Planting and growing

Gooseberries are popularly called northern grapes, because they grow throughout Russia, including the regions of the Far North. Various preparations are made from the fruits of this plant, so gooseberries of varying degrees are used...

They started growing honeysuckle bushes on plots relatively recently, so many gardeners still make many mistakes. The most common is the lack of fertilizing after harvesting, which occurs at the end of May...

Orange is one of the most popular fruits in the world. Orange large citrus is characterized by a high content of vitamin C and a pleasant sweet taste. Not only its pulp is used for food, but also...

Many gardeners consider grapes to be a capricious and whimsical plant, and its cultivation is labor-intensive. In fact, if you follow certain rules, growing grapes does not bring much trouble. How to care for...

The apple tree is one of the most unpretentious fruit and berry plants. It has a long lifespan and bears fruit abundantly for several decades. Apple cuttings are easily grafted onto different trees and quickly begin to produce...

If broccoli flowers bloom, it means that it will soon turn yellow and lose its marketable quality. On hot days this happens especially quickly. All the work on growing cabbage will go down the drain if...

To store potatoes, you need to sort them. This is a very labor-intensive and painstaking process that requires considerable physical effort and time, especially if the harvest is rich. Therefore, the question becomes relevant...

Petunia is a favorite flower of many gardeners. It is easy to care for, looks luxurious and blooms all summer long. Flower growers distinguish Opera petunia and its subspecies. White, yellow, blue and pink inflorescences are arranged ...

Collecting potato seeds from berries is a troublesome and complicated procedure. If you collect, store and prepare for planting seeds according to all the rules, you will be able to get a larger potato harvest, ...