Planting and growing

When to remove eggplants from a bush in a greenhouse and open ground and how to store the crop

In order for the eggplant harvest to be rich, not only proper care is important, but also proper harvesting, because these vegetables are harvested more than once. When is the best time to pick eggplants, what signs are used to determine ripeness, how...

How and from what to germinate potatoes before planting

Germination of planting material is one of the mandatory procedures for cultivating potatoes. The event allows you to reject low-quality seeds, calibrate by size and weight, accelerate the formation of stolons and tubers, prevent the development of viral and ...

How and when to dig potatoes for storage

Almost not a single dish of Russian cuisine is complete without potatoes, so growing them is a priority for many summer residents. However, not everyone is satisfied with the resulting harvest. In addition to the nuances of agricultural technology,...

Crispy cucumbers in jars for the winter: hot salt

There are dishes that cannot be imagined without the addition of crispy pickles. So, we hot salt crispy cucumbers in jars for the winter. In order not to spoil the taste and not get...

Mid-season carrot variety with high yield: Moscow Winter A 515

Carrots planted before winter produce a harvest two weeks earlier than spring ones. For these purposes, the Moscow Winter A 515 variety has proven itself well. It was bred specifically for cultivation in the northern ...

What diseases do onions have and how to deal with them?

Onions are a popular agricultural crop in Russia.In one form or another, the vegetable is present in the recipes of almost all first and second courses. Surprisingly, onions contain more natural sugars...

Is it possible to eat onions with pancreatitis or not?

It's hard to imagine a daily diet without onions. Onions, green onions and leeks are consumed on their own and used as ingredients in various dishes. The vegetable contains essential oils and vitamins used for...

When and how to plant eggplants: a step-by-step guide for beginning gardeners

For a rich harvest of eggplants, you need competent and regular care for this very demanding vegetable crop. Its important component is stepsoning. If the rules are followed, the procedure stimulates the full development of the bush, strengthens it...

How to make a potato storage box with your own hands

Sometimes it is easier to grow potatoes than to create conditions for their winter storage. This problem is especially relevant for city residents. You can buy a device for storing potatoes in an apartment, or you can make your own ...

How to form eggplants in a greenhouse correctly: instructions for beginner gardeners

Beloved by many gardeners, eggplant is a heat-loving plant that requires calm weather, high ambient temperatures and proper care. The formation of a bush is an important process that allows you to get a good harvest. We'll tell you in detail how...

