What are the benefits of feeding cucumbers with ammonia and how to use it correctly?

A high-quality harvest of even such ordinary vegetables as cucumbers requires considerable effort. Often all efforts go to waste due to infections, pests or soil imbalance. In such cases, there is always a choice: expensive special medications and inexpensive folk remedies.

Feeding cucumbers with ammonia has been a common practice since the times of the Soviet Union. How useful this fertilizer is, how to properly prepare the solution and what nuances should be taken into account when working with ammonia - you will learn all this from our article.

Why feed cucumbers with ammonia?

Ammonia has long been used not only in medicine. Experienced housewives use this inexpensive product to take care of the cleanliness of glass, dishes, jewelry and clothing. Over time, ammonia began to be used in the garden. It is used to control insects, treat diseases, and also to fertilize plants.

What does it give

What are the benefits of feeding cucumbers with ammonia and how to use it correctly?

Nitrogen is an element necessary for the full development of plants. Cucumbers most often suffer from its deficiency. Ammonia is 41% nitrogen.

Benefits of ammonia:

  • does not oversaturate plants with nitrogen;
  • does not contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in fruits;
  • more effective than industrial fertilizers;
  • does not acidify the soil;
  • does not harm pollinating insects;
  • low cost.

Disadvantages of the product:

  • high volatility;
  • the need to take precautions;
  • strong unpleasant odor.

Fertilizer properties

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia. It is a colorless liquid with a very pungent odor. In medicine, a 10% solution of the drug is used; in the garden, various concentrations of ammonia are used.

Treating cucumbers with ammonia solution strengthens young seedlings. This is especially important during the period of planting in a permanent place, when young shoots experience stress from changing environmental conditions. Ammonia also increases the number of ovaries and protects against insect pests and diseases.

Important! Ammonia is suitable for fertilizing cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, garlic, berries, and bulbous flowers.

How to prepare the solution

In its pure form, ammonia is not used due to toxicity. It is not difficult to prepare a solution for feeding cucumbers. It is important not to exceed the dosage so as not to harm the plants. To ensure that the proportions are correct, ammonia is measured not by eye, but using a medical syringe or dispenser.

What are the benefits of feeding cucumbers with ammonia and how to use it correctly?

Correct proportions

Ammonia for cucumbers is used in different concentrations, the dosage depends on the degree of nitrogen starvation and the phase of plant development.

The universal proportion is 50 ml of ammonia per 4 liters of water. For foliar treatments, use a weaker solution - 1 tbsp. l. drug per 10 liters of water. Concentrate – 1 dessert spoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water.

Experienced gardeners also use the following dosages:

  • for root feeding - 3 tbsp. l. drug per 10 liters of water;
  • for foliar - 50 ml of 10% ammonia per 10 liters of water.

How and when to apply fertilizer correctly

Treatment of cucumbers with ammonia should not be haphazard. When the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen, the plant begins to “fatten” - vegetative growth is activated, and productivity decreases.It also increases the risk of developing fungal infections.

Ammonia is used for:

  • root feeding;
  • foliar treatment;
  • wiping leaves.

Instructions for processing cucumbers with ammonia are given in the table.

Processing method Development phase Amount of 10% ammonia solution per 10 liters of water
Spraying Appearance of two true leaves 20 ml
10-15 days after planting seedlings
Flowering period
Watering Seedling 50 ml
Bloom 90 ml
Formation of ovaries 45 ml
Nitrogen deficiency 120 ml
Disease Prevention 50 ml

Ammonia treatment is carried out after sunset in calm weather or in the morning of a cloudy day. After each feeding, it is necessary to monitor the plant’s reaction to the treatment.

Feeding frequency

Fertilizers with ammonia are used both in open ground and in greenhouses and greenhouses. Cucumbers are fertilized at various stages of growth, but most of all the plant needs feeding during transplantation into the garden.

What are the benefits of feeding cucumbers with ammonia and how to use it correctly?

Experienced gardeners use the following ammonia feeding scheme:

  1. The first root treatment is carried out with the appearance of true 4-5 leaves. Active growth of cucumbers begins in early summer and late spring.
  2. Subsequent fertilizing is applied weekly during the phase of active growth of green mass. Use a universal solution.
  3. During the period of active formation of ovaries, treatment is carried out twice a week with a concentrated solution.
  4. As soon as the stems and leaves have become strong and bright green, apply a universal fertilizer once a week.
  5. The number of procedures is reduced before the flowering and fruiting period. For feeding, use a weak ammonia solution and manure.

Ammonia can be combined with other fertilizers.In case of slow growth of cucumber vines, a large number of barren flowers and absence of ovaries, add phosphorus fertilizers.

Important! When a large number of barren flowers form, the cucumbers are watered with ammonia twice a week.

Feeding methods

Ammonia is used for root and foliar treatment. The drug can be used to fertilize the substrate and also feed the plants.

Under the root

The solution is used to replenish the deficiency of nitrogen involved in metabolic processes. Cucumbers especially need feeding during the active growth phase.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency:

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • formation of small leaves throughout the plant;
  • thinning and fragility of the stem;
  • disturbance of growth and flowering;
  • plant sensitivity to frost.

The first time cucumbers are fertilized with ammonia after the appearance of real 4-5 leaves. During this period, the plant begins to branch. The solution is applied at the root; the frequency of watering depends on the condition of the seedlings.

Young seedlings, as well as plants grown without seedlings, are treated with ammonia. The cucumbers are watered with the solution from a watering can without a sprayer, in a weak stream. Consumption: 1 liter of solution per bush.

Important! To protect the leaves from burns, they are sprayed with clean running water.


The purpose of foliar treatment is to quickly eliminate nitrogen starvation. The procedure is carried out using a watering can using the watering method. A spray bottle is not effective in dispersing ammonia. The working solution is unstable; during spraying, most of it evaporates.

Some vegetable growers, with severe nitrogen deficiency, use ammonia for spraying - this way the leaves quickly receive the necessary element. Use a spray bottle in the “spray” mode, but it is worth considering that most of the ammonia will remain in the air.

Leaves are also wiped with ammonia to protect against pests. During the procedure, make sure that the solution evenly covers the entire green mass.

Application against pests and diseases

Ammonia is a powerful remedy; it is used on the site and in the fight against pests and diseases. The pungent odor repels insects, and the active compounds protect against infections.

What are the benefits of feeding cucumbers with ammonia and how to use it correctly?

From pests

Ammonia is used to eliminate spider mite, aphidswhiteflies, wireworm and mole cricket. If you do not get rid of insects in time, you can lose the entire harvest.

To treat cucumbers against aphids, wipe the foliage with the following solution: 50 ml of 10% ammonia, 10 liters of water and 100-200 g of crushed laundry soap. Soap helps the solution stick to the green mass and protects it from volatilization.

Vegetable growers note that to get rid of pests, it is enough to treat with such a solution once. If, after the procedure, aphids continue to infect cucumbers, you can repeat the treatment after two weeks.

A less concentrated solution is used against wireworms and mole crickets: 1 tbsp. l. drug per 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out by spraying.

The following solution helps against whiteflies and spider mites: 10 ml of ammonia, 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap. Spray the seedlings with the product and wipe the affected areas of the plants.

For prevention

Ammonia solution protects against bacterial and viral infections. Dilute it in the proportion of 10 ml of ammonia per 10 liters of water. The liquid is used to water the soil before sowing seeds, as well as the holes when planting seedlings.

Instructions for treatment against diseases:

  1. Affected leaves and stems are removed.
  2. Prepare a solution of 50 ml of ammonia and 10 liters of water.
  3. The liquid is applied to the stem and leaves using a spray bottle in the “splash” mode.
  4. The remaining solution is watered at the root of the bush.
  5. The procedure is repeated after 10-15 days.

At the first symptoms of fungal diseases, the concentration of ammonia in the solution is reduced or switched to other fertilizers.

Precautions for use

Ammonia in its pure form is harmful to humans. An aqueous solution in contact with the skin and mucous membranes causes a burn. Therefore, when working with ammonia, you should follow the following safety rules:

  • use protective equipment: rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator;
  • When processing plants, stay on the windward side so that the solution does not get on the skin;
  • When working in the greenhouse, it is necessary to open the frames and the door;
  • Wash the area where the product comes into contact with the body with plenty of water.

Ammonia vapor may be present on the surface of the fruit, so before use, cucumbers are thoroughly washed under running water.

Important! At the first signs of poisoning, drink a glass of milk and consult a doctor.


The use of ammonia in the garden has been the subject of many years of controversy. Despite the benefits and effectiveness of the product, many do not use it due to the great danger to humans.

Vladimir, Novokubansk: «To feed cucumbers in a greenhouse, I use a universal and weakly concentrated solution of ammonia. To protect the leaves from burns, spray water on them from a spray bottle in the “fog” mode. The plants are healthy, protected from pests, and the harvest is always pleasing.”

Irina, Moscow region: “For several years I treated my cucumbers with ammonia. In the new season I decided to try new fertilizers. The result is an invasion of pests, yellowing of the foliage and falling of the ovaries. I had to return to a proven remedy.I heard that insects can develop resistance to the drug, but so far I haven’t found an alternative to ammonia.”

Ivan, Minsk: “I am against ammonia - it is toxic to humans and easily evaporates. I give preference to preparations containing nitrogen - “Urea”, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.

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Ammonia is an inexpensive pharmaceutical product popular among gardeners. Using its solution, you can not only eliminate nitrogen deficiency, but also protect plants from pests and diseases. Even a novice vegetable grower can prepare a working solution. With foliar treatment, nitrogen quickly enters the green mass of cucumbers; when watering, the plants absorb only the required amount of the element.

It is expensive to use pharmaceutical ammonia over large areas, but processing small areas allows you to get a rich and environmentally friendly harvest.

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