Planting and growing
Watermelon is a juicy and ripe berry that can not only quench thirst, but also have a beneficial effect on the body. The healing effect of the product was known back in Ancient China, and in particular, beneficial...
You can enjoy sweet and juicy watermelon not only in summer, but also in autumn and winter. To do this, you need to select in advance a suitable fruit that can withstand long-term storage at home. With the right...
Radishes are not light-loving crops. In bright and prolonged light, the plant shoots out an arrow, and the root crop stops growing. Experienced summer residents recommend planting radishes in mid-spring, when the sun is not shining...
Fragrant watermelon is a classic summer treat. The crunch of a ripe berry being cut opens your appetite and lifts your spirits. Huge fruits, green on the outside and bright red on the inside, are loved for their fresh, incomparable...
Pickled cucumbers according to your own recipe are good as a side dish, they can be added to salads or eaten just like that. But even experienced housewives don’t always turn out perfect pickled cucumbers. That ...
With the gradual increase in temperature on the planet, temperate latitudes are becoming more favorable for growing peppers.This vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, for which it is called a storehouse of health. ...
Cucumbers are one of the most unpretentious vegetables. Even an inexperienced gardener can grow them, adhering to simple rules of agricultural technology. The main problem that beginners face is yellowing of leaves, which can lead to death...
If previously ordinary oats were used as feed for horses, cattle and poultry, today the share of the product in the human diet is increasing. The popularity of the cereal is due to its high content of protein, amino acids, vitamins, ...
Many gardeners in our country have tried to grow watermelons on their plots. It turned out that even in Siberia you can get huge striped fruits weighing 15-17 kg. But the resulting harvest is not always pleasing...