Planting and growing

Instructions for buyers: how to choose buckwheat correctly

Buckwheat is one of the healthiest and most commonly consumed cereals. It contains many minerals and vitamins, is easily digestible and is suitable for nutrition at any age. For a beneficial effect...

Features of planting onions before winter: after what crops can they be planted?

Planting onions before winter allows you to harvest an early harvest. And the body really needs vitamins after a long winter. In this article we will reveal the nuances of autumn planting onions, and also tell you after what ...

How to prepare delicious sauerkraut for the winter

Pickling is the oldest method of preserving vegetables. The main preservative in this process is lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation process. The compound prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora, gives vegetables a specific smell and...

Time-tested variety of onions Karatalsky

People love and appreciate onions for their beneficial properties for the body and taste. This is one of the most common garden crops. Among the many varieties cultivated in the garden beds, ...

Amsterdam early ripening carrot variety Tuchon

Tushon is a mid-season variety of carrots with excellent presentation, juicy and sweetish taste of root vegetables, and a high content of nutrients in them. The high yield and strong immunity of the crop have made it popular as...

Time-tested oldest potato variety Lorch

From the time of Peter I, who brought a bag of potatoes from Holland to Russia for growing, to our time, this vegetable has undergone a kind of “evolution.” At first they did not accept it, considering it poisonous and...

What are the benefits of rice water, how to prepare it correctly and for what purposes to use it

Aqueous extracts from rice have a number of beneficial properties and are used as folk remedies for digestive disorders. Unlike medications, they do not cause side effects, are easy to prepare...

The history of the origin and spread of potatoes: where potatoes come from and how they gained their popularity

The history of the appearance of potatoes in Europe and Russia is shrouded in legends and resembles an adventure novel. The culture did not immediately win the love of people because of the fear of everything new and exotic. There were rumors in Germany about...

How is potassium nitrate useful for cucumbers during the fruiting period and how to use it correctly

For normal growth and fruiting, cucumbers need complete mineral nutrition. One of the important elements for the health of the crop and the ripening of a quality harvest is potassium. It is indispensable at any stage of the growing season. For ...

Mid-early potato variety with high yield Sante

Mid-early potatoes are marked by the ideal combination of high yield and pleasant taste. Among the large number of such varieties, Sante occupies a special place. Its distinctive feature is its unpretentiousness and the possibility of cultivation in almost all ...

