Planting and growing

Cuttings are a popular method of propagating stone fruit crops, including cherries. It allows you to preserve varietal qualities, but the percentage of rooting of wood material is not high. There are certain rules for cuttings depending on...

Gooseberries (lat. Ribes uva-crispa) are not a capricious plant, but to increase productivity it is important to choose a suitable environment for it. Experienced gardeners know that proximity to the same crops contributes to their proper and ...

Herbs and spices are a special world in cooking. The ability to use and combine them is a real art, capable of giving any dish an original and unique taste. Many seasonings have a lot of beneficial properties...

The rose is the queen of the garden, blooming all summer with white, pink, lilac and yellow buds. Experienced gardeners choose winter-hardy varieties for growing in the middle zone and northern regions. Such shrubs successfully...

Cherry plum is an unpretentious shrub that easily takes root in a new place. It is grown by generative and vegetative methods. Most gardeners prefer to propagate cherry plums from cuttings.In this case, the plants quickly take root and develop correctly...

The main pruning operations of the vine are carried out in early spring and late autumn, but the bush is formed throughout the summer. To do this, remove excess shoots. The procedure for the plant is safe and positive...

Grapes are a popular and healthy berry. It is sold all year round - clusters are imported from Turkey, Greece and Egypt, where the plant bears fruit all year round. According to nutritionists, ripened grapes contain a lot of...

To expand the area of the vineyard, as well as update old favorite varieties, there is a way to propagate grapes using green cuttings. This simple and common method can be easily mastered even by novice winegrowers. It is important to follow the procedure correctly...

Peonies are no less popular among gardeners than roses. Despite their ease of care, some gardeners cannot cope with these flowers. They either grow poorly or don’t bloom at all. ...