150 rubles; fennel seeds (40 g) cost three times less.

The composition is simple: purified water and dill oil. It goes on sale in glass bottles, packaged in cardboard packaging. Dill water is used to treat adults, newborns and older children with problems with Gastrointestinal tract.

Reference. An analogue of “Dill Water” is available for free sale - granules for preparing a solution for oral administration “Plantex” based on essential oil and fennel fruit extract. This remedy is allowed for children from the first days of life.


There are several ways to brew dill for newborns for colic at home. Next we will look at two main recipes: infusion and decoction. The medicine is prepared from purchased dill seeds or grown independently. It is recommended to use exclusively distilled water.

Important! The seeds are collected when they begin to ripen. The inflorescence should be cut off, placed in a paper bag or tied in a bundle, and left in a warm and dry place for 5-7 days. Separate dry seeds from the stems and store in an airtight container.

Instructions for young mothers: how to brew dill for newborns for colic and use it correctly

How to brew dill for a baby

Let's look at two main recipes:

  1. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dill seed into 1 liter of cold water and place in a water bath. From the moment it boils, keep it on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool the broth and strain through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  2. 1 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over a spoonful of fennel seeds, cover and leave for an hour. If large leaves of the plant were used, the infusion time must be increased to 1.5-2 hours. Give infants the strained infusion.

Fennel essential oil is often used to prepare dill water. To do this, 0.05 g of oil must be dissolved in 1 liter of purified water. Store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days. Before use, a single portion should be warmed to room temperature.

Instructions for young mothers: how to brew dill for newborns for colic and use it correctly

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, “Dill Water” should be given to the baby 1 teaspoon every 2-3 hours before feeding, using a syringe, spoon, bottle, or by instilling 10-15 drops on the tongue. The effect of using the medicine is noticeable after 20-30 minutes. The product can be offered in its pure form or diluted in breast milk or infant formula.

Dill water, prepared at home, is taken for medicinal purposes according to the following scheme: 50-100 ml in small portions throughout the day. For prevention, a dose of 40-60 g, divided into 2-3 doses, will be effective. Every day you need to prepare fresh medicine. The rest of the decoction can be consumed by a nursing mother to improve lactation and normalize digestion.

Precautionary measures

An absolute contraindication for taking dill water is individual hypersensitivity to one or more components of the composition. To eliminate the possibility of allergies, it is necessary to begin treatment with minimal doses, gradually increasing the single and daily dose. When signs are detected allergies You should stop taking the drug and consult a pediatrician.

Terms and conditions of storage

Pharmacy dill water should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days. Self-collected and dried dill seed should be stored for up to 24 months in a sterile container with a lid in a dry and well-ventilated area.

Dill fruits purchased at a pharmacy must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25⁰C and a relative humidity not exceeding 70%. Shelf life: two years.

Instructions for young mothers: how to brew dill for newborns for colic and use it correctly


Pharmacy dill water or prepared at home is an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of intestinal colic in newborns. Fennel exhibits carminative and choleretic effects, normalizes the secretory function of intestinal motility, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal glands, which has a beneficial effect on digestive processes. Most parents leave good reviews about the effect of dill water for intestinal colic.

There are virtually no reviews related to side effects, which indicates the safety of the product. At the same time, in order to obtain maximum benefit and not harm the child’s body, the question of the advisability of using dill seed for the treatment and prevention of colic in the case of a particular child should be discussed with a pediatrician.

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