Planting and growing

Watering is the most important agrotechnical procedure in plant care. Gardeners who grow capricious peach trees on their plots are especially attentive to it. Without regular and proper soil moisture...

The sawfly is the most harmful insect, capable of reducing the yield by 95% of not only gooseberries, but also currants. Pale-footed and yellow gooseberry sawflies are dangerous. When detecting the first signs of their vital activity, it is important...

Gardeners love felt cherries for their good harvest, ease of care and beautiful compact crown. To increase fruiting, the plant is pruned not only in autumn and spring, but also in summer. If you know the technique...

Gardeners call the pear a “cunning” fruit. Today it still hangs hard on the tree, but tomorrow it lies soft on the ground. Catching the moment of perfect ripeness of pears is not easy, so many people collect or buy...

Peach is a capricious crop that requires increased attention and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. The southern fruit needs proper crown molding to maintain fruiting and strengthen the immune system. In this article we will talk about peach pruning...

Like most fruit crops, plums can be propagated artificially and naturally. Natural types of vegetative propagation include growing from seeds, using root shoots, and layering. From artificial methods (grafting, cuttings)...

Once upon a time, the peach tree was grown only in warm southern regions. Today it is often found in the central zone of the country. Summer residents grow juicy and sweet varieties on their plots, many of which appeared ...

Chinese cabbage is a tasty and healthy plant, ideal for salads. He cannot be called picky. If the rules for growing are followed, the harvest is obtained 2 times per season. However, due to some factors...

As soon as signs of aphid activity appear on the gooseberries, you need to immediately begin the fight. It refers to prolific insects, the larvae of which constantly suck juices from the plant, actively reproduce, and become carriers of infections. Aphids...