Planting and growing
Pepper is a heat-loving plant, so it grows in open ground only in the southern regions. In regions with cold climates, it is cultivated in greenhouses or greenhouses. But often, even in greenhouses, gardeners...
The main advantage of radishes is their unpretentiousness. It germinates well after the first snow melts and bears fruit well in a greenhouse all year round. Experienced gardeners use well-known store-bought products to enrich the soil for planting radishes...
Pickled or pickled cucumbers are one of the favorite dishes of Russians, especially popular in winter. But it is not always possible to preserve the preparations before the onset of severe January cold. What are the reasons for this and how...
A high-quality harvest of even such ordinary vegetables as cucumbers requires considerable effort. Often all efforts go to waste due to infections, pests or soil imbalance. In such cases, there is always a choice: expensive special medications...
Eggplant is a capricious vegetable crop that requires timely irrigation. The roots are weak, so it is difficult for them to transfer moisture to the shoots. If there is insufficient moisture, the flowers and ovaries fall off. Therefore, many inexperienced vegetable growers cannot...
Oatmeal is known for its beneficial effects on the body. Not only food products are made from oats, but also medicines. There are many varieties of oatmeal on store shelves. The buyer can choose his favorite...
What could be tastier than homemade borscht or beetroot vinaigrette grown in your own garden? Digging up the soil and planting seeds is only part of the work towards a rich harvest. The most important care...
Do you love watermelons, but don’t have time to enjoy them enough during the season? No problem, watermelons can be pickled. At the same time, citric acid will keep your preparations fresh without any unpleasant aftertaste or bitterness. Additional Ingredients...
For full growth and development, cucumbers need loose soil rich in humus and minerals. With annual cultivation, garden soil gradually becomes depleted and depleted. To prevent this from happening, it is important to fertilize regularly...